Sequel: Trust Me
Status: Completed! Can I get one more Subscriber so its 40 instead of 39... It bugs me because i'm sooo close!!

I am the Fallen

Daddy Dearest

(Later that night… after Luke and Damek get home)

Kaine and I were lounging on the couch. We had actually gotten a lot done. All we had to do know is get the cake, formal invites, chairs, tables, and tuxedoes. I was really excited; this is my first marriage. I’ve had lovers, but I knew I would have to leave them so I never proposed, and now I don’t have to worry about that.

I was lying on the couch with Kaine in front of me. We were watching TV, trying to refrain from sex. It’s really hard when your boyfriend is sexy as hell. Suddenly his ass slammed backward and started grinding up against my dick. I thought it would hurt but the grinding made up for the slam. I let out a little moan. Kaine didn’t hear because he was so focused on the cartoon, which means he also didn’t know what he was doing with his ass. After about a minute of grinding I had a full on hard on and I know he felt it.

“Why do you have a hard on? Is Sponge Bob a turn on for you?” He teased.

“No, you been grinding your ass into my groin for a good 3 minutes.”

“Really, I didn’t notice.” He seemed like he was trying to remember doing it.

“Well I did. And now I have a problem that needs fixing.” I sighed, no sex for me I remembered. “I’ll be right back.” I stood up and headed to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom I began fixing my problem. I was thinking of Kaine and I started moaning quickly as I pumped myself. Suddenly I heard my moans echoed in our bedroom. I thought of what Kaine was doing to himself and it sent me over the edge. I flushed the toilet and walked into my room and I was greeted by Kaine pumping himself; his eyes were closed and his head thrown back. To surprise him I replaced his hand with my mouth. His eyes flashed open and he tangled his hands in my hair. Not long after he came as well. I swallowed his seed and kissed him. I knew how he liked the taste of himself.

We went back to the living room. When were comfy and cuddling each other we heard some strange noises from Damek’s bedroom. I looked at Kaine.

“What do you think they are doing?” I asked, worried.

“I don’t know…” Kaine trailed off, as there was a very loud moan.

“I think he hit the spot…” I said. I really didn’t want to hear my son having sex.

“I have an idea!” Kaine said. He got on the computer and typed ‘Congrats on the Sex, Luke and Demy’, and then he used our banner-printing printer to make it huge. He grabbed the tape then went and grabbed the poster. He then taped it to their door so they would see it as soon as the opened the door. I started laughing.

“DEMY!” I heard Luke scream as we started walking away. Kaine started laughing really hard. We decided to sit on the couch and watch TV until they came out. I didn’t need sleep, of course. But Kaine did so he passed out. I watched his sleeping form, he was so peaceful and cute.

In the morning both of them opened the door to walk out.

“What the fuck?” I heard Luke say, Damek just laughed. I sat up.

“You guys were a little loud.” I teased. “DEMY!” I screamed laughing even harder. Kaine woke up.

“Did they see it?” He sat up to look over the couch.

“Yeah, we saw it.” Luke said grumpily.

“It’s funny, Lukey, just relax.” Damek grabbed Luke and pulled him back into their room. I just laughed.


We had two days until the wedding and everything was done. That’s how thorough we are. Now I had to go and see my dad.

“Ready Kaine?” I asked him. Instead of answering he grabbed y hand and squeezed it. Then we took off. Then we were at the council.

“What do you need this time, Shade?” They groaned.

“I came to see my dad.” I said with confidence I didn’t feel like I had.

“Why?” He boomed.

“I’m getting married, and I’m sure you don’t ever want to see me again, because of what I did… But I’d really appreciate it if you’d come down just for the one day… Angela will be there.” I’m sure I sounded like I was pleading because I was. If he was only going to be in my life once, this is the time I would pick.

“Why do you think I would come see a faggot like you, get married?” He yelled at me. That hurt, like you wouldn’t believe. I looked down at where Kaine’s hand was intertwined with mine.

“I don’t know.” I said quietly. “I just wanted you to be part of my life this once. Then you can go back to hating me and adoring all your girls.”

There wasn’t an answer.

“Sorry I couldn’t be what you wanted father. I’ll just go… We did make you an invite though.” I put it on the ground and left. When we got home I silently went into my room, followed by Kaine.

I sat on the bed and he hugged me. And that is the fourth time I’ve ever cried. I’m glad Kaine was there to comfort me. Tomorrow all the guests arrive; we have rented out three whole floors in a hotel, with multiple people in each room.


It was the night before the wedding and Kaine was uber excited. He was legitimately bouncing off the walls. Currently we were at the bachelor party. We decided to have it together. Kaine had a lot of friends. But to accommodate for everyone we made sure to get male and female stripers. We also had a lot of beer. And I mean a LOT. All I remember from the party is getting there and getting a drink. But for some unknown reason I was 100% sure that I didn’t leave Kaine all night.

When I woke up I was laying in my bed next to Kaine. I peaked under the sheets and was glad to see that we were clothed. So we hadn’t gone back on our abstinence. I looked at the clock.

“KAINE GET UP!” I screamed.

“Whaaa?” he asked groggily.

“We only have three hours until the wedding.

“WHAT?” He shot up instantly and ran to the closet. He through on some new clothes and I did the same. Then we were off to the salon. It was Kaine’s idea, not mine. We got our hair done then we got mani-petties, then they did make up as a touch up to our faces with make up. When we were finished Kaine and I were split up and put in different limos. I arrived first because we both decided he was the bride. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. I was about to marry the boy of my dreams, and he would become Kaine Wile. I’m glad I’m not the bride because then I would have to have his mom give me away, because my dad isn’t coming.

To sum that up that experience, my hair was pulled, tugged and shaped, my nails were soaked, cut , and filed, and some girl put make up on me. It was horrible, but I did it for Kaine, who seemed to be enjoying himself.

Right now everyone, just to make sure I looked perfect, was touching my face, my tux, anything they could get their hands onto.

I was about to be married.

“Congratulations,” I heard a familiar voice. I turned around to find my dad standing behind me. “Son.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh yeah I'm updating this like its on crack (but nothing is on crack)

Next Ch. is the wedding!!!!!!!

Can you believe his dad showed up? I couldn't... Haha just kidding i wrote it duh.



Love all of you!!