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Good Times Never Seem So Good

Chapter Three

The next morning, as I stood at my locker preparing for math class, Mercedes and Tina came up to me. I held onto my books with one arm and held my new Juicy Couture purse in the other. I noticed Mercedes taking in my outfit, and she seemed pleased.

“I think you would’ve gotten along with Kurt really well,” Mercedes stated. Tina stayed fairly quiet, only muttering a quiet ‘hi’ as she walked up to me.

“Who’s Kurt?” I asked, knowing that I was missing something.

“Oh, he’s my best friend. He moved away though, to Dalton Academy. He loved fashion,” she told me. I nodded my head as a way of showing I understood. I guess that’s a compliment. “So anyway, where are you headed?”

“Math. I’m not in the least bit excited. I have to sit next to this Jacob kid,” I began.

“Wait, Jacob Israel?” I nodded again. “Oh, girl, that really sucks for you.”

“He wanted me to be in his blog,” I announced. The two girls in front of me chuckled. My shoulders slumped as I realized I was in for a rough ride. Mercedes put her hand on my shoulder comfortingly and pushed me along. We walked to our individual classes, which happened to be in close proximity of each other.

I was surprised at the rate I was making friends. Ignoring the fact that they were all Glee kids, I still considered them friends. Though there's one person, however, who will not be considered a friend. And that certain person was staring at me as I walked though the classroom door. His head rested on his hand in a really creepy way. He sighed heavily as I pulled out my seat and sat down. He attempted starting a conversation with me, but he was forced to shut up when the teacher yelled at him for being an interruption to the class.

The rest of the class had an assigned test, but I didn’t have to take it due to me only being here two days. The teacher granted me permission to listen to my iPod or work on other homework. I chose the first option. I dug for my purple iPod in my bag and unraveled the tangled wires. I pushed the small buds in my ears and turned it on. I put it on shuffle, but skipped through the hundreds of songs until I found one that I actually wanted to listen to. In the end, I settled on Roman’s Revenge by the lovely Nicki Minaj; my favorite artist.

I laid my head down as the other students started calculating various math problems. As they pushed button after button on their calculators, I let the music fill my ears and let my mind wander. Ultimately, the first thing I thought of was Noah. I couldn’t help it; he’s my type. Then I thought of Glee club. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still not joining. Just the thought of singing in front of those people made me cringe. I wouldn’t mind watching them sing, but I’d never be on stage with them, and that’s a fact.

After thirty minutes of test taking, the students slowly walked to the front of the room to hand in their packets. There was only ten minutes of class left when Jacob finished his test. After he handed it in, he walked back to the desk and sat down. He started staring again, and this time, I wasn’t going to let him get away with it.

“Can you please stop staring at me?” I asked politely, after pausing my music.

“Your beauty is as timeless as the Earth,” he said.

“Oh, alright,” I said slowly and rotated myself so that my back was towards him. I heard him sigh again so I pushed play and let the music block out my surroundings. I heard the bell ring so I rushed out of my seat and as far away as I could get from Jacob.

As I walked to in the cafeteria, I searched for Mercedes. It was hard to find anyone with the cafeteria so crowded.

“Brooklyn!" I heard being called from behind me. Mercedes was walking towards me, followed by Artie and Brittany. I remembered Noah saying that Brittany probably didn’t remember her own name, and she looked quite confused as she entered the cafeteria. I shrugged her off and walked with Mercedes to find a table.

After sitting with Artie, I found out he was actually really cool. So that’s one more friend to add to my newly formed list. Mercedes and Artie were the only ones on the list so far. I wasn’t sure if Noah and I were actually friends or not, he had potential. I guess we’ll find out in Spanish class.

Finn and I had arrived to class on time, but Noah got there after the bell rang. I guess it was a frequent occurrence because Mr. Schue didn’t seem fazed by it. Instead, he waved Noah to the back of the room as he waltzed in the door.

“Hey girl,” Noah greeted as he sat down.

“Hey Noah. Way to walk in on time,” I joked.

“You know it just makes me sexier,” he said, raising his eyebrows as some sort of turn on. I couldn’t disagree with him, but I just replied with another giggle. What is up with this giggling?

“So do you need a ride today?” he asked me.

“No, I drove again. Sorry,” I answered.

“Well tomorrow, don’t drive to school,” he said, pulling out his Spanish book.

“Okay, I’ll just ask my dad to drive me,” I said with a small ounce of sarcasm. “Why do you want to give me a ride so bad?”

“I don’t know, to see where you live?” He sounded unsure of his own answer.

“Okay, stalker.”

“Hey, you can’t criticize me for being curious,” he stated.

“But I can think you’re weird,” I insisted.

“Puckzilla is not weird, babe.”

“What is up with 'Puckzilla'?” He shrugged his shoulders, not responding to my question.
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Hopefully this chapter is a little better than the first two. I know it's going slow right now, but just be patient. Things will get interesting soon. And it would make me really happy if you guys commented or subcribed.