Dear Blank


“It’s your baby Jordan.” Sophie told him simply, but there was not one simple thing about that statement. Jordan could feel the blood draining from his face as his heart settled deep in his chest and hung there like it was filled with lead. Did she really just say what he thought she’d said? His eyes stared at her for a moment trying to piece it together. Sophie was pregnant. She was claiming that it was his. Jordan rubbed the back of his head as he let out a long stream of air and paced the narrow apartment hallway. “Jordan…I..”

“It can’t be mine.” Jordan blurted as he whirled to face her, arms flailing about in what kind of emotion, he wasn’t sure. He was scared shitless at the thought of it. He was furious that this girl that he barely knew was trying to pin her kid on him. The only thing he knew about Sophie Decker was that he had gotten her out of her clothes and on her back without even needing to add an ounce of effort. Now she stood there in front of him, hands defiantly on her hips looking at him like he was the piece of shit in this situation. “Jesus, Sophie!” He exclaimed. “It was like, two months ago! I’d be willing to bet anything that there have been other guys since me!” He accused.

“Since you there’s been one guy!” She was crying now. Who the fuck was he to be insinuating that she was easy? She was far from it! Sophie had walls. She had never let anyone get close to her without them proving to her that they wanted and deserved to be let in. Jordan was Sophie throwing caution to the wind. He was her going with the flow, kicking back and being spontaneous. Not to mention he was sexy as fuck and she was drunk.

“Well there you go!” Jordan yelled. “Why don’t you go call him up and..”

“I’m nine weeks pregnant.” She told him and Jordan immediately racked his brain trying to figure out when they had been together. It was just before the season had started which meant it was sometime in September. His heart dropped even lower when he realized that it had been about nine weeks since they’d slept together. “I’ve only just recently gotten with..”

“I need to sit down.” Jordan mumbled as he went for the couch in the living room. He didn’t want to listen to her talk anymore and he was finding it hard to stand when the room was spinning. Sophie watched Jordan plop down on her couch with his head in his hands. She knew that this was going shake up his whole world.

“Jordan I know that this is hard. Trust me, I’ve been trying to figure this out myself but you need to know that I didn’t plan this. I never ever wanted..” Jordan let out a sarcastic laugh.

“Are you kidding me?! Are you fucking kidding me??” He practically screamed. “You didn’t plan this?! The fuck you didn’t. This is exactly what you wanted.” He spat furiously. He was her meal ticket. She got knocked up with his kid to ride him for the next eighteen years. Sophie all but jumped to her feet and stormed from the living room. She had never in her life felt the sudden surge of anger as she did right then. She got to the door, grabbed the handle and pulled it open with such force that the knob smacked loudly against the wall behind it.

“Get out.” She spat.

“Sophie,” Jordan began as he got to his feet. “This..”

“Get the fuck out, Jordan. Now!” She cried furiously. “I don’t need this right now! I don’t need your bullshit and I certainly don’t need you for anything. So maybe you should get off your high horse and grow the fuck up.” Jordan stood there staring her in the eyes. He so badly wanted to bolt through that open door and never look back. That’s what he needed to do. “Get out. We don’t need you.” Jordan glanced at his feet for a split second then turned and darted from Sophie’s apartment not once looking back.

Late April

“Oooh!” Sophie mumbled as she rubbed her right hand over her protruding belly. This child was seriously putting her through some torture today. She had tiny feet wedged into her ribs all day long and they were kicking her relentlessly. “I swear this child hates me.” Sophie informed her best friend, Lauren, as she put a jug of orange juice into the cart that Lauren was pushing.

“She doesn’t hate you, Soph!” Lauren quickly replied. “She’s just got her mommy’s attitude, that’s all.” Sophie smirked at the thought of her daughter being anything like her. “Maybe you’re just pissing her off with your moodiness.”

“You bitch!” Sophie exclaimed with a laugh. “I’m seven months pregnant. Forgive me if I am a little moody. You have no idea what it’s like to be carrying a watermelon under your shirt. A watermelon that sits on your bladder, kicks you in the ribs and makes you crave tuna sandwiches all the goddamn time.” Lauren laughed and wrapped her arms around her before kissing the side of her very flustered face.

“It sucks.” She stated. “I know. But she will be so worth it.” Lauren informed her as she continued down the aisle with the cart. Sophie rested her hand on her belly, smiling. She knew that her daughter would absolutely be worth it.

“Sophie?” She heard a familiar, deep voice question. She turned around and his eyes nearly popped out of his head as they set on her stomach. Sophie was all belly so it was quite dramatic when she turned to the side. From behind she looked like she had seven months ago. From the front she looked like she was about ready to pop that kid out at any second. “Wow. I, uh…congratulations!” He stuttered out of obvious shock.

“Thanks Taylor.” She replied with a grin. It had been forever since she’d seen him. When Sophie moved to Edmonton she had run into him at the restaurant she was working at. He had been a regular and they had developed a short lived little friendship that neither one of them put a whole lot of effort into.

“You look good!” He informed her, and she did. Her complexion was flawless, her hair was silky and shiny and she simply glowed. Pregnancy looked good on Sophie. “Who’s the lucky guy? Do I know him?” He asked out of curiosity as he shifted the grocery basket from his right hand to his left. She couldn’t help but scoff at his question. So Jordan hadn’t even told his best friend about this? Sophie shook her head at how he was able to walk out of her apartment back in November and never once try to get in touch with her. Not even just to check in and make sure that she was okay. Obviously he had been able to move on perfectly and it just turned her stomach. “What?” He questioned. “Did I…am I missing something?”

“Yah.” She replied and he could tell that whatever it was, she was livid about it. “Yah you’re missing something.”

“What is it?” Her normally bright blue eyes were becoming glossy and Taylor could tell that she was just moments from bursting into tears. “Sophie, what’s going on?!” She shook her head and looked up through her eyelashes in an effort to stop the tears. She was not going to let herself become an emotional wreck in the middle of a grocery store spilling her life’s problems to Taylor.

“Why don’t you go ask your bff? Maybe he’ll fill you in but since he hasn’t yet I doubt he ever will.” She spat as she turned and left Taylor standing in front of the juice fridges staring after her in complete and utter confusion.
♠ ♠ ♠
uh ohhhh ;)

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