Sequel: Trust Me
Status: Completed! Can I get one more Subscriber so its 40 instead of 39... It bugs me because i'm sooo close!!

I am the Fallen

The Underwater City of Love

I had never been to Paris, but I imagined it as a gay boys Paradise. I not sure why though... It's just some thought that seemed to take over my vision of Paris. It's the city of love, I'm excited. My mom quietly said we where halfway there. I was getting anxious

"What are you thinking?" Shade asked. He flew underneath me and flipped over so he was looking at me.

"Just about the city of Love." I murmured going off into my own little world where gay boys aren't made fun of.

"It was lovely when I was there. A looong time ago. Let me just say when I was there I opened their minds to the possibility of two men being together." He smiled and flew a little closer. We had to keep our wings perfectly in sync so as not to hit each other and plummet into the water. He leaned up and kissed me. My arms snaked around his neck. I heard the click of a camera.

"What was that?" I said as I pulled away with at pop.

"It sounded like a camera..." Shade trailed off. He looked around and groaned. "I didn't see that boat... Angela? We have to go talk to that man on the boat."

"Alright, just make sure he's not going to Paris or America." She said in a nonchalant tone. Shade nodded. We banked right and headed for the boat.

"Hello, sir?" I asked tentatively.

"Yes?" He asked with a heavy accent. His eyes were wide in surprise.

"Where are you headed?" Shade asked with confidence, the thing I didn't have...

"Uhh, how you say Canada?" He told us.

"Could you do us a favor and make sure that picture doesn't get into America. We actually just escaped from the cage they put us in. He almost shocked him to death." Shade jerked his thumb at me.

"That is horrible!" His eyes grew wide. Then he looked over our heads. "How come you have broken halo and he don't even have one?" This man was very observant.

"I'm only half angel." I said. "But when I die I will become an angel and be forced to live with him until he fixes his halo."

"I am over nine thousand years old and I've been working on getting back to heaven. I actually wasn't able to fix my halo at all until he came along." He smiled at me. "And I didn't know I was such a burden, your the one who got captured in the first place." He shot a fake glare at me and I shrugged.

"Ah, I see. I promise I'll do my best so they don't get to America. But can I get a couple more pictures?" He asked, he seemed really nice. Shade nodded.

"What kind of pictures?" I asked.

"Well I was thinking one of you guys kissing again and one with me. If its okay." I tried so hard not to laugh when he said if, it was like eeef eeets okeee.

"Sure, that's fine." Shade said. He grabbed my face and looked into my eyes. He slowly leaned in and kissed me. Our lips started moving perfectly together. Shade seemed to ignore the man taking tons of photos and ran his tongue on the edge of my lip, begging for entrance, which of course I gave him. Then we pulled apart and looked at the man, he had a smile from ear to ear.

He ushered us on either side of him and took a picture with him in the middle. We were about to leave when Shade stopped.

"Wait you look familiar..." He trailed off. Then a light bulb went off in his brain. "Damek?" I head him ask. Suddenly the man jumped up and spread his... Wings?

"Father!" He man squealed and engulfed Shade in a hug. Shade squeezed back.

"How did you fall?" Shade asked.

"Same reason you did..." He trailed off.

"Wait you slept with Zayl?" He seemed confused.

"Ew, now daddy." The angel sounded like a little boy. "It was someone else. But same concept. And just like you it was only me that got kicked out.

"I'm beginning to think that the people of heaven don't like us..." Shade trailed off.

"How couldn't they?" I asked, finally chiming in. "You guys seem so nice!"

"But we're gay." Damek said bluntly.

"But if you hide it they wouldn't know." I probably sounded stupid.

"True, but as soon as you sleep with a man up there women just aren't as appealing. Some of the older ones that sleep with you see that. They have like a sixth sense. I actually spotted one girl following me once. I asked her what she wanted and her response was 'Stalking you.'" Damek shook his head in disgust. "Then, like my father, I was way to horny to double check and that same girl followed me."

"And you got kicked out." I finished. "Heaven doesn't sound like a nice place... At least here you get a couple strikes before you are sent to jail."

"That's how it's supposed to be." Shade said. "We can thank my dad for that..."

"I don't like grandpa." Damek said. "I went and saw him once. He said I wasn't a girl so I wasn't worth his time. Aren't you suppose to love the boys more than the girls?"

"Yeah, you only get a boy when you are deemed ready. So you think he would be excited..." Shade trailed off. "But I have good news last time I went to the council, He said my father was never to have a son again." Damek started cheering.

"Should we go catch up to my mom?" I asked.

"Oh!" Shade exclaimed. "I found Angela, she's his mom."

"No way! I remember her!" Damek said excitedly. Suddenly he took off. "Lets go!" He grabbed his camera and left his boat floating there.


"Mom!" I said, I was flying in front of Shade and Damek.

"What!" She answered, mocking me.

"The man on the boat was Shade's son!" As soon as I said that it sunk in. He had a son, and I could never give him a son or daughter, and that he was so much older.

"What's that face?" She asked after she got over the shock.

"What face?" I asked, playing dumb.

"You feel bad because you can't give him a kid." She said, hitting the nail on the head like she always did.

"No," I blushed and looked down. She chuckled.

"You actually can." She surprised me. "But I'll teach you that later."

"Damek!" She shouted when she saw him.

"ANGELA!" He screamed louder. They hugged each other and talked about everything. I couldn't help but feel jealous. Everyone loved him. I just flew ahead of everyone so I wouldn't hear anything or be in the way.

"What's the matter?" I heard Shade whisper. He scared the shit out of me and I dropped about ten feet.

"Jeez!" I screamed. He was laughing like a mad man. He came back down to me.

"Stop flapping you wings." He told me.

"What? I'll fall!"

"Trust me." So I did. I stopped moving my wings and he held me up. He had every inch of his body pressed against mine. I carefully flipped over in his arms so I could look at him.

"Hi." I breathed as I noticed our faces where so close I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Hello." He said back. He closed the distance and pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my hands in his hair. I felt him smirk into the kiss and he ground his hips into mine. I moaned. I felt his hands sneak under my shirt and he massaged the skin of my hips. I made a small sound. Suddenly we hit the water. He pulled me back up.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I lost my focus." He shrugged. "Or maybe I just thought we should go for a swim."

"You lost your focus." I told him. I went back under water. He followed me because he remembered I couldn't swim. Then I realized I was swimming. I must have picked it up from watching him. I saw around for a while when I realized I didn't need air. I looked at Shade confused. He pointed upward.

"When we completely submerge our selves we become Poseidon's angels. Meaning we don't need air and we automatically know how to swim."

"But he's a Greek god." I said.

"Yeah, the story's are wrong but he's real, I believe he is the only one, but I can't remember."

"Why don't a get a tail?" I was kinda sad I wanted a mermaid tale.

"You can get it if you want." He laughed at my face.

"Really?!" I was excited now.

"Yeah watch." He went under water and I followed him. I watched as his legs joined and he got a big tail.

"So cool!" I screamed, still underwater. I was amazed as it came out perfect.

"How do I do it?" I needed to know.

"Imagine your legs joining together." He told me as he swam by.

"Okay!" I closed my eyes and imagined my legs forming together to form a beautiful tail. When I opened them that's what I had. I squealed and began swimming around. I looked over my shoulder looking for Shade when I noticed my wings looked like water. But you could still tell where my wings were and where the water was.

I started swimming all around, doing little flips and twirls. There was a splash above us. Shade and I swam up and found my mother and Damek. I had almost forgotten their existence.

"Mom look at my tail!" I squealed.

"So he told you about Poseidon?" She asked and I nodded. She created a tail and Damek followed and we began swimming. I hung back a little to ask an embarrassing question.

"Shade?" I called, he hung back.


"How do merman have sex?" I asked out of the blue.

"Uh." He was caught off guard. Suddenly he was swimming below me. He got really close and pushed his hips into mine. Little did I know he was actually putting his merman dick into my girl parts. Wait I'm a boy!

"I have girl parts!" I squealed, surprised.

"Poseidon understands two men loving each other and turns the girl of the relationship into a girl." It seemed like it was hard for him to say.

"But you don't like girls." I frowned.

"But your not a girl." He smirked at me. He moved his hips a little to keep us swimming. I made a face. I'm not used to the feeling yet. It's very confusing.

"That feels weird." I crinkled my nose.

"Then this will feel even weirder." He smirked at me and pulled out and thrust back in. I moaned loudly. He kept thrusting, and I kept moaning. I didn't know what I could do to get him to moan. There was a familiar warm feeling in my stomach. At least that was the same... I tangled my hands into his hair and tugged his face up so I could kiss him. I started getting a feel for this kind of sex and started arching up into his thrusts. He thrusted one more time and I came, screaming his name. He came shortly after and we road out our orgasms.

"I don't like being a girl." I sighed. "It's to weird."

"Crap." I heard him say.

"What?" I felt bad, did I do something wrong.

"I just realized you really are a girl right now. Maybe not fully on the outside but on the inside... You are." He put his hand over his eyes and we quickly swam to catch up to my mother.Luckily she only thought we got side tracked by a cave. Then it hit me. I could be carrying Kaine's kid.

This was going to be hard to explain to my mom why I'm getting fat...
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I didn't really want Kaine to be a girl so I didn't put a lot of effort into it... Sorry..

Anyway next ch. they will really be in Paris.

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