Sequel: Baby Don't Hurt Me
Status: Working on it! Plz comment!

Why Is It Always Me


"She's up." Edward said rapidly. He got up and went upstairs. Jacob smiled.

"Renesmee you're about to meet your mommy." He whispered. She smiled. He set down Renesmee down immediatly. He turned around to face Bella. She was angry.

"You imprinted on my daughter!"She yelled.

"Bella please don't get angry. It's natural what I feel for Nessie. . ."

"YOU NAMED MY DAUGHTER AFTER THE LOCHNESS MONSTER!"Bella yelled. She was about to attack him but Seth got in the middle of both of them. Edward calmed her down.

"Let me see my children." She said softly.

"Here's Renesmee." Edward handed her her first child. Bella cooed at her first child.

"And Here is the other one." Jasper said holding the second child. Bella painfully gave up her first child to Jacob. She picked up her second child.

She looked at her thoughtfully"Why does she have Quileute resembalance?" She asked.

"She has the power to change herself." Edward told Bella. She nodded.

9 Months Later:

"They pose a threat we can't let you let them live." Sam yelled at Bella.

"Please they don't harm us at all, Sam please understand. We'll let you see yourself." Edward said.

"Where are they then." Paul said. Alice showed them where to go. He took them up Bella's new home and into a wide room which the girls shared. Renesmee wasn't there but Emalie was there. She was reading a book with Jasper.

"Come in." She said softly reading the book. She looked like a 3 year old already. Her sister looked like a 4 year old.

Edward left Paul, Sam,Jarred and Embry with her and Jasper.

She looked up. She looked just like them making them freeze. She looked at Embry and smiled. She began to swing her feet softly. Her hair changed from curly to straight. Her characteristics began to change to look like Embry's.

"Hi."She said.

"hello."Embry smiled.

"I'm Emalie what are your names?" She asked as she sat next t Jasper.

"I'm Sam this is Jarred Paul and Embry."He said.

"My middle name is Embry too." She smiled.
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Sorry haven't updated in a while. Please comment and subscribe! Re-writing!