Sequel: Trust Me
Status: Completed! Can I get one more Subscriber so its 40 instead of 39... It bugs me because i'm sooo close!!

I am the Fallen

Late Night Date Night

“Can I take this stupid blind fold off yet?” Kaine asked.

“No, you have to wait until we get there!” Silly boy, he thought I’d let him see my surprise. Too bad he doesn’t know that before I woke him up with a blowjob I went shopping. Right now I was driving to Hotel Ritz. They have a lovely dining room called L’Espadon. Right now I’m actually nervous.

“Alright,” I said as we pulled into the parking lot. “You can take off your blind fold now.” He took it off as fast as he could and looked in awe upon the massive hotel.

“Woah…” He gaped.

“Come on, I have reservations.” I took his hand and led him inside. The box inside my jackets pocket now seemed like it weighed a ton, as we were ushered to our seats.


Kaine’s POV

This hotel was massive. It was also amazing. It was so decorated and beautiful, and in the dining room… L’Espadon, I believe its name is, there is this amazing tree. I love it. I looked over to Shade to tell him how grateful I was for him taking me here but the look on his face stopped me. He looked… Nervous.

“Is everything okay?” I asked quietly as the waitress handed us our menus.

“What? Oh, yeah, I’m just not used to everything being this big, last time I was here the Ritz was a bar next to a field and dirt road. I could tell that wasn’t the whole truth, but I let it go.

“Hello, I’m Rosiline and I’ll be your server today. What would you like to drink?”

“Champagne?” I asked. What? The drinking age is lower here, and I’m almost 18.

“Alright and you sir?” She turned to Shade.

”Uh, I’ll have Champagne as well.” He smiled at her.

“Alrighty then, I’ll get those right to you. Do you need a few minutes to decide still?” She seemed so nice.

“Well what do you recommend?” I asked her.

“I had the 6 Course tasting menu. It was fabulous and I couldn’t finish it all my self. Maybe you two could share it.” Shade looked at me and I nodded.

“We’ll take that.” He smiled at her and handed her the menus.

“Don’t forget the breadsticks.” He told her.

“Oh, yes, thank you for the reminder, sir.” She gave him a knowing look and waited for something, I’m not sure what, then she left.

“What was that?” I gave Shade a suspicious look.

“What?” He asked innocently.

“ ‘Don’t forget the breadsticks’” I tried to copy his voice and failed miserably.

“I’ve heard they cheap out on the breadsticks here before.” He was lying, again. I’m starting to think he wants to dump me. All this lying and expensive food.

“Liar.” I muttered. He looked at me with this expression on his face, it seemed like he wanted to tell me everything but there was something holding him back.

In a matter of seconds Rosiline was back. And she didn’t have breadsticks just champagne. Then there was a band coming up behind her.

“What?” I was so confused. Then Shade got down on one knee, took a box out of his pocket, and took my hand. I was about to die of happiness.

“Kaine Wilkinson, the love of my life. Will you marry me?” He looked into my eyes. I was about to start crying.

“Yes.” I whispered, and jump at him for a hug. Tears start running down my face. Then my favorite band of all time, the Maine, started playing ‘Into Your Arms’ but every time there was a girl, she, or her they changed it to boy, he, or him.

”I love you so much.” I whispered in Shade’s ear.

“I love you more than you could every imagine.” He pulled away briefly to put the ring on my finger and then I kissed him. When the Maine’s song was over I went up to them and thanked them. They’re always singing about girls so it must have been hard for them.

“You guys are cute together.” The lead singer, John told me.

“Thanks, but is it weird for you at all?” I asked. I was squeezing Shade’s hand.

“Nah, it shouldn’t be weird for anyone, it’s your life to live, not mine.” He smiled and hugged me. I almost died. John O'Callaghan the lead singer of my favorite band was hugging me!!

“Congrats, man.” He said when he pulled away.

“Thanks!” The Maine started backing up and I sat down to have my delicious meal with my fiancé.


“Mom, I’m home.” I called, I’m sure I had a goofy smile on my face, but I was just so happy. This day couldn’t be any better.

“I didn’t tell her, because I thought you might want to.” Shade whispered so only I could hear. I mouthed thanks and my mom came walking down the hallway.

“Hi boys, how was the hot date?” She teased.

“Mom guess what!” I started jumping up and down.

“What hunny?” She sounded confused as she watched me jump.

“The Maine came to the restaurant and played my favorite song.” I had to tell her this first because otherwise it wouldn’t seem as important. “And, and, and, and...” I couldn’t get it out.

“And what hunny?”

“Look!” I let go of Shade’s hand and showed her the ring. The ring that must have been very expensive because it was beautiful.

“OH MY GOODNESS!!!” My mom screamed. Then she brought both of us into a hug. “My little boys are getting married!!”

“Mom that sounds creepy when you say it like that…” I laughed. It was such a good day, I don’t even care there is a pain in my ass because of what Shade did earlier; I’m getting married!

“What’s going on?” Damek walked out of his room.

“We’re getting married.” Shade said to him. He had this beautiful smile on his face that made me want to jump him.

“Yay!” Damek cheered. “Congratulations!” He smiled and hugged us. I hugged my hubby to be and kissed him passionately. I didn’t even care that his son and my mom were right there. A knock on the door broke us apart.

“That’s him!” Damek exclaimed.

“Wait,” Shade said. “Before we open the door, what is the background on this kid?”

“He’s on vacation with his parents, and they are going to be here for a month. He also brought his two friends along because they are a little pissed at him and he thought Paris may make up for that.”

“Okay.” Shade said and let Damek open the door; Shade and I had moved and were now sitting on the couch.

“This is my family.” Damek said. I turned around to wave then froze.

“Luke?!” I gasped.

“Wait you know him?” Damek said.

“Yeah he’s the one who turned us in, in America.” I glared.

“What?” He turned to Luke. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t know you knew them.” He trailed off.

“Damek, come here.” Shade said strongly.

“Yes d-Shade.” He almost said dad; that would have sucked. I looked at Luke.

“Are you going to turn us in here too?” I glared at him.

“No, do you know how much hell I caught for turning you in.” He shook his head. “Everyone was throwing things at me. I actually had to go to the hospital because of a metal spoon!”

“I missed you guys.” I said quietly. “ Wanted to talk to the twins, or make you apologize, but they would have killed me if I stayed there. Did you see what they did to me?”

“No. I only started watching at the end.” He scratched the back of his neck.

“They put me in a cage and shocked me, with so much electricity it nearly killed me, when ever I tried to hide. Then when Shade tried to save me they shot him with a tranquilizing dart. They had also shot me in the wing. All just because I was having fun in the water.” I looked down and hugged my knees.

“They only wanted to know who you were, so I told them. I had no idea what they were doing.” He looked guilty. “How do you guys know Demy?” They already have pet names? Really?

“Uh…” I looked at the bedroom where Shade and Damek had gone into.

Shade. I called out for him telepathically.


Luke wants to know how we know Damek…Should I tell him? Luke was just looking at me. Waiting.

He’s my cousin, not my son. Okay? Son would maybe freak him out… If this really works out we will tell him

“Uh…” I started again. “He’s Shade’s cousin.”

“So that makes him a…” He trailed off.

“Yeah.” I felt sorry for him. He turned in his best friend because he was an angel, and now his boyfriend is an angel.

“Do you really like him?” I asked, honestly.

“I do, he is amazing, I can’t even explain it. It’s like when I’m with him all my problems disappear, and he’s always so happy!” I’ve heard that before, except it was in my own head as I thought about Shade. He really likes Damek.

Shade, he really cares, he thinks of Damek the same way I think of you. I sent Shade in a hurry. They came walking out.

“Lukey!” Damek ran and jumped into Luke’s arms.

“Demy!” He hugged him. I couldn’t believe how much love I heard in his voice.

“Hey Luke.” I heard Shade say. “You take care of him, and I guess you’re allowed to spend the night if you would like.”

“Thanks…” He paused and watched as I push some of my hair out of my eyes. “Is that…? You’re engaged?!”

“Yeah.” I laughed a little and looked into Shade’s eyes. “He proposed on our date earlier today. He even got the Maine to play for me!”

“Wow, now I wish I was there. Are you ready to go Demy?” Luke smiled hat him, he was still holding him up.

“Carry me!” He giggled.

“Fine, fat ass.” Luke was joking and they both laughed.

“What time will you guys be home?” Shade asked.

“After I grab clothes it will probably be around ten.”

“K, have fun.” We watched them off. For the first time I felt like an actual parent to Damek.

“Wanna go for a fly before Damek get home?” I said, as I turned around to face Shade. Every inch of my body was pressed up to his.

“Sure.” He smiled down at me and kissed me. He spread his wings.

“Hey, your halo is only in two pieces now. You’re almost done!” I looked at him. He looked so excited.

“I have an idea what one is.” He told me.

“What do you think?”

“You’re supposed to wait for sex until after marriage.” He was implying that I had to wait to have sex with him until we got married!

“But, but! You’re such a sexy beast how am I supposed to resist?” I exclaimed.

“What if we got married in two weeks?” He suggested.

“Will we be able to get everything done?”

“Well I don’t have very many people I can invite, you could invite your family and what not. I could see if I could coax my dad from heaven, but I don’t think that will happen.”

“I’ll work on the invites for everyone, you can start on decorations, I’ll get a list so you can approve them. Ready! Break!” I shout like it’s was a football play.

“I have a hall rented already, and the place where we are getting ready. So we just need invites and décor.” Shade said.

“How?” I gaped.

“I knew that I was going to ask you to marry me as many times as it takes for you to say yes so I have a two months rented out, and now I can get my money back for the days we don’t use.” He was smiling at me; he was always so prepared.

“Were would we get married?” I asked him.

“Underneath the Eiffel Tower.” He said easily.

“OH EM GEE!!” I screamed and jumped in his arms. “Iloveyousofuckingmuchyoudon’tevengetit!” I said it really fast so it all became one word.

“I love you too.” He chuckled and held me up by my ass and I buried my face into his neck.

“Why do you ‘love him so fucking much he doesn’t even get it’?” My mom walked out of the kitchen.

“WE ARE GETTING MARRIED UNDER THE EIFFEL TOWER IN TWO WEEKS!” I screamed at her. I was so giddy it wasn’t even funny.

“HOLY SHIT!” My mom screamed. Then she calmed down. “So what do you need done?”

“Shade is going to work on the décor and I am going to figure out who we are going to invite. Mom could you help with the decorations? I’m pretty sure the invites won’t take long, and you guys both know what I like.”

“You got it.” She winked at me. Then they just sat there.

“Go!” We only have two weeks!” Said as I ran to my computer.

“Oh, right! Shade we are doing the flowers and stuff first since we don’t know who all is going to be there.” She started pulling him out the door. But before they left he kissed me on the lips passionately.

I had to be careful on face book because the government could be watching it. So I just sent a message to all my friends I wanted there to call me so I could tell them because it wasn’t save to put it on the Internet. Everyone called me back. So far they were all coming. Then I called my family, my brother knows I know now, so he is coming. My dad decided he wanted to see his little boy get married, homo or not, and all my aunts/uncles/grandparents were coming as well. I printed out the list and waited for Shade to get home.
♠ ♠ ♠
2 updates in 1 day... do you love me yet?

I hope you like this, I was so happy! I was all YAY marriage :)
