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…I cannot speak, I’ve lost my voice…

“Christian, wake the fuck up. Your fucking arm is right over my chest, and it’s heavy as fuck,” I heard my cousin Tré tell me. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Tré trying to push my arm off of him. His hair was messy and he looked really pissed.

Tré lives in a single room apartment. And when I mean single room, I mean he only has one room for everything. In this apartment room, there is a stove, microwave, a mini fridge, a stereo, drum kit, something that is apparently a TV, a mat that he uses to sleep on, and a closet. I didn’t want to have to share a bed with Tré, but I really didn’t want to sleep on the floor either.

Tré got a sudden smirk on his face as he rolled onto his belly and in a very tiny voice he said, “Hey baby, you were amazing last night.” I pushed him away as he laughed and got up. God, I didn’t like him messing with me like that when I know he’s bi and we both slept with our shirts off and only our boxers on. It scares the shit out of me.

Suddenly I felt a soft black shirt hit my face, making me temporary blind. “Get dressed. You want me to make you something for breakfast?” I heard Tré ask me, still messing with me. Oh, I could just see him smiling face now, knowing that he just pissed me off.

I ripped the t-shirt off of my face to see Tré already had a The Who t-shirt on, but he still had his blue boxers on for pants. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and my cousin shot me a look that said, get dressed now.

I struggled to get on the tight black Affliction shirt on before Tré answered the door. The shirt was obviously one of his so it was a size too small on me. I’m not a fat or muscular guy, I’m just really tall.

“Adrienne, what are you doing here?” I heard Tré say as I finally pulled the shirt over my head. I looked over to the door to see my cousin standing with a black and brown haired girl. She was wearing loose, baggy blue jeans and a plain black tank top. Her hair was in a big ponytail and she had big brown eyes. Not the best looking girl ever, but not the worse. She looked upset as she stormed into the apartment.

“Tré, it’s been over a year since I’ve heard from Billie. I’ve been thinking about him more and more each day, and it’s driving me insane. I thought that maybe you’ve heard from him.”

The crazy chick sounded like she was going to have a heart attack and she was pacing everywhere in the room. She didn’t even seem to notice me in the corner of the room, still sitting on the mat. And my mind couldn’t help but wonder who Billie is.

Tré stopped the chick from pacing by wrapping his arms around her and comforting her. Tears slowly fell from her eyes as she hugged him back. This was one side I haven’t seen of Tré. Usually he’s crazy and rude and annoying…but now he’s caring and sweet. I couldn’t wait to see how this plays out…

“Adrienne, sh! I’m sorry but I haven’t heard from him, but he’s probably busy or something…but please don’t think he doesn’t love you. He told me before he left that breaking up with you was the hardest thing he’s ever done. And he was in tears when he said that…” Tré softly told the girl. She seemed to cry harder but she muffled her crying by putting her face into Tré’s shoulder. He put on her head and brushed her hair softly. I felt bad for the chick, but it also felt awkward cause I honestly didn’t know her.

Without any warning, the gray apartment door burst opened. I jumped and Tré and the girl jumped away from each other, freaked out.

“Guess who’s back Tré…” A guy with black hair and green eyes and a leather jacket yelled as he busted through the door. But his voice faded when his eyes locked on the moody girl. His green suddenly got soft and the girl got really calm. Then suddenly smiles broke on both of their faces as they ran at each other, just like it the movies.



The embraced each other in a hug; the guy lifted the girl off of the ground and spun her around. The girl buried her face in the punk rocker’s shoulder, but I could hear her say, “Please don’t ever leave me again.”

“I promise, I won’t,” The guy whispered as his head rested on her shoulder when he set her back down. By now, two other people had stepped into the room. One a taller guy and one shorter girl. Geez, any more people in this fucking apartment, and it’ll explode.

Everybody had a smile on their face when the couple pulled away except for me and the smaller girl in the room. In fact, the smaller girl looked more upset than just like bored or something. What’s her deal?

“Tré, it’s great to see you again!” Finally the taller guy exclaimed. Everybody seemed to lighten up, even me, except for that small girl. I don’t know why but I’m the kind of guy who can sense pretty much everyone’s feelings, no matter how much they try to hide it.

“Ha, right back at ya! Hey guys, I want to introduce you guys to my cousin, Christian,” Tré motioned toward me, and I finally stood up from the corner. All eyes stared at me, and I got a few waves from the guys. Only then did I realize that I was still in my boxers. Fucking great…

“Christian, this is Billie Joe and his girlfriend, Adrienne,” Tré pointed to the rock couple, who were holding hands. “And this is Mike, and his little sister Gloria,” Tré then pointed to the taller guy and the smaller girl.

I gave a small wave and quietly said, “Hey.” I honestly don’t know why but I was shy off of my ass. Probably because Tré is trying to force friendships with me and that’s the last thing I’m looking for.

“So guys, what are you guys doing back in sweet Jingle-“ Tré started but was interrupted when Gloria yelled out, “Since when did you get a girlfriend?” All heads turned towards her, mostly in confusion. Who the fuck is she talking about?

“Gloria, Adrienne was my girlfriend for over six months before we moved away. I broke up with her because I didn’t feel like our love would survive over the long distance, but,” Billie’s green eyes sparkled as he turned his head to meet Adrienne’s brown eyes, “I was so fucking wrong. I didn’t call cause I didn’t want to get attached again. I’m so sorry for that Adrienne. I realize now that my beating heart belongs to you, and that’ll love you till the end of time.” Billie had completely forgotten that he had been talking to Gloria. All his attention was on Adrienne, whose eyes were glistening with tears.

After Billie’s speech, Gloria just broke down in tears and ran out of the apartment room. Everyone mouth hung open, in shock or confusion.

“Sorry guys, I’ll go see what’s wrong with her,” Mike told the group as he left the room to chase after his sister. The room then got deadly quiet.

I didn’t need to know the group long to figure this out. Gloria had something with Billie, that something I don’t know, but obviously she didn’t know about Adrienne, and that made her upset. I don’t know I’m just about as confuse as everybody else. I just got here in East Bay, or Cingletown, or whatever the fuck they call it, and there is already drama.

I should have just stayed in the hell hole I was in back at home in the Murder City AKA Las Vegas.

…I’m speechless and redundant, cause I love you’s not enough, I’m lost for words…
♠ ♠ ♠
I still need to know whether this story is crap or not. Please comment and let me know!