Sequel: Baby Don't Hurt Me
Status: Working on it! Plz comment!

Why Is It Always Me

Chapter 19

We walked downstairs in silence. I could hear people cleaning up and chairs screeching as people left. . . in a rush.Jonathan put his head down as we got closer.We pointed to the dining room and I went. Inside the dining room. . . it looked like something from a Princess movie.It was elegant yet woods like.

"Good Morning Embry."Nana said.
"Good morning to you too."I said with a fake smile.

"Would you like to talk about why you're here first or eat?"Nana asked.I didn't even miss a heartbeat."Why I'm here."I said rapidly.Everyone in the room looked at each other. That included the Sam guy,Jonathan, Nana, and another guy.

"Well first off this is Justin."Sam said. Justin just waved shyly.
"The reason why you're here is because you're pregnant with his child."Sam said he looked at Jonathan.I looked at him. Confusion was written all over my face.He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.He looked down obviously embarrassed. I could see resemblance in Jonathan and Justin.

"It wasn't his fault. Something,most likely a vampire, possessed him.We don't know why they used him and why they chose you.Do you know?" he asked. I shook my head. My heart began to beat really fast. I don't know anybody who could have done this.Make him beat me and make him rape me!?
"I-i don't know."I said.
"One more thing the reason why we s mell so different is because we were all once protectors of La Push. . . until we got all got bitten by vampires."Sam said slowly to me.
Nana smiled at me."Come on sweetheart I'll let you call your mama."She said as she helped me up. I was pretty shooken up.

"Yes I'm fine.. . No they're nice. . . mom no. . .Okay I have to go bye."I hung up before she could say anything.I wasn't aloud to call her for more than 5 minutes or else they could track us down.
4 Months Later:
I giggled as I saw Hugh and Justin wrestle. It reminded me of when Seth and Quil use to fight for the last muffin.
Except these two were fighting over who gets to show me around next week. Nana walked in the living and scolded at the both of them."You two get up and go to your rooms.You guys won't be able to show her anywhere next week. . . she's to close."Nana said. The two stood up and left with their heads bowed down. I giggled even more.

"sweetie you feeling good."She asked as she put her hand on my swollen belly. I nodded.
"I believe it's best if you and Jonathan talk. . ."She started. I nodded.
"He's waiting for you upstairs. . . in the oval room."She smiled. I got up slowly and headed upstairs.The good thing was the room was right behind the stairs. I went towards it. It had double doors as well.It was made out of maple wood and it was dark. I got the old Victorian style door knob and opened it.
Inside was Jonathan he was next to a small old piano.He looked up at me and smiled.He didn't talk much, Just like Embry. I smiled at him.He went up to me nervously.
"it wasn't my fault I swear. . ."I stopped him.
"it's fine I understand."I told him he nodded.I looked at the piano.It reminded me of how my father used to play with me and Nessie. The room was huge and was shaped like an oval. It looked very enchanting. There was a spiral stairs going around the long room. It went up to the top.I could see there was a secret room up there because there was an opening up there. I looked back at Jonathan.
He had been looking at me the whole time.He smiled at me. I smiled back.
"When you aren't pregnant and you're stronger I'll show you what's up there."He said to me.
before I could say anything I felt a horrible pain in my stomach"oww."I muttered Jonathan's eyes got wide.

"We should go."He said as he helped me out. The pain became more intense.
I was in the hospital and the pain kept on getting worse.They wouldn't give me any of the pain killers or else I would die or the baby. I wanted to scream in pain. I was sweating and I knew I looked horrible.
"Emalie you just have to go through this for a few more hours."Jonathan said as he tried to calm me down.
"Hours?"I screeched. I wanted to cry.I could tell he didn't know what to do. So he just let me hold his hand.
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I added to my characters list!
Oh and on more thing
Thank you to:
already insane