Sequel: Trust Me
Status: Completed! Can I get one more Subscriber so its 40 instead of 39... It bugs me because i'm sooo close!!

I am the Fallen

Spoons of the Metal sort

Beep, beep,beep! I heard the alarm scream at me. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I really didn't want to go to school, the twins were going to murder me. Like stab me with a spork kill me. I was so concerned with what was going to happened I just went through all the motions and ended up at school before I can remember getting there.

I walk in like a paranoid ninja, expecting to be ambushed at every Corner. Then I remembered it's way to early for anyone to be here, 'cause I needed to take a make up test... I headed to Mr.Garner's class glad that I wouldn't have to see the twins for two hours.

Nobody paid attention to me in my first two hours, I was the super smart rich kid who shouldn't be in this those classes. I had actually stopped worrying for a bit, which was a bad choice.

I walked into third hour, like it was any other normal day, to bad people knew me and it wasn't just any other day.

"Boooo!" The whole class shouted. They started pelting me with whatever they could get their hands onto; pens, pencils, paper balls, paper clips, etc.

"Ms.Harnery!" I looked at her to stop this madness, she just shook her head and joined in on the booing. I sighed, slouched my shoulders, hung my head and walk to the back of the class room.

"How could you?" Leslie whispered fiercely I noticed she was almost in tears.

"The news said to so I did." I shrugged.

"You turned in your best, wait, only, friend!" She snarled.

"He only ever wanted us to be happy he didn't care about himself." Jaklyn said, she had a tear running down her face. I then realized that this was the only time she had ever cried.

"Whatever." I wasn't going to show them how much all of these insults from everyone hurt me.

The class moved on and everyone listened to Ms.Harnery's lecture about sex-linked genetic diseases. Every now and then the twins would shoot glares at me. This sucked... I thought I would be the hero.

The lunch bell rang. I gathered my stuff and headed to my impending doom. I had hope that no one would notice me but apparently the word had been spread, and everyone knew what I had done. I literally walked in the the talking halted. There wasn't a sound. I carefully walked to the line, some talking had resumed. However it was still silentish. I got my lunch and sat with the twins. They were still giving me the silent treatment.

"Guys, I do feel really bad, but it was going to happen eventually." I shrugged again. "I mean-ow!" I said as a metal spoon came flying out of no where and hit me in the head. I was sure I was going to have a goose egg. Then more came flying. I just sighed, and took it, I realized this is how it was going to be most of the year now...


Kaine's POV

We had been searching for hours, I just wanted to stop. We were currently in an angel only library in the center of Paris. We had been searching to see if I would really be preggo... I was getting a headache from all this reading.

"You're not." I heard a female voice say. I turned to find my mother standing there. My eyes widened and I'm sure there was a huge blush on my face.

"What?" Shade asked finally bringing his face out of the book he was reading.

"Poseidon knows that at first being able to actually having a child for once is a bit overwhelming at first, or in your guys case, there my be a younger angel." She looked at me. "Who had yet to learn about water angels. So the first time the two angels have unprotected sex he makes sure there will not be a child." Shade looked so relieved, and I saw a bit of sadness flash into his eyes, however it was gone so fast I wondered if I had even saw it.

"H-how did you find out?" I stuttered. I was probably as red as a tomato.

"Well... I can hear you know, I'm not deaf. Or stupid for that matter. Checking out a sea cave." She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "So yeah congrats, you don't have to raise a child just yet."

"But what if I wanted to." Shade almost said. By that I mean I just saw his lips form the words, he didn't actually make a sound. He looked up at me and realized he was caught.

"Now let's go watch the biggest dick competition." She started walking out.

"Wait did I hear that right?" I asked as I did a double take.

"Yep the guys stand on stage and are judged on how big their dicks are, and then they have a game." She looked excited.

"A game." I asked, already mentally groaning. Don't get me wrong I do like looking at dicks, but none of them will ever compare to Shade's. He has spoiled me for any other man...

"Yeah they get blow jobs from their, well mostly boyfriends, but some of them are straight... Anyway then they see who can hold on the longest." My mothers eyes lit up. "It's almost as good as porn!"

"Mom!" I screamed, I got a 'Shhhh' from the librarian. "I really don't want to hear this.

"Fine, then I guess I won't tell you I entered Shade, and you will be giving him the BJ." She put a way to innocent look on her face. "Oops!"

"I don't want to go on stage and give a BJ in public." I groaned.

"Well we would have totally won." Shade finally joined the conversation. "What with your 'torture' I can hang on longer than anyone, and not to be arrogant but I'm pretty well endowed." I groaned again.

"Fine." I said. "I'm going to regret this but we will go." I slumped my shoulders and we were off to the stage. Right...wait for it.... smack in the middle of the busiest part of Paris for everyone to see.

This was going to be great...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey look
Luke was hit in the head with a spoon :P

I have know idea if there really is a biggest dick competition, I just haven written in a while and decided to give you something special!

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