Sequel: Trust Me
Status: Completed! Can I get one more Subscriber so its 40 instead of 39... It bugs me because i'm sooo close!!

I am the Fallen

Sound Proof Walls Save the Day

Even though I did fall asleep I woke up about one or two minutes later. Angels, even fallen ones, don't need much sleep, that is if the angel is even lucky enough to experience what sleep is. Let me just say to me sleep was amazing I had a very short dream of me and Kaine, and woke up. However I can't remember what was in the dream.

My phone alarm went off quietly after I woke up. We had five minutes left. I knew Kaine would be terribly embarrassed if they caught us like this. So I carefully got out of bed and put on my clothes. Then I dressed him, He must have been very tired because he didn't even stir. Then I crawled into bed and curled around him. I acted as if I was sleeping. Which becomes very easy to do after 9,000 years of faking it.

I found that I had finished just in time because the door cracked open.

"Do you think they did anything?" I heard Jaklyn ask.

"I don't think so, the stupid walls are sound proof,though so I can't really tell." Leslie answered.

"Watch out I'll go check, I'm the only one of you who has a dick...." Luke said. He then walked over and I felt him lift the sheets and look under it.

"Nope they are fully clothed." Luke informed them.

"Do you think they did it, then got dressed then went to bed?" Leslie asked.

"Uh, no. I am gay so I know that as soon as its finished you are out like a light." He made a little clicking sound.

"You mean bi." Jaklyn informed him. "But still, I'm really curious..." As if on queue, even though I was, I stirred a little, yawned, and then stretched.

"Hey Luke, Leslie, and Jaklyn... What's up?" I looked at my phone and pretended to be surprised. "Oh, our time is up isn't it?"

"Yeah, but Kaine looks so peaceful... We'll just use the other room." Leslie said. "But its killing me... Is that all you did?"

"Yeah, I was kind of hoping but he said he had a long day and only wanted to nap... He said that the make out session was as far as he'd go today.... He wouldn't even kiss me!" I glared at Leslie for effect.

"I was surprised he even did that..." Luke trailed off.

"What do you mean?" I asked, I was seriously confused.

"Well we've dared him to kiss every member of our little friend group but he wouldn't do it... And when ever we came in here with him, he would sit on the other side of the room and talk." Luke explained.

"So now what are you guys going to do? There's an odd number..." I trailed off.

"All three of us are going in together. It will be way more fun than one of us ending up with him... He never does anything, its really boring..." Leslie said. I was surprised he wouldn't do anything with them but he put out for me...

"I actually found a nap quite nice." I said. "I was so tired, I didn't get much sleep last night. I had to unpack and all." They nodded and headed out. Not to soon either.

"I don't usually do that." Kaine said sleepily as he woke up.

"I know your friends came in and sort of explained it." I smiled at him.

"They what!" He said panicked. "DId they see anything?"

"No they thought we just took a nap." I smiled warmly at him.

"But we didn't have any clothes..." He looked down and saw his clothes on.

"How?" He looked at me, there was confusion in his eyes.

"I woke up before they got in here and figured you didn't want to be embarrassed to I got both of us dressed and crawled back in bed. Just as I got in and fell back asleep they came in." I said calmly. Kaine looked very nervous.

"But I can't lie to them. They're my friends." He started to panick. I kissed his nose to calm him down a little, it worked.

"You aren't lying to them if you tell them you took a nap... You're just telling them only part of the truth." I took his hand in mine.

"But I'll blush and give it away." He said looking at his hands.

"Hey," I said softly and tilted his face up. "If they do figure it out, you can blame it on me, I forced you to do it. I should have let you do whatever you wanted."

"But you didn't force me." He said, he was almost crying. "I let you and I kissed you first! They're going to hate me so much!"

"No they won't, they love you in a friendly way." I placed a small kiss on his lips.

"Hey I wasn't done!" He said. Then he realized what he said and his eyes grew huge. "What is wrong with me! It's like I'm addicted to you."

"I wish I could tell you why." I muttered whil I traced invisible patterns on his hand.

"Why can't you?" He asked. Damn he heard me... I sighed.

"You would run away and I would never get to see you again." The thought of that put a giant weight on my heart. My voice broke when I spoke. "Couldn't stand that."

"I dont want to lose you either." He looked at me with his emerald green eyes.

"Guess what Kaine?" I smiled at him.

"What?" He asked, confused by my sudden change in mood.

"I like you." I kissed his nose.

"I like you too..." He said quietly.

"Would you want to come to my house?" I was actually nervous about something. Right now I was definately not myself. I'm usually arrogant and fearless, and maybe a touch bitchy. I'm not sweet, caring, or nervous ever! Well except now.


"Okay they are going to have a three some in that room so I'll pop in and say goodbye for us." I told him.

"But won't that be embarrassing?"

"Probably but we should tell them we are leaving." He nodded. I walk to the room across the hall. I opened the door. "Your time isn't up, we are leaving, Kaine just woke up."

"Bye." They all said in unison, I was surprised they could speak... They were in a giant mass of sweaty limbs...

"Alright let's go." I grabbed Kaine's hand and we began walking to my car.
♠ ♠ ♠
5th update today! Go me! I'm aiming for 6!!

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