Sequel: Trust Me
Status: Completed! Can I get one more Subscriber so its 40 instead of 39... It bugs me because i'm sooo close!!

I am the Fallen

Angels! Angels! Everywhere!

"I know." Kaine's mother said, as if she heard people were fallen angels left and right.

"Whaaa? H-how?" I couldn't form a coherent sentence.

"Never mind that." She brushed off my question. "How are we going to get my little boy back?"

"I followed the truck that carried Kaine to this large warehouse building. I'm currently sitting on top of it.

"Alright, just leave his phone there when you hang up. I have the GPS app to find anyone in my family's phone. So what were you even going to do?" She said in a nonchalant tone, for the first time I noticed some sound in the background, it sounded like a TV.

"Well I was going to find a way in... And hopefully save him, but I don't know now."

"Oh my god!" She suddenly screamed, it seemed like she didn't hear anything I said.

"What!?" I was nervous now, that sound was probably the news filming something about Kaine.

"Here I'll send you the clip, I have to go, I'll be there soon! Don't do anything stupid until I get there, I don't want you getting hurt as well." There was a click and she was gone. Kaine's phone made a funny sound, the clip had arrived.

"Behind me we have the cage in which the angel is kept in. The angel is somehow hiding himself from human eyes, and he won't talk.. So the scientists are having a hard time getting any information out of him, concerning the other angel." She brought a man to her side. "So, you were saying there is a way to see him. Could you tell us how?"

"Well, we have normal red lazer lights that cover every inch of the cage. When we hit the on button it makes him visible." I noticed the man had explained the process very little. He actually didn't give any information at all.

It was like, 'How do you make them visible?' 'Well we have these red lights, we just make him visible.'

"Alright. Well, let's get a look at this angel." The man nodded and turned on the red lights. There was a sound of something warming up then a giant flash of light. It was a shock. I heard Kaine scream in in pain, he fell from somewhere in the cage and hit the ground with a thud. He as knocked out and laying on his stomach. From here on it was live and they were trying to flip Kaine over without breaking his wing. I watched as they tried to move his limp form, it made me angry that they would treat him like that. We were better than they were. They were nothing to us, they should respect us not lock us up in a cage and pump electricity into our bodies just so they can see us.

I let out a shriek of rage, it tore through the night and shook the building.

"What was that?" The reporter asked. She was obviously scared, probably that the roof was going to collapse.

"He's here." The scientist smiled.

"Who's here?" The reported asked, confused.

"He must have been watching the video on his phone. He's gonna be pissed when he gets in." The man kept rambling.

"Who is he?" She asked him again.

"The black winged angel." He said with a smile. I could hear them talking through the cement ceiling. I punched it right where I guessed their heads were. I watched the video as a small chunk of cement fell from the ceiling and landed on the scientist. Why aim for the reporter when all she was doing was trying to find the truth? She had also screamed when they shocked him. What she said next surprised me.

"As you can all see this is torture is not deserved by anyone. What if you were locked and shocked anytime you wanted to hide? This boy is a person like us. Sure he may have wings, but if anything that makes him better than us. He can do things others we can't. He's meant to be free and with his friend." She stopped to take a breath. "Think of him without the wings. He's just some poor teenage boy locked up in a cage. Every time the need to see him they almost kill him with electricity. If this was your brother, son, or even sister would you stand for it?" She asked seriously.

"This was Trisha Nealson, good night." She sighed and the anchors came back on.

I set the phone on the roof and pounded through the roof. I couldn't wait for his mom to get here. It had to be done now.


Kaine's POV

There was blackness. It was like I was suspended in the blackness. No way to move, or speak or call out to Shade for help. I was just existing, if that. Then there was a loud sound, it sounded like the smashing of concrete. It startled me.

I felt my eyes open slowly. Shade was standing infront of me, well I thought it was him, all I could see was someone crouched with giant black wings.. The scientist man was laying on the ground surrounded my ruble.

"Have you come to save him?" The reporter asked.

"Yes, and I heard what you said. Thank you." That voice was definately Shade's; so smooth and sexy. "If you don't make it to heaven, which I highly doubt. I will personally escort you there." I heard the smile in his voice.

"Thank you." She said timidly and blushed.

"I'm also pretty sure something good will happen to you soon." With that he turned around to me.

"Sh....adey." I manage to whisper.

"Kaine! Are you okay?" He asked with so much worry in his voice I could taste it.

"Can't...really...move." I said with great effort.

"I'm going to get you out... Are there keys or something?" He started pulling on the cage bars. I reached into my small jean pockets and handed him the key I found. He was about to unlock the cage until he stiffened and his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

"No!" I started screeching again. Everyone covered their ears. I wouldn't stop. I went invisible and started pounding at the cement roof. Too bad I was weak... Then I saw the red lights again. I flew to the corner and smooshed into a ball.I hoped this is where I saw the spot the shock didn't hit. I was still screaming.

I was right, the shocks went right next to me. Still wailing I started yanking on the cage bars. How I had this much lung power was beyond me. When I saw them start to move I kicked it up a notch. They all collasped on the ground. Every piece of glass started exploding. Eventually they all went limp and I rushed to try and get the dart out of Shade's back. When I got it out, I realized I would have to wait a while before he woke up.

"Come on!" I shouted shaking Shade. "Wake up!"

"Well, well, well." I head a female voice. I quickly put a veil over Shade. When I looked up it was another angel. This one looked kind of fimiliar.

"That's a pretty deep well." I trailed off. "By the way who are you."

"A friend." Is all she said. "I see you did quite a number on their ears..." She looked at all the people on the floor.

"They were going to put him in here too." I explained. "I didn't want that to happen. Will they be okay?"

"They'll have slight a headache when they wake up but that's all." She said in the 'freshman voice'. Did you ever get that the, this is common sense but since your new I'll say it slow voice. It sucks, my friend who is a sophmore still gets the freshman voice, it's hilarious!

"Can you get me out of here?" I started shaking the bars.

"Of course, Hun." The lady walked closer so I could see the details of her face better.

"Mom!?" I said in realization. She said nothing but unlocked the cage and we flew to our house, Shade in our arms.

"Alright Mother." We were sitting on the couch at home. "You got some splainin' to do!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to finish, I got distracted. AND just so you know my parental units are divorced (but still friends) so we switch houses every so often, which may or may not make me stop writing a chapter, if so i will put NOT FINISHED or DO NOT READ and I mean it -.- I can tell if there's cheaters.

No seriously it says Readers: 3 under the chapter for me.

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Oh, by the way this story is already more popular than my Unforgiving Forest! In a shorter time!

Thanks to my 10 subscribers I <3 you, and my readers!

Bye *gropes*

P.S. this is a very long Author's note but I will now grope you all after the Chapters! Haha! You know you enjoy it :P! Naw I just bored and decided to do something special!