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Good Times Never Seem So Good

Chapter Eleven

If I wasn’t afraid of singing in front of people, and I didn’t care if they thought I was crazy, I totally would be jamming out to my iPod right now as I walked through the hallways. But you’d never see me doing that. Ever. Especially in school; this was an off-limits zone. So I casually walked through the halls, singing in my head.

I was listening to Kanye West, when that tall crazy woman appeared in front of me. She started talking but since I had my headphones in, I couldn’t hear her. I almost expected her to say, ‘Imma let you finish…’

But instead, the conversation took a more normal route.

“New kid, I’ve noticed that you’ve been spending an unnecessary amount with that pathetic Glee club.”

“Um, well kinda-” I started to say.

“Don’t speak.” I was taken aback by her sudden interruption. Geez, she’s Lima’s very own Kanye West. “Now I’ve got an offer for you, which you will have to accept. Join the Cheerios.”

“What are the Cheer-“

“I told you not to speak. But the Cheerios are possibly your only chance at being someone at this school. If you join the Glee club, you’ll be a no one for the rest of your life. So would you rather be a loser, or would you rather walk these hallways like you own the place? I think we both know what the correct answer to that question is, right?”

“Um, well I still don’t know what the Cheerios are,” I said slowly, giving her many opportunities to interrupt me again. But I was surprised when she didn’t.

“You could be that girl,” she said as she pointed to a girl in a cheerleading uniform. “I see a lot of potential in you New York.” I thought only Noah called me that? “Oh, and I talked to your little boyfriend too. He’s on the football team, and you…you’re not even high enough on the social pyramid.”

I was really shocked by that last comment. I did not like this woman. She scared me. The crazy woman who stood before me checked her watch before ending the conversation.

“Looks like I’m late for my meeting with one William Schuester. Think about what I said and come tell me at the end of the day to order your uniform.” And with that she walked away, leaving me stranded in the middle of the hallway while students rushed to class. An arm wrapped around my shoulder, dragging me into the crowd.

“Who is that woman?” I asked Noah.

“That’s Sue Sylvester. What was she saying anyway?”

“She tried to get me to join the Cheerios. That way I’ll be higher up on the social pyramid, and then I’ll have a better chance at getting a guy like you.” The thought made me really angry. I didn’t know I had to be important to date anyone on the football team, not that Noah and I are dating; he hasn’t officially asked me.

“Are you going to join?” I was almost pissed that he even asked me. It was like he thought that I was and now he’s just waiting for me to actually do it. I’d rather join the Glee club.

“Do you want me to?”

“No. I don’t care what you do. It’s not going to make me like you any more or any less. I like you the way you are,” he said. It put a smile on my face, but it wasn’t what I wanted him to say. He still hasn’t brought up me being his girlfriend, even though people talk like I am.

“Well I gotta go. See you later, babe,” he said, kissing me on the cheek and walking into his class. My iPod was still playing, though the song that was coming through my headphones described the way I was feeling pretty well. Or the way I felt with Noah, anyway.

Then this crazy idea popped into my head. Since Noah sang a song to me, in front of everyone, I felt as if I should do the same. But the idea scared me to death. Damn this song. It was the reason I got the idea in the first place. While I sat in class, I couldn’t stop thinking about the song. I scribbled the lyrics, when I should’ve been taking notes. I couldn’t focus on the teacher standing in front of us, talking away. All I could think about was The Cranberries.

And as the bell rang, I debated which hallway to take. I could take the easy way out and go out to the parking lot. Or I could walk to the opposite end of the school. My feet directed me towards the latter option. And what was on the other end of the school, you ask? The choir room.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I was headed for the choir room. And when I got there, I wished I could turn around, but it was too late. Mr. Schue caught me standing there.

“Yes, Brooklyn?”

“Um, I came to audition.” Oh, Sue is gonna be pissed at me.

“That’s great, Brooklyn! Come on in!” I noticed both Noah and Mercedes were smiling at me as I entered the room. “Do you have a song picked out?”

“Yeah, I’ve got the perfect song.” I showed my song choice to the small band who was always in the room. They said they knew it and got in the position to play.

What the hell was I doing?

“Okay, well you have the floor,” Mr. Schue said, stepping out of the way.

“Thanks.” As I stood in front of the small group of people, I saw Noah wink at me while Mercedes was giving me a thumbs up. I was nervous, and I didn’t know why I was there. It was just a spontaneous decision, all because of this one song. And I only hoped the Noah knew I was singing this for him.

Oh, my life is changing every day,

In every possible way.
And oh, my dreams, it's never quite as it seems,
Never quite as it seems.

I know I've felt like this before, but now I'm feeling it even more,
Because it came from you.
And then I open up and see the person falling here is me,
A different way to be.

I want more impossible to ignore,
Impossible to ignore.
And they'll come true, impossible not to do,
Impossible not to do.

And now I tell you openly, you have my heart so don't hurt me.
You're what I couldn't find.
A totally amazing mind, so understanding and so kind;
You're everything to me.

Oh, my life,
Is changing every day,
In every possible way.

And oh, my dreams,
It's never quite as it seems,
'Cause you're a dream to me,
Dream to me.

After I was finished singing, everyone was clapping. I could feel the color rush to my cheeks. Noah stood up as he clapped, and he was soon followed by the rest of the group, minus Rachel. She sat there, confused as to why they were giving me a standing ovation simply for auditioning.

“Welcome to Glee club!” Mr. Schue exclaimed.

“See, I told you she was a good singer!” Noah claimed.

“We didn’t doubt you,” Quinn said.

“And I knew it was only a matter of time before you broke down and joined,” Noah said, walking up to me. He pulled me into a hug, quietly whispering that he was proud of me. And for the first time I joined a meeting and I actually was a member.

And we got our first assignment. Do something out of your comfort zone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dreams - The Cranberries.
I bet you thought she wasn't going to join, huh?

So random fact, whenever I think of that song, I always think of Chuck E Cheese. I don't know. It's weird. But I've got 20 subscribers, which should mean 20 COMMENTERS. But that's okay. Take your time.