Dear Blank


Sophie gripped her cell phone in her clammy fingers as she stared at the number she was about to phone. She had been sitting in this very spot trying to find the courage to click on the number for over an hour. Her hand was shaking as she thought about the situation she was in. She didn’t know how to tell him. First of all, she didn’t even know him that well. She’d met him two months ago and now, whether either one of them liked it or not, they were linked to each other forever. This was something that she was going through with regardless of what Jordan Eberle said to her. This was something she was going through with regardless of what anyone said to her.

Sophie had met Jordan at a party. They were both quite drunk, but not enough that either one of them had forgotten the events of that night. That night had changed her life, and it was about to change his as well. The only difference was that he was oblivious to the life that was growing inside of her; the life that he had a part in creating. Yes, Sophie Decker and Jordan Eberle were going to be parents this coming July.

Sophie never planned on this happening and she was damn sure that it hadn’t been Jordan’s intention either. She always wanted to have children. She didn’t necessarily plan on waiting until she was married, but she certainly planned on being in love with the father or her babies. She’d never in a million years thought she’d be having a baby with a man that she didn’t even know if she liked.

She took a deep breath and finally managed to call Jordan; her heart sinking deep down into her chest. Each ring that went through felt like an eternity to Sophie.

“Sophie?” She heard Jordan answer. “Hey! How’s it goin?” Jordan had seen Sophie a few times since the night they’d met. She’d crossed his mind from time to time. He’d had a great time with her that night. To be honest he wanted to do it again. She was a gorgeous girl and the fact that she seemed to not give a shit whether he was around or not made her that much more appealing to him. Jordan had no room in his life for a girlfriend. He had no room whatsoever in his life for any commitment other than hockey, but he wouldn’t turn down another night like the one they’d had a couple months ago.

“Uhm...” Jordan could hear the shakiness in Sophie’s voice and he held the phone closer to his ear as he put all his concentration on what Sophie was trying to say. “’s just..”

“Soph...are you okay?” He asked, sounding genuinely concerned. Sophie couldn’t help the wave of emotion that flooded her. She broke down in tears, sobbing into the phone. “Hey!” Jordan soothed. “What’s going on?!”

“Jordan I need to talk to you.”

“Okay.” He stated trying to sound as understanding as he possibly could. Whatever was going on with her was obviously serious; especially if she was calling him for help. “I’m listening.”

“No. I need to talk to you in person.” She told him. This was something that could simply not be done over a phone call. “Are you busy? Could you come to my place?”

“Uh..” Jordan began, running his hand over the back of his neck. “Yah. I’m not busy.” Sophie gave Jordan her address and he assured her that he would be on his way. Jordan hung up, utterly confused, as he slipped into his winter jacket and made his way out into the bitterly cold late November air. Sophie placed her phone on the coffee table in front of her and continued to cry. She had no idea what was going to happen when she told him she was pregnant. She didn’t know how he was going to handle it, and to be completely honest she wasn’t sure how she was going to handle it. She had been sick for the past month, throwing up daily and exhausted no matter how much sleep she had gotten. She had gone to get a pregnancy test this morning and had only managed to get around to it an hour and a half ago. It’s amazing how taking out the garbage, cleaning out her fridge, and sorting through the boxes that had been sitting in her spare bedroom for months unopened suddenly seemed like fun. She had found anything to do rather than take that test because she already knew. She knew before she bought it that she was pregnant. Now she just needed to tell Jordan.

When a knock came to her apartment door Sophie jumped. She got to her feet and crossed the apartment to the door. She glanced in the mirror on the wall next to it. Jesus she looked like hell. She wiped at the black mascara stains that were lining her face from the many tears she had been crying for the past couple of hours. “Sophie!” Jordan called as his fist banged on her door yet again. She reached for the door knob and slowly opened her front door. “Hey..” Jordan trailed off at his first glimpse her. Sophie’s blonde hair was pulled back from her face in a limp, lifeless ponytail. Her face was pale and tearstained. Her pretty blue eyes were bright red; further evidence that she had been breaking her heart crying for some time now. Jordan stepped into the apartment, shutting the door behind him. The minute Sophie saw Jordan’s concerned expression she broke down yet again, pushing her face into her hands. God she had been such an emotional basket case lately! Jordan, rather than saying anything, pulled Sophie into his arms. He was at a loss for words. It wasn’t as if he and Sophie were friends. They’d hung out a few times, but they weren’t in regular contact. He had no idea why she would be calling him, of all people, to help her out and he had no idea what to say to make her feel better. He just smoothed his hand over her hair as she sobbed against his chest.

“What is it Sophie?” He asked, finally. She pulled back from him, allowing her eyes to meet his as she bit her bottom lip. He couldn’t help but feel for her. She looked so terrified and so completely grief stricken as she looked up at him.

“I’m pregnant.” She muttered.

Jordan took a deep breath. He nodded. This wasn’t the end of the world. Sure it would be hard for her being so young, but people did it all the time. He knew that Sophie had no family anywhere close to here so that would be an obstacle for her to overcome but she could do it. “Oh, Sophie! It’s okay! You’re going to have a beautiful baby! You should be happy!” He told her with a smile. “Stop crying.” He ordered as he wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Have you told the daddy yet?”

Sophie stared at Jordan. Could he really be that stupid?! Did he really think she had called him there to comfort her while she cried and help her find her baby daddy? If that was what she needed she would have called one of her friends. “You’re the daddy.” She told him, trying not to sound as bitter as she felt. “It’s your baby, Jordan.” She told him plain and simple, and then she watched as all the colour drained from his normally cheerful face.
♠ ♠ ♠
comments?? thoughts?? please share them.
this is going to be a slightly different story that many others about this guy.
im probably going to make you hate him just a little bit. much as anyone could hate this guy.

PLEASE if you've come this far let me know you were here :)<3