Sequel: Baby Don't Hurt Me
Status: Working on it! Plz comment!

Why Is It Always Me


"Well see you in P.E."I told my sister as I headed through the doors."What?We're not going to lunch togethor?" My sister asked. I shook my head."I'm failing History."I murmered.

"Well stop drawing in that class and maybe you'll get something done in that class." My sister demanded. I nodded and left . As I entered the school a hand came over my shoulder. I groaned.

"Come on. Go out with me Emalie." I heard his annoying voice say. I looked up to him and smiled. The boy was too determined to get in my pants.

"No. Sorry." I said quietly and left him. I ran to my locker. Steven always pissed me off. Always getting all the girls and trying to get in my pants.

I unlocked my locker and put my back pack inside. I rapidly put in everything after I saw people coming in. I shut my locker. Too late."Hey Cullen." I heard the preppy voice. I sighed. I smiled and turned to face the doom squad(Cheerleaders)."Well hello Cruela." I smiled. She stopped smiling and snarled. I wasn't afraid i just didn't want to get kicked out of school.

"Look I really don't want to destroy your life. But if you agree with me and you don't want to lie in misery you'll help me and do my homework, and you'll give me tat phone numer of the hot guy your with in La Push. The Emroy guy."Leslie said. I rolled my eyes. Not again.

"Look it's Embry and I guess I'll just have to live with you and your group of whores." I said in a taunting voice. She pushed me down. I got up immediatly and pushed her back.

Let the games begin.


"Oww. Emmett.That hurts."I said as Emmett pressed the ice against my eye. Got one mild black eye.Two bruises. And a mild concusion. Not so bad ffor 1 against 7.

"Oww it's gonna hurt when your mom picks you up.Your parents are going to kill you" Emmett laughed. I groaned. We were in the hospital where my grandpa treated me. Oh I was going to get it this time."But Emmett they started it." I whined.

''Well you didn't stop. Sorry short stuff. You're in it big time." Emmett laughed.

"You well not play with any of the animals, no t.v., no games, no going outside, no hanging out with your friends and no going to La Push." My mom said angrily.

"But mom. . ." I began. I felt tears coming up. I couldn't finish the sentence because I knew I would start crying.

"Aren't you being a bit to harsh Bella. She was only protecting herself." My dad began.

"No I had enough with her she should be responsible by now." My mom growled at my father."Go to your room now." My mom said. I went up the stairs slowly than haulted.

"If it was Renesmee you would have gone easier on her. You know it's true." I said and left.