Sequel: Baby Don't Hurt Me
Status: Working on it! Plz comment!

Why Is It Always Me

Chapter 20

After 10 more hours of pain I began to cry. Sam said he couldn't have me deliver him because I wasn't ready I just needed to dilate 2 more inches.
"Hey every thing's going to be fine.Just try to relax.I'm right here."Jonathan said as he tried to comfort me.
"I want my Uncle Jasper.He'll help."I said as he held me too close.
"Why don't you tell me about your family?"He suggested.
I began to tell him about La Push and Forks. Some how it made me feel a tad bit better.
"Okay you can push now." Sam said as he had a nurse close by.I pushed.No luck. I pushed again.I held on to the railing on the bed and Jonathan's hand for support.I was sweating bullets and all I could concentrate on was the horrible pain. I finally stopped then i heard a cry.I began to breath again.Big heavy breaths.
I kept on hearing the cries of my child. Is it a boy or girl?I thought to myself.The crying stopped as I felt a small warm bundle being handed to me. I looked down and picked it up lightly.The child looked so much like Jonathan.All I did was smile at the child as I held it.

"it's a baby boy."I heard someone whisper.I smiled.
"What are you going to name him?'Jonathan asked. I didn't know.
". . . Jasper. . . Jasper Embry Rodriguez."I said. He looked at me and smiled.
"Do you want to hold him?"I asked him. he looked at me and nodded. I gave him Jasper as careful as possible.He held him carefully and smiled.
We were in our room now. I looked at Jasper who had been crying. i didn't know how to shut him up. I was at the verge of tears. Jonathan came up to me and took the child.
"You need to rest."He said. i nodded. Before I went to change I looked at Jonathan.
"Why do you care about me?" I asked.He looked up from jasper and looked into my eyes as If trying to search something.
"Because. . . I imprinted on you."
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