Sequel: Trust Me
Status: Completed! Can I get one more Subscriber so its 40 instead of 39... It bugs me because i'm sooo close!!

I am the Fallen

Best friends for never...

"Mother, you got some splainin' to do." I heard Kaine tell me from the couch. Shade was beginning to stir.

"Let's wait until Shade gets up." I said softly. I was hoping Kaine would still be knocked out by the time I got there so I wouldn't have to explain this for another couple years... His older brother knew, but he's already gone, and promised not to come back until I told Kaine the truth. I knew it hurt Kaine but, it was the only way I could keep him safe from all this nonsence. A groan pulled me away from my thoughts.

"Where am I?" I heard Shade groan.

"My house." Kaine rushed over to him and kneeled by his side. They were such a perfect match, it astounded me. Angel and human. The relationships never last, I should know, but I think they just might beat the odds.

"Why are we here?" I chuckled at how confused he sounded.

"My mother was about to explain why she has wings." He shot a pointed glare at me. I had actaully been surprised when Shade didn't recognize me the otherd day. Well we haven't seen each other in a while. About 9,021 years. It's not like I count or anything...

"Can she come over here?" He asked quietly. I vaguely wondered what was going on in his head but walked over to him anyway.

"Angela?" He asked in disbelief, then I remembered had at a human disguise that not even angels could see though.

"Hi, trouble maker." I smiled at him.

"How have you been able to stay here so long?" He asked amazed.

"You can create a human disguise that seems to age over the years, you, however, will not change at all." I hugged him, I can't believe how much I missed him. "It's very complicated though, maybe I'll teach it to you, someday."

"Wait mom, Angela is not your name. What is going on?" Kaine asked.

"My human name isn't Angel, but that was my name when I was in heaven. The council allowed me to come down to earth and secretly watch over Shade, because I had raised him. Unfortunately he had fallen 3,000 years before I was allowed to leave, and I have finally find him." A huge smile broke out on my face.

"Am I really your son then?" He asked suddenly. "Did you, like, adopt me?"

"No, I had a husband for a few years and I had two beautiful boys." I hugged my baby boy. "You and your brother. Which makes you half angels. I was going to tell you as soon as your wings came in, but I guess Shade fixed that." I shot a fake glare at him.

"Well he was human and could see my wings! What else was I supposed to do?" Shade defended himself.

"True." I sighed. "I looked human, and he seemed human. So the council is the only place you could turn to." I forgave him.

"Wait." Kaine said. "So I'm actually half angel, and your the angel that raised Shade when his father abbanndoned him."

"Yep." I popped the 'p'.

"We probably have to move now, huh?" Kaine looked down sad.

"Well unless you want to be put in a cage, or me, or Shade." I whispered. "How about we have a moment as a family." I said. Then I started jumping up and down excitedly. "Shade you might actually become my son in law!"

"I never thought about it that way." He muttered. "But you do know I only met your son for days ago right?" He reminded me.

"Hey, I'm right here!" He started waving his arms, we laughed.

"And I don't ever want you to leave." Shade smiled and pecked him on the lips.

"You guys are perfect to each other. And if either of you break one of my baby's hearts I will have both your asses." I glared at them.

"That sounds funny." Kaine laughed.

"Still haven't changed, eh?" I heard Shade say at the same time. I just sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Have I ever said I hate the news? Well I do...

"When the angel in the cage started screaming the camera was still running so you can see everyone collapse and on angel pull the dart out of the other. Then try to wake the black winged up by shaking him. We have gotten an identity of the white winged angel, we suspect it is Kaine Wilkison. Now back to the footage. When he can't wake the other up another angel walks through the door."

"Who are you?" You heard me ask.

"A friend." My mother said.

"After this," The reporter says. "They begin talking out of the camera's soun range, and the three angels escape, However we did get a glimpse at the Black winged angel's face." She paused. "This just in, the two original angels names are Kaine Wilkinson and Shade Wile, Thank you to Luke Akine. If you see them or have any idea where they are, call the police." I abruptly turned the TV off.

"Some friend you have there..." I muttered. "Come on pack your bags. We have to leave. Oh, and we are going to work on getting your halo fixed, so we can all go back to heaven at once." I smiled at them, and started packing.

We left around midnight, after taking a note to Luke's door. Let me just say, we went into great detail on where he was going after he died. Next stop, Paris.
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Yeah, I personally hate Luke, he was not my favorite. But I will miss the twins! The were so funny! I like Leslie the best, with her clueless self..

Any way Tanks for all the subscribes!!

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