Sequel: Trust Me
Status: Completed! Can I get one more Subscriber so its 40 instead of 39... It bugs me because i'm sooo close!!

I am the Fallen

Life Story

Kaine looked as if he was about to pass out. "Come on let's sit down." Then I led him to my giant, soft and fluffy bed. What? I like almost sinking in to my beds, that's not a crime.

"Now, when I was younger..." I trailed off. He looked as if he was going to faint. "Should I hide my wings? Would that make it easier?"

"No, don't." He said his eyes were huge. He reached out to touch one. "They're so soft. I never imagined I would get to touch an angel's wings." He sounded mesmerized. "Why is your halo broken?" He reached out to touch that too. "It's cold."

"Well it's broken because I fell from heaven." I made him look into my eyes, he was never going to pay attention if he didn't look at my face.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I wasn't listening, I'll be good." He said, he kept his eyes on my face put kept petting my wings.

"Okay, so I was born to two of heaven's overall favorite angels; Michael and I never met my mother, Michael always had different girls all the time."

"So he was like a player." Kaine interrupted.

"Yes, in your terms, put in heaven the more female angels you lay gave you more powerful in society. I had a lot of siblings, as you may have guessed and Michael wasn't very fond of me. He like all the little girls better then me, the only boy." I had to stop, the memories were coming back.

"Wait how do you remember all of this? If you were a baby, wouldn't only remember a little?" Kaine asked, with his silly human stages of life.

"Angels are born and instantly mature to the equivalent of you're 5 year olds. We grow very fast because most of us stop growing at around the looks of your 15 or 16 year olds. Anyway my relation with my father, to say it short, sucked. He only wanted his little girls, even though getting a son from a mate is way more rare." I shook my head, I finally fully remembered how much I hated my 'daddy'.

"I was basically raised by Angela, she was the adopted mother of all the disowned or lost angels. She took me in and I became her favorite,because she never raised a boy before, most mothers and fathers cherished their little boys. You only got a boy if He found you were ready for one. How he thought my father was ready, I have no idea.

"So Angela tried to raise me as best she could, however she didn't know how to teach little boy angels to fall for girls. She would often point out little girls and asked me what I thought of them. Even though I didn't really like them I pretended for her sake that I did. I didn't want to be out of place. When I was old enough I went out on my own. I would sleep with tons of angel women, just for over.

"No matter how many time's I slept with them I could never actually come. But I would fake it and when angels learn to fake it well enough they come on will. Which is what I had to do every time a girl wanted to sleep with me.

"In heaven I was, apparently 'quite a catch' , they all loved my hair, and I caught one saying how 'my hair was gorgeous and she just wanted to run her fingers in it all day'. However that was the one girl who I ever truly had feelings for. She bore me a son, every father was jealous because my first child was a son.

"I raised the son as Angela had raised me. One day he came up to me and said 'Daddy, I don't really like girls.', " I laughed, I remembered my son he was so cute, he looked like me, we had the same blue eyes that mirrored the ocean and our hair looked exactly the same. But his mom was more on the tan side so he looked like he had been outside every day in the summer.

"What did you do?" Kaine asked, he was obviously intrigued. He was still stroking my wing. I was hoping he would find my soft spot that made me moan like a cheap whore.

"I told him I wasn't ashamed of him and I told him that I didn't like girls that much either. But I said he had to learn to be with them otherwise he would get kicked out of heaven. From then on he faked liking girls just as I had.

"One day I found an angel that also had to fake orgasms for girls. We would hang out and talk about how boring it was..." I remembered him. He his name was Jasiph.

"Wait how did you get kicked out if you just talked?" Kaine asked.

"I broke a law." I told him simply.

"What law?" He was very curious. To answer his question I kissed him and rubbed him through his pants. Then I pulled away, and didn't touch him at all. Well except his hand that still lingered on my wing.

"I still don't get it." He said. "And that was not nice." He glared at me.

"After a while we started finding ways to have sex with to males, instead of one of each gender. We found that if you put a dick up the others ass and hit the right spot, or prostate as you call it, it was extremely pleasurable. Then we learned all the tricks... Like pumping in time with thrusts, or blow jobs stuff like that. We also learned that everyone has a soft spot that makes them moan and writhe like a cheap whore you find on a curb, however we didn't have those in heaven." I looked at Kaine's face and laughed. "What?"

"You invented being gay?" He gasped.

"I suppose I did." I had never thought of it that way.

"Well, how did you come up with the name?"

"In that time in heaven gay meant being happy. We found with women we were not gay. So that's how we named it. Its very simple but that's how we named it." As I thought more about it, it was definitely simple.

"So, how did you fall?"

"Well one day when I was going to hang out with that man, a girl followed us. Usually we were extremely careful, but that day we were so lusty we didn't give secrecy a second thought. She caught me giving and reported us to Him. For some reason I was liked among the angels of heaven, but my partner was loved. So only I was cast down. God called me a faggot and kicked me out of heaven." Tear came to my eyes. "And I've been here even since. I haven't seen my son or even heard from any angel. I'm all alone down here."

"You're not alone." He hugged me tight. "I'm here with you. How long have you been down here?"

"9,000 years... Or so." I whispered.

"Really? Why haven't you been able to get back up to heaven?" He asked sympathetically.

"I went before the council many times, but they said I haven't learned my lesson. I don't know what lesson that is! How am I supposed to learn it!" I sniffled.

"Maybe it's love." He pulled back and looked in my eyes.

"I have loved before , but only three times, and when I looked to old for my age I left. I would still watch over them though. They all killed themselves." I winced at the thought.

"No, I mean someone loving you and knowing the truth." He suggested.

"Like you?" I was still sniffling.

"Yeah, I would have never done what I did if it wasn't with you." He kissed me softly and resumed rubbing my wings.

"Maybe." I pondered that thought. "Thanks for not running away, I don't know what I would have done with out you. I actually think I'm falling for you." I touched his face.

"Y-you halo!" He looked above my head. I looked in the mirror across from my bed and found some of the broken pieces had bonded together.

"You might save me." I smiled at him. "Oh, Fuck. Kaine!" I screamed as he hit my spot on my wing. My whole body arched upward causing our hips to ground together because he was straddling my waist. His eyes closed a little and he moaned quietly. Then when I stopped writhing and we settled down a little Kaine looked me in the eyes.

"What was that?" His eyes were huge.

"Everyone has a spot that does that to them. Mine happens to be on my wing right where you rubbed. So no other human could do that to me." I panted."Never have I moaned like that since I fell from heaven."

"Is there one on the other wing?" He asked evilly, and started rubbing the other wing.

"I don't know we only ever found...-FUCK" I screamed as he found a spot I didn't know I had.

"I wonder what happens when I hit both at the same time." He smiled evilly

"No, no, please, no." I panted. Then I wondered since when do I beg to humans? But that thought ended abruptly as soon as he hit both spots.

"KAINE" I screamed so loud the whole room shook. I began to move in ways I didn't think possible. My jean were about to rip. Lets just say when angels were more excited then their pants can hold, their pants didn't last long.

"Oh the things I could do to you." Kaine smiled devilishly at my sweaty form.

"Oh please no." I panted.

"Oh, yes." He said evilly. For once I was glad I didn't have any neighbors.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's kind of long...

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