‹ Prequel: Forget About It
Status: Finished!


Chapter Thirteen

Jack's P.O.V.

The waitress arrived with our food nearly half an hour later.

I knew that Alex was texting Kaser intensely the entire time. It wasn’t hard to figure out because he basically starred at her none stop. Kasey though, seemed to ignore it all. It made me feel a lot better. That she wasn’t trying to be with him anymore.

You know I love Jack and that won’t ever change, Kaser’s words echoed in my head.
They made me smile, just for a slight second, but it told me that not all hopes were lost with her.

I was half in and half out the conversation flowing across the table, mostly I was thinking about Kaser.

Why did she really come back to America?

It wasn’t because of Alex; she did reject him last night.

If it was for me, why doesn’t she want to talk to me? Or was I really ignoring her? Is it my instinct telling me she’s trouble?

I know I did something wrong the week before Kaser left, but she didn’t know about that. How was she supposed to? She wasn’t even close to the bus that night. She was watching the set of Breathe Carolina, I knew because she was too excited about it. She hadn’t shut up about seeing them that night for an entire week prior. She couldn’t have known. No one knew about Tay and me, right?

I took a chance to look over at Kaser and caught her starring at me; she smiled and blushed, then looked down. I wanted to sit next to her, just so I could lift her chin and let her know that she was the most beautiful girl on this earth. That she should keep her eyes open and her smile bright because they suited her beautifully -

“Jack,” Zack nudged me.

I jerked and shot him a look.

“Sorry, but I think it’s creepy when you stare at her that intensely for a mere five minutes.”

“Oh – uhm – yeah.” I agreed in embarrassment.

I quickly looked back at Kaser, who was head over heels into the conversation and so I joined the conversation on my table.

Everything was going mighty fine until Kaser went to the bathroom and didn’t return for a good fifteen minutes.

When I realized that something must be wrong, I caught Alex already walking into the ladies room.

Fucking great, do they have to do it right in fucking front of me?

I wanted to follow, but first of all, I didn’t need to see this and second of all, I didn’t want to cause more drama.

My fists began to clench, but before anything else happened, Kaser sprinted out of the restaurant, crying, and Alex panted after her.

“Got It!” He yelled before he tried sprinting after her.

I thought about every possible situation that could have just happened.

But none of them pleased me enough to be calm about this.