Sequel: Trust Me
Status: Completed! Can I get one more Subscriber so its 40 instead of 39... It bugs me because i'm sooo close!!

I am the Fallen

Fan Girl #1

Today I learned, that planes suck. They suck hard. Shade didn't want me to know where we were going so instead of flying there we took a plane. I felt so claustrophobic. We were seated in first class. Knowing Shade I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. He also made sure we were by ourselves, this was so no one would be able to yell at us and called us fags. He spoiled me so much.

"Thank you." I breathed as I cuddled into his arm.

"For what?" He looked down at me with his brilliant blue eyes. "If anything I should be thanking you. You're the whole reason we got to do this."

"No, you put it together, I just said yes."

"And that yes allowed us to have the perfect wedding." He looked down lovingly into my eyes. "Were you surprised I sang the song?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed, so loud they probably thought he was proposing. Even one of the flight attendants ran over. Ha ha! I wanted to tell her, we already got married. "You should have told me! I didn't even know you could sing! You know I'm going to make you do it more often now right?"

"Yeah, I kinda guessed." He looked at the flight attendant who was still standing right there. Like she wanted to know what happened, but was too shy to ask.

"Honey moon." I said and flashed the ring at her.

"What was the yes for then?" She finally spoke.

"He asked me if I was surprised when he sang the song I came down the isle to." I paused. "Do you want to see?"

"Sure!" She took the seat next to me, I pulled out the video camera my mom had taken all the footage on. She gave it to me so I could 'relive the most precious minutes of my life'. Then I hit play and handed it to the attendant.

"You all danced down the isle?" She asked rhetorically. Then did a little aw. I could tell that she was going to be our little fan girl. So I ignored her presence and turned to Shade.

"I can't believe all our friends are pervs!" I finally voiced my irritation. Shade just laughed. "I really wanted to try the food we spent so much on but no, they had to do the drink clink-y thing and I had to kiss you." I added a little 'harrumph' at the end.

"I didn't know kissing me was so bad." He faked being hurt.

"You know that's not what I meant. If it was why would I do this?" I pressed my lips to his. Suddenly air planes didn't seem so bad. We pulled apart and the girl was staring at us.

"Oh..uh..sorry." She blushed. "I just...uh...wanted to say that I really loved your wedding! And you," she pointed to Shade. "Have a to die for voice. You're a lucky, lucky man." She told me.

"Well if I was this 'lucky' I know where we are going." I turned to fake glare at Shade. He just laughed.

"He's the wife isn't he?" She jokingly asked Shade.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't trade him for anything." He pulled me closer.

"Aaaaawwwwwweeeee!!!!!" She gushed. "I'm sorry, I'm kinda a hopeless romantic, and you guys are just so cute together..." She was about to say more when...

"Sarah? You need to get back to work hun." The plane driver said.

"Okay, bye guys!" She left.

"I'm going to take a nap so I don't kill myself from this lack of knowledge and anticipation." I told Shade. Then I moved so I could snuggle up against him and passed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short but I want to write a huuuuuggggeeee honey moon. So bare with me.

