

My name is Renna Wall. Well, that's not my real name, but it's my name for the purposes of this story. This is my story. The story of my life, and it's not specifically intended for entertainment purposes. Sure, if you find the story intriguing or touching or funny or whatever, that's great and I hope I brought some insight into a rather strange and interesting chronology. I wrote this as a form of therapy. To see how much I've grown in my lifetime and hopefully gain some perspective on the fact that I'm not an all around terrible human being.

It's also to let my dear sister Elizabeth into my head. She was the one who first gave me the idea of writing a story of my life. We were talking about it jokingly, but when she said, “Yeah... it would let me into your head,” I was shocked and a little bit sad. Until then, I thought my sister was the one person who knew me inside and out, from top to bottom. I'd spent the greater part of my life under her care, both before and after my mother died. Apparently this was not so. So here you go Elizabeth. Here's the inside of my head.

Well, actually I lied. This whole first chapter will be a boring outline of how this story is going to play out, and will hopefully save you hours of lost time reading a story that halfway through you decide is terrible, so here's how it's going to go. A lot of the story will be writings I've found both in my computer in journals, both to emphasize how I felt at that point in time and to add some context to my life and the circumstances. Also, a lot of them are pretty funny. There will also be writings I've received from other people, boyfriends, friends, family, pretty much anybody who I've met who decided I was worth an email or letter or heartfelt note on a day I was blue. I regret tossing a lot of these things, because I never thought they'd really have any importance long after the initial sending.

The timeline will be at times disjointed, and I might add things later on that should have been mentioned a while back. I apologize for this, as a lot of the time I have a hard time keeping the line of events in my head straight, as moving constantly and other factors can screw with your perception of time regarding past events.

Additionally, as this is going online, my name is a pseudonym, as well as the names of my friends and family and anyone else connected to this story. You'll know who they are in connection with me but you will not know their real names. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that this is more to protect my own identity rather than theirs, because a lot of my life is embarrassing and at times illegal.

So here we go. This is my life, and it is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. This is the first time anyone will hear the entire story of everything I've done and everyone I've met. I have no idea how long this story will be or how long it will take to write, as I intend to write every single detail I remember, how I remember it, and how my perceptions of said memories have changed over time. I hope you enjoy it.

This is for you, Elizabeth.