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Good Times Never Seem So Good

Chapter Twelve

Doing something out of my comfort zone seemed a little vague. I didn’t know what my ‘comfort zone’ was. It was probably easy for everyone else in the club, but not me. I don’t sing on a daily basis. But the good news was we’re doing this in partners.

“Are we picking our partner, or are you Mr. Schue?” Santana spoke out, obviously favoring choosing her own partner.

“Well I was thinking-” Mr. Schue started to say.

“Mr. Schue, can we pick our own partners this time?” the whole class begged.

“I was thinking,” he continued, “that you could pick your own partners this time.” The whole class erupted with joy. I just sat there clapping my hands, mimicking everyone else. Noah wrapped his arm around my shoulders, claiming me as his partner. I didn’t get to see who partnered up because the second Mr. Schue dismissed us, Noah dragged me out of the school so we could pick a song.

“I don’t know what kind of song we can sing, I don’t even know what genre is in my comfort zone. Is it always like this?”

“Calm down, I got this,” Noah shushed me.

“You have a song picked out?”

“Well, not exactly. But that’s what I’m about to do.” He pulled into his driveway. I barely had my seatbelt off by the time he shut off the engine, walked to my side of the truck, and opened the door. I don’t understand why he’s in such a hurry to get a song picked out. If only he were that fast for everything else.

He then rushed into the house and up to his room. I quickly followed. Noah really amazed me.

“Why are you in such a hurry to find a song? It’s not a competition,” I stated.

“We need to make sure it’s perfect though. Don’t you want to club to think of you as impressive?”

“Your determination is impressive,” I mocked.

“I’m just excited you finally joined, can you blame me?”

“I don’t understand you sometimes.”

“You love it.”

“I guess,” I said jokingly. “So what’s out of your comfort zone?”

“Well I normally sing stuff by Jewish artists, you know, to commemorate them.”

“Wow, nice word choice,” I said, surprised that commemorate was included in his vocabulary.

“Thanks,” he said, flashing a smile. “So I thought about this song.”
He handed me his iPod. I looked at the song, recognizing it. I too, had the song on my iPod. I was really happy he picked this song because I was in love with the song.

“I like this song.”

“Good. I think it fits us,” he said with a grin. I agreed too. But at the same time, it backed up the whole one-night ordeal. I don’t even know. I don’t want to bring up the dating thing. Noah could react anyway about the subject. I wanted him to mention it first.

We rehearsed the song a few times, coming up with a routine to go alone with it. I wasn’t much of a dancer, but the moves weren’t complicated. Plus, Noah told me to just go along with his so called awesome moves. I was feeling really confident with my new acquired skills. I felt a lot better performing with someone else. I was beginning to think this would be a fun experience.

At school the next day, I was nervous about my performance, but nonetheless, I was ready to get to the meeting. As all the Glee members sat at a lunch table, minus Noah who was serving a lunch detention after throwing yet another student in a dumpster, I decided to ask about what happened last year.

“You mean he still hasn’t told you?” Finn questioned. “You guys are dating, though, I thought he’d at least tell you.”

“Tell me what? What happened?”

“He never told you about Beth?”

“No, but we’re not really dating anyway so…”

Everyone looked at Quinn like she had the answer. I got a bad feeling about what they were about to tell me. Why can’t I keep my mouth shut? I always do this to myself.

“Beth is my daughter. I had her last year, but I gave her up for adoption. Puck is the father,” she told me.
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I'm really sorry that this chapter sucks just as much as Rebecca Black's version of Friday. I know its been forever since I updated, and since it's been so long, I lost track of where I was taking this story. I promise the next chapter is going to be better.

So on a better note, what did everyone think of Glee's version of Friday? I kinda liked it.