Sequel: Trust Me
Status: Completed! Can I get one more Subscriber so its 40 instead of 39... It bugs me because i'm sooo close!!

I am the Fallen

The Council

"Ah, son I see you have returned." He looked more closely. "With a human?!" My father boomed.

"Yes Father." I spat his name. "I had something to ask the council."

"Wait." The stout angel named Zael said. "You halo," He pointed. "Some of the broken pieces have rejoined." The council gasped.

"Well that happened when I told him, Kaine, that I was falling for him. Which I am, and I'm not afraid to admit it to you." After I said that a weird feeling came over to me. I heard the council gasp. I probably had a seriously confused look in my eyes.

"More of your halo bonded together." Kaine said as he grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. I smiled at him and hugged him.

"Order!" My Father called. "Now what did you really come to ask?"

"This boy, Kaine, this mere human, can see my wings and halo when I hide them from human eyes." I explained projecting my voice in the big court-like room.

"Prove it." My Father boomed, just as I had earlier. I nodded. I tuck my wings in and hid them from human view.

"As you see they are hidden." I said. Every angel in the room nodded.

"Now Kaine," I said softly. "Can you see my wings." I was looking into his eyes so he saw me and only me.

"Yes, just like before." He nodded.

"Prove it." I sad smiling slyly at him. He smiled back. He reach out behind me, grabbed my wing and began to extend it. Everyone in the room gasped. Kaine began stroking my wing.

"Mmm." I hummed. Whenever he did that to my wing it drove me crazy... In a good way.

"This is truly extraordinary." Kael, breathed.

"So, you're saying this human," My Father spat it. "Can see the true you in your hidden form and is slowly causing your halo to reform."


"That is preposterous!" He spat through his teeth.

"No, it is not." A voice boomed from no where. "This boy is meant to be an angel." Suddenly a halo fell out of nowhere and landed on Kaine's head.

"Wha-?" Suddenly he began screaming in pain. I rushed over to him and held him.

"What did you do to him?" I shouted upward.

"Why I simply made him an angel. His wings are coming in now, which is why he is screaming. He will also fall but he halo will mirror yours. For now you must work on piecing it back together."

There was a sudden agonizing scream, and Kaine collapsed into my arms. Giant white wings sprouted from his back. Just when I thought it was over his halo began to crack and his wings turned black. Silent tears fell from my eyes, I had damned him to the life I dreaded.

"I thought you would like this..." The voice trailed off.

"No, I've lived this life for over 9,000 years. I wouldn't want to damn anyone else to it. If he had to live through what I had, I-I-I don't know what I would do. No one deserves this. Especially not some poor kid I just happen to fall in love with!" The feeling from before cursed through me.

"Good job, you now have half a halo, you'll be back here in no time.I would prefer you to like women... But with your father neglect and being raised by Angela I will ignore it for you and whomever you choose." Kaine's halo disappeared but his wings didn't.

"What about his wings?" I called out

"He gets to keep them. He is not any normal human for being able to see your wings, and he deserves a pair of his own. Now for some long over due justice. Michael, a women shall never again bare you a son."

"But, Master." My father pleaded.

"No buts!" The voice boomed. "Now Shade, if you don't make it to heaven by the end of Kaine's life time, I will make him an angel. Got it?"

"Yes, sir!" I said and began to shake Kaine. "Wake up! I'm not carrying you home when you have your own pair of wings." Everyone began laughing. Then Kaine began to stir.

"Shadey..." He groaned. "My back feels funny."

"That's 'cause you have wings, silly." I smiled at him.

"Really! But I'm not an angel!" He asked confused.

"Consider it a gift." The voice boomed.

"Thank you!" Kaine said and stood up. Then he took my hand.

"Your wings are more muscles in your back... Try using them." I told him. It turned out Kaine was a natural. I took his hand and led him back to my home. When we got home there was an hour until our date and Kaine as panicking. He had completely forgotten he had wings...

Next stop... Date Night.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have another day off tomorrow because its the last day before spring break, and the first BC basketball team to make semi-finals game is tomorrow... It's my High School too :)
So the school doesn't think they will make their 75% attendance and we don't have school!!!

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