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Good Times Never Seem So Good

Chapter Two

Noah pretty much forced me to go to the Glee club meeting. I felt uncomfortable already, but Finn and Noah both promised me that I would enjoy it. I knew the club couldn't offer me anything that I actually enjoyed. When we entered the choir room, there were already people waiting and talking. Noah cleared his throat, getting everyone’s attention. They all looked at me. I didn’t know what to do, so, I just gave a small wave.

“Guys this is Brooklyn, the new girl,” Noah announced. They all muttered a ‘hey’ and continued looking at me.

“You mean the new girl you were going to throw a slushie at?” a Latina girl questioned. I raised an eyebrow at what she said and looked at Noah.

“You were gonna throw that slushie at me today?” Noah’s expression said it all. He knew he wasn’t offering it to me, he was trying to ruin my day. Things suddenly got awkward. Finn stood on the other side of Noah, awkwardly, with his hands in his pockets.

“Sorry I’m late guys,” Mr. Schue said as he walked in. He had his eyes on the papers he was carrying; he didn’t notice us all standing there like idiots. Finally, he had put the papers down on the piano and turned to the whiteboard. He took the cap off of a marker and put the tip to the board. I coughed, not intentionally, but it got his attention.

“Oh, hey Brooklyn. Did you want to try out today?” he asked with the slightest hope that I would say yes.

“Oh, no I’m not here to join. Noah and Finn forced me to come here,” I explained. Everyone chuckled when I said Noah. Did he lie about his name so I could embarrass myself even more? Was this all a part of his plan to embarrass the hell out of the new girl?

“Shut up, guys,” Noah, or whatever his name was, said angrily.

“Puck, come on. Anyway, Brooklyn, I’m glad you came to check it out. If you change your mind about joining, you’re always welcome to audition,” he said politely.

“Thanks,” I said, sitting down in an empty chair in the back. Noah and Finn stayed behind me, near the front of the room.The girl in front of me turned around and introduced herself to me.

“Hey, I’m Mercedes. Sorry Noah,” she started, stressing his name. “had to be the one to drag you here. He can kinda be an asshole.”

“Oh. Why do they call him Puck?" I asked her.

“Oh, everyone calls him Puck, for his last name, Puckerman.”

“Oh, he doesn’t like when people call him Noah?”

“No, I don’t,” Noah added into the conversation.

“So why did you introduce yourself as Noah and let me call you Noah? That’s slightly confusing,” I said to him. He shrugged his shoulders and sat down beside me. He didn’t really pay attention to what Mercedes was saying to me. He just kept to himself. Mercedes gave Noah a weird look and then turned back to me.

“And don’t worry about the slushie thing. It wasn’t personal. We’ve all gotten slushied for being in Glee. But no one has in awhile so you really don’t have to worry. He probably didn’t slushie you because he saw your chest and saw you were hot. But anyway, I hope you enjoy Glee enough to try out. I think you’d have a lot of fun.” So even if I did decide to join, I'd get slushied? Wonderful.

“Um, well thanks.” Everyone was so eager for me to join, I’d feel like I’d be disappointing them when I told them I wasn’t going to join.

Mr. Schue started to talk about some project they were going to start, but some girl’s hand shot up in the air before he had time to finish.

“Yes, Rachel?” Judging by his voice, I assumed she did that a lot, and it annoyed him.

“I would like to start off this meeting by performing the song I prepared.” She stood up in front of the class and I could really see her outfit. She wore an argyle sweater, a red skirt, which didn’t match, and white socks that came up to her knees. She must think we’re in a private school or something. Me on the other hand, I wore a pair of dark skinny jeans, a loose tank top and a blue cardigan. On my feet I wore white and navy striped flats. I don’t mean to brag, but I definitely dressed better than her.

As she explained her song, I just stared at her; I didn’t really care about what she had to say. I can’t even remember the title of the song. Her eyes were huge, and she looked like she could cry at any moment. By the way she interrupted Mr. Schue, I could tell that she was a control freak.

I wasn’t even paying attention to the song she was singing. Again, I didn’t really care. I wasn’t into this whole singing in front of people thing. As Rachel sung a super high note, Noah nudged me with his elbow.

“Sorry if the slushie thing pissed you off,” he said, his eyes showed his sympathy.

“If you would’ve actually thrown it at me, I wouldn’t be happy, but you didn’t so I can't really be mad at you.”

“It’s just who I am,” he admitted.

“I figured.”

“So do you like Glee so far?” he asked, hoping like everyone else that I would be enjoying myself.

“It’s really not my thing. I just don’t think I could sing in front of people,” I confessed.

“You never know. But I’m sure you’re a good singer,” he guessed.

“You’ll never know,” I joked. He smiled while shaking his head. “Do you sing?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Oh, just asking,” I stated.

“I could sing to you,” he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Nah, that’s okay Noah.” He mumbled something about me missing out, and I’m sure I was. I don’t normally let guys sing to me. In all honesty, I felt awkward when people sang to me, even on my birthday. Though I think I could make an exception for Noah, but I wouldn’t tell him that. He always gave me that look, the look where he just wants to get in my pants. And he totally looked like that kind of guy. I knew for sure I wasn’t going to be just another girl to him. So he's placed strictly in the friend zone for now.

“So who is everyone else, I was never really introduced.” I leaned closer to Noah so I didn’t interrupt Rachel’s rather impressive voice.

“Oh, right. That’s Artie over the in there wheelchair, he’s cool. Then there’s the Asian couple, Mike and Tina, the guy with the really big mouth is Sam, then you have Santana, Quinn and Brittany, who probably doesn’t even know her own name right now, then me, Puckzilla and you know everyone else,” he said, pointing to every member.


“You know it babe.”

The meeting was soon over so I got out of my seat and got out of that room as fast as I could. Noah offered me a ride home, but I drove myself to school. I felt like I might like the school, and most of the people here. But after this Glee meeting, I knew two things; one, I wanted Noah Puckerman and two, I was not joining the Glee club.
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