Status: active if commented

Good Times Never Seem So Good

Chapter One

I stood at my locker, organizing it before the first bell went off. It wasn’t too fancy, just a bunch of books lined up and then a few random things organized on the top shelf, which wouldn’t stay that way for long. I already had my schedule, though it took the secretary long enough to get it for me. How hard is it to push the print button? Old people. I shook my head thinking about what happened in the office, then shut my locker and started walking towards my first class; math. I wanted to shoot myself already.

When I walked into the classroom, I immediately felt all of the eyes on me already. Was I that special to get attention already? Are new kids hard to find here? Did my parents just send me to the worst school in the country? I sure hope not.

Anyway, I took my seat beside a kid sporting a fro. Wow. He gave me a weird smile as I sat down in this dreaded classroom. The corner of my mouth slowly slid up into some kind of disgusted smile. Great, I’m stuck with a creeper.

"I’m Jacob,” he said to me, reaching out his hand.

“Brooklyn,” I replied back, only grabbing the tips of his fingers.

“Are you new?”

“Obviously, yes.” I really hoped that the teacher would tell us to get out our books or something. This Jacob guy is really freaking me out, and I’m pretty sure he has a boner right now. I’m trying not to look.

“Can I put you in my blog?” I stared at him with my eyes wide open. What is going on?

Third person POV

The students of the Glee club sat in the choir room waiting for Mr. Schuester to arrive for their lunch meeting. They were all talking among themselves until Noah Puckerman, or Puck as everyone called him, spoke up.

“I heard there’s a new student today,” he said with an evil grin on his face.

“Yeah, I haven’t seen them though, but everyone’s talking about it,” Artie added.

“Do we even know if it’s a guy or girl?” Mercedes asked. Everyone shrugged. They knew that they’d find out eventually.

“Well I think I’m going to take a trip to the slushy machine,” Puck said as he stood from his chair and walked out of the room. It had been a long time since he’d last slushied anyone. In fact, he kind of missed it. And there was no other way to welcome a new student.

Brooklyn’s POV

I was heading back to my locker to grab the rest of my books. Unfortunately, I ate lunch alone today. Jacob had offered me a seat at his table, but I politely declined. I had enough of him in math class and didn’t need to see him ever again. But we all know that would never happen.

With my books cradled in my arm, I shut my locker and turned to head off to my next class. It was that moment that I had seen who was possibly the sexiest guy in the universe. He had a mohawk, which I wasn’t too fond of, but I’d learn to deal with it if I could hold on to those giant arms of his. He had a huge cup, which I noticed was almost overflowing with red slushie. Who needs that much slushie?

He was headed right for me. Oh god, what do I do? I’m being approached by the hottest guy in school. Thank god I decided to wear my best outfit today. His lips formed into an evil grin, which kinda freaked me out, but hey, I didn’t care what kind of face he made, he was still sexy.

He stopped in front of me, grin faded, eyes focused on my chest. The arm holding the slushie fell close to his side and was no longer held in front of him, and there was a sense of disappointment about him.

“You’re the new kid?” he asked, surprised.

“Uh, yeah, I’m Brooklyn,” I said with a smile.

“Noah, nice to meet you. Um, would you like a cherry slushie?” he asked, holding up the cup.

“Oh, no, I don’t like cherry,” I said, still smiling. “But thanks.”

“Oh okay. So what class do you have next?”


“Me too. I’ll walk you there,” he said, holding out his free arm. I linked my arm with his and let him lead the way down the crowded hallway. People were giving weird looks as we walked. Jacob walked passed, attempting to say something to me, but he was silenced by Noah shoving the slushie into his chest. Some of it spilled, leaving a huge red stain on his white shirt.

“That wasn’t very nice,” I said, looking back at Jacob. Even though I didn’t like him, I felt bad. It wasn't going to be easy to remove that stain. Jacob didn't even seem to be bothered by it. He just walked towards the bathroom with his shoulders slumped.

“Don’t worry, it happens all the time. It’s all for fun,” he said with a smile. He had the cutest smile. I giggled. I can’t believe I just giggled.

We walked into the classroom, which I assumed was the Spanish room. It was identical to every other classroom in the entire school; rows of desks in front of the teacher's desk. Noah led me towards the back of the room where there were two empty seats. Noah invited me to sit in the left seat while he took the right. The guy in front of us, a skinny white guy, turned around and gave Noah a ‘what the hell’ look. I saw Noah jerk his head towards me and the skinny guy just nodded. He turned back to face the front, but then reversed back towards us.

“Hi, I’m Finn,” he said, smiling. He was cute, but not sexy like the guy beside me.

“I’m Brooklyn, nice to meet you Finn.” Finn pulled Noah closer so that he could say something to him. Noah nodded and they return to their normal positions. Our teacher walked in and started writing some Spanish on the board.

“Hey, do you sing?” Noah whispered to me. Of course I can sing, but I’m not any good.

“Not really,” I answered.

“Oh that’s too bad. There’s a Glee club here, and me and Finn are in it.” A glee club? This could possibly be the biggest joke I’ve heard all day.

“Oh, that’s nice.” I didn’t know how else to respond to that.

“We thought maybe you’d like to join, that’s why I brought it up,” he explained.

“Oh, well I’m not very good at singing anyway,” I lied. I just couldn’t sing in front of people. I have terrible stage fright.

“You don’t have to be great,” Finn said, joining the conversation again. “You should come after school to watch us.”

“Well-” I was interrupted by the teacher clearing his throat.

“Sorry Mr. Schue, we were just trying to get Brooklyn the join the Glee club,” Finn said.

Mr. Schue looked at me with a surprised expression. I guess this was the first time he noticed me. I didn’t mind. I had enough introducing to do today and I really didn’t want to introduce myself to another class.

“That would be great, if you’re interested. And I’m sorry, you’re Brooklyn?” I nodded. “Sorry, my head’s been all over the place today. Welcome to William McKinley.”
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Well, this is my first Glee story. It's been awhile since I've posted anything. So I'm just getting back into this whole writing thing.