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Good Times Never Seem So Good

Chapter Five

“Girl, please tell me you didn’t make out with him,” Mercedes pleaded after I told her about the day when Noah took me home and that’s when I saw the look of terror on her face. We were sitting on her bed looking at magazines, since she had invited me over for a girl’s night. Some artist that I never heard was playing in the background. I was actually really into it. Her room was exactly what I expected; posters of hip hop and R&B artists lined the purple walls.

“I was going to, but my dad walked in. I mean, he’s really hot, I would’ve loved to make out with him,” I explained. Mercedes just stared at me, eyebrows raised to their fullest height and her big lips pursed.

“You have to watch out for him. He’s not the best guy for you, or for anyone.”

“I know, but I can have some fun, right?”

“I guess, but I just don’t want you to get hurt,” she confessed. “He’s hurt way too many girls. But you have to expect it if you’re with him.”

“How many girls has he been with?” I asked, regretting it immediately after seeing Mercedes expression.

“Like, the whole school.”

“Even you?”

“Even Rachel Berry,” she said, nodding her head.

“Oh, wow. Does he even have standards?”

“Well, Puck only went out with Rachel because she’s Jewish.” Great, do I have to be Jewish to be with Noah?

“Just be careful, and watch out for Santana,” Mercedes warned me. “Santana and Puck are like fuck buddies. But she thinks that she’s the only one who can have him.”

“Okay, I’ll make sure to watch out.”

“So what did Puck do when you’re dad came in?”

“He actually introduced himself. Which really caught me off guard, I figured he’d rush out of the room or something,” I said.

“Wow, that is surprising.”

“Yeah, he stayed for a few more hours until his mom called and wanted him home. After he left, my dad interrogated me. I think the only reason he likes him is because he plays football. My dad would do anything to go back to his ‘glory days’ as a football player.”

“What about your mom, did she meet him?” she asked. My mom was kind of a sore subject, but I told her the story anyway because after all, she was my best friend in Lima so far and she deserved to know.

“My mom passed away when I was five. She had breast cancer,” I said, barely remembering my mom.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Mercedes said, giving me a sympathetic look.

“It’s fine. We’ve moved on, well I have. My dad never really did. Well, in a way. He won’t date another woman.”

I hated telling people about my mom. I didn’t want them to pity me. And as of now, Mercedes is the only one I’m telling. I know I trust her with it, not that it’s something I feel I need to hide, I just don’t want people to know something so personal to me.

The next Monday in school, while at my locker, a hand came out of nowhere and slammed against the frame. I looked up from my lock to find Santana glaring at me. I guess Mercedes was right.

“I heard Puck gave you a ride home last week,” she said angrily.

“Yeah, so?”

“You best back off.”

“We didn’t do anything. We’re not dating, so don’t worry.”

“Good. It best stay that way, because that boy’s mine.” Her face was just inches away from mine. She stood at most two inches taller than me, but she didn’t scare me. I had no reason to be scared. There was nothing going on between Noah and me.

“Alright,” I said as she walked off. What a great start to my day. After that little episode, I walked to Math class, which was normal as far as the idiot beside me. He was creeping on me as usual and yet again succeeded in pissing me off. I swear he’ll never get the hint.

Lunch was normal too, except the fact that Noah sat with us. At first, I wasn’t going to bring up the whole Santana thing, but then I decided that I should at least tell Noah, so then maybe he’d tell her to back off. I didn’t need her bitching at me every time Noah and I did something together.

“Are you and Santana dating?”

“No…” he said slowly. The skin between his eyebrows wrinkled as responded to my question. His answer seemed honest, but he seemed a little confused as to why I was asking.

“Hmm, well I wonder why she got upset that you gave me a ride the other day.”

“Well I don’t know. She’s like that; just ignore her,” he ordered. “So have you thought about Glee club?”


“No, what?”

“Just no.”

“Why not, Brooklyn?”

“Because I don’t want to, Noah.”

“You have a great voice!”

“Noah, leave her alone,” Artie demanded. “If she doesn’t want to join, we can’t force her.”

“Thanks Artie,” I said to him. He sent me a smile and turned to Brittany to listen to whatever she had to say. Mercedes was too bust enjoying her tater tots to pay attention to our conversation.

“I really don’t know why you won’t join,” Noah said, as if it were so unclear why I would not join.

“I really don’t know why you want me to join so badly,” I mocked.

“Well, you’re voice is amazing.”

“So? You wanted me to join before you ever heard me sing.”

“That’s because I knew you were good. Like a psychic or something,” he said. Sometimes Noah’s thought processes really made me laugh. He definitely wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was the cutest. That smile made my knees weak; my heart beat fast and hard. I hated that I was so attracted to him. If every girl in the entire school hadn’t already had a piece of him, I wouldn’t feel so bad. But I have dignity and respect for myself. But I don’t know how long those feelings will last with the way he looks at me. And if he asks me to make out again, I don’t know if I’ll be able to say no. I’m sure next time my dad won’t be there to walk in and interrupt us. I’ve totally fallen for Noah Puckerman’s charm and we haven’t even known each other for a month!

This is bad, and I know it. Not only should I be slapping myself mentally, but I know Mercedes will the second she finds out that I’m crushing on the school’s manwhore, as Mercedes politely put it. I couldn’t help it, but I was going to fight my feelings as hard as I could.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not much in this one, but you find out some more about Brooklyn. Yes, I changed her name from Alli to Brooklyn simply because I was bored with it, and since not a lot of people are reading it, I figured it wouldn't make a whole lot of difference.

But comments are appreciated as well as subscribers!!!