Sequel: Baby Don't Hurt Me
Status: Working on it! Plz comment!

Why Is It Always Me


Alice carried the two children
Jacob came running in.
"Where's Bella is she okay?" He sked rapidly. They didn't answer.
"Can I atleast see the child?" He asked.
Edward was with Bella."Yes." Alice siad. Alice handed him Renesme. He froze when he saw the child. He imprinted on her. Alice smiled at Jacob. Edward came out a few minutes later.
"We have to wa-"Edward looked at Jacob. He was mad but glad. He saw that he imprinted on his first child.Leaving the second child out of everything. Alice held her. Unnoticed by Edward a split second.

He went up to the child and smiled. He wasn't confused at all. He knew exactly what her gift was. The power to change her looks.

12 Hours Later:
Jacob didn't want to leave his new imprint alone but he couldn't. . . he wouldn't. He ignored the other child while he played with Renesmee.

Alice stayed with the other child the whole time. Not once leaving the special child's side.

"Bella should be wakeing up soon." Edward murmured as he looked as his new children. He knew Renesmee was probably going to be named dangerous, but maybe Emalie wasn't.
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Just re-writing!