Sequel: Trust Me
Status: Completed! Can I get one more Subscriber so its 40 instead of 39... It bugs me because i'm sooo close!!

I am the Fallen


Leslie was doing it. I sighed, as she went over to ask Shade if he would sit by us at lunch. I just looked down at whatever pile of radioactive goo the school put on my plate. Then I felt the bench move and someone sit down. It was Shade... He sat next to me.

"Hi Kaine." He said to me.

"Hi Shade." I said quietly.

"So..." He said. "What are your names?"

"Oh!" Leslie said. "Sorry I'm Leslie, this is my twin Jaklyn, and this is Luke." She gestured to everyone and they waved.

"It's nice to meet you all." He smiled sincerely.

"Do you have an accent?" Luke asked.

"Yeah... Is it that noticeable?" he asked sounding a little self conscious. We all nodded. I personally thought it was sexy.

"It's a little Spanish and Irish." Leslie said.

"Ah," He said understanding.

"Hey!" Jacoby shouted. "Are you Shade?" Shade nodded but didn't turn.

"I heard you called my girlfriend a slut!" He held up his fist and was about to hit Shade. My eyes grew huge and I was about to warn him. Jacoby's fist came flying. Shade easily leaned to the right and dodged it. Only two catch it in his palm.

"Wha-!?" Jacoby shouted, and tried to pry his fist away but couldn't do it.

"It's best you not mess with me." Shade said with an eerie and dark tone of voice. I watched as Jacoby yanked really hard only to fall on his ass when Shade let go. He then scurried out of the room with his dick between his legs.

"Whoa!" Leslie gasped. "You are going to be so popular!"

"Being popular is really quite annoying." He sighed. "I think I'm going to skip and get some air." He informed us. We nodded. He Then walked out the door.


Shade's POV

I told them I need to skip and get some air, but really I need to stretch my wings. I hadn't flown in a while so I was getting very restless. I looked around to see if anyone was there, then I spread my wings. In three powerful beats I was in the air. I saw my shadow cover the ground below. I angled my self to the room and put my jacket up there.

I decided that I would relax and sit on the roof. The sun felt so good on my wings. I saw Kaine walk out and I had a plan. I flapped my wings so I could get a little air and then tucked them in and landed on his back. I covered his eyes.

"Guess who." I said to him. I heard him in hail through his nose.

"Uh... Shade." I jumped off his back.

"Good job." Wow I can't believe how this kid affects me... I'm never happy, I'm always bitchy...

"Did you jump off the roof?" he asked, he still sounded nervous.

"Yep." I popped the 'p'.

"Wow. You climbed up there." He looked up.

"Yeah, so why are you out here?" I said, wanting to change the subject before he could question me further.

"I thought you might want some company...." He trailed off.

"Thanks!" I smiled at him. "Would you mind showing me around the town?" He nodded and we began our walk.

He didn't talk much, he just showed me his favorite little places in the town. I wanted him to talk. I wanted to hear his voice. He was the only reason I wasn't already dreading living in this town. Then I saw him making a face and rubbing behind his ears.

"Headache?" I asked him. He nodded. "I know how to fix that come here." He walked in front of me. With my 6'2" stature he only came up to my shoulder. It actually amazed me.

I rubbed on either side of his forehead. He closed his eyes after a moment.

"Better?" I asked him.

"Yeah! How did you do that?" He asked me.

"My mom taught it to me before she passed away..." I acted sad, I had to, he couldn't know what I am, he would run and I'm only just beginning to like this town, I already like him for sure.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He looked sad for bringing it up. "Um... We should head back to go get them."

"Of course let's go." I unthinkingly grabbed his hand and began to walk back.

"Uh..." he said, his face was bright red.

"Oh, sorry, I did that without thinking..." I said and began to let go.

"No you don't have to let go I was just a little nervous..." He trailed off. I smiled sincerely at him and just squeezed his hand. He was so cute, never in my years had I been so affected by a mere human. I can already sense that if this goes right he will make my list of top lovers.
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2nd update in one day!!

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