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Good Times Never Seem So Good

Chapter Seven

I was on route to repay Noah’s favor from earlier in the week. I had two cans of chicken noodle soup, which I had picked up last night when he first told me he wasn’t feeling good. At that point I knew I’d gotten him sick. But whose fault was it? Definitely not mine. He was the one who came over after all.

So when I got to the door, I didn’t expect his mom to answer the door. I figured she’d be at work or somewhere else. But she opened the door. She looked polite; she wore a smile on her face. Noah really didn’t look anything like her, maybe he looked like his dad.

“Hi, I’m bringing this to Noah, since he’s sick,” I said politely.

“Oh, are you his girlfriend?” God I wish.

“Oh, no. I’m just his friend, Brooklyn.” She smiled widely after I told her my name.

“Oh, well I can take that up to him so you don’t get sick. Noah’s very sick,” she said.

“Well I’m the one who got him sick so I’d like to take it as an apology, if that’s okay.”

“Sure go ahead, I’m sure he’d like to see you,” she said with a huge smile. “But I have to go to work. It was nice meeting you, Brooklyn.”

“Nice meeting you too,” I said quickly and stepped through the door. This was my first time ever being in his house and it was totally different than I thought it would be. But I made my way up the stairs, making sure to get there quickly so I wasn’t late for school.

When I made it to the top step, I heard some noise coming from one of the rooms. I followed the noise and found Noah lying on his bed, with his back towards me. I knocked lightly on the door frame, trying to get his attention.

“I’ll be fine Mom,” he called from his bed. “You can go now.” I tried to think of some witty comment, but nothing was popping into my head.

“Mom,” he called again. I walked over to his bed and sat down beside him. He turned around and upon seeing me, he smiled.

“How you feelin’?” I asked.

“Better since I have a sexy lady sitting in my bed,” he grinned.

“Stop. Anyway, I brought you soup. I got two cans, because I know how hungry you get. I can write down instructions if you need me too. And well it’s your house, you know what to do,” I explained, knowing that he wasn’t paying attention to me anyway.

“You should stay.”

“No, I have to go to school.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I should. We’re having one last review session for Spanish.”

“We can study here,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

“You should get some rest. And I should go to school,” I announced while standing up.

“Stay. I don’t want to be alone,” he pleaded.

“You really want me to stay?”

“Yeah, I stayed with you when you were sick,” he argued.

“You didn’t skip an entire day of school, though.”

“I did leave early though.” I didn’t reply to his statement, but we did have a staring contest. I did feel bad for him, being alone all day. When I was sick, he kept me company for most of the day. I should at least spend some time with him, especially when he’s so cute and sweet. I’ve deduced that Noah is only sweet when we’re alone, leaving me to assume that he has feelings for me. But when we’re at school and there are other people around, he becomes Puckzilla, the bad boy. Not that I don’t like both side of him, I just prefer him to be sweet.

“Fine, I’ll stay,” I said, leading to him pushing out an elongated ‘yes.’ I sat back down on his bed after he slowly shifted over, giving me more room. Some random show that I’ve never watched before was playing, but I wasn’t paying much attention to it. We were both propped up against the headboard behind us. We stared forward at the TV, but none of the scenes registered in our brains.

I could hear him breathing beside me, and normally I think it’s weird if I can hear someone breathing really close to me, it freaks me out, but hearing Noah didn’t. Maybe it’s the fact that I actually had a small amount of feelings for him, that I didn’t care what he did. This thing that I felt in the very bottom cavity of my chest was no longer a crush. Oh, it was more than that. Even I was shocked at how fast I started liking him. I mentally slapped myself, much like I always do when I think about Noah.

“So um-” Noah started, but was interrupted by the sound of my phone vibrating against his wooden table. I quickly picked it up, eager to see who had sent me a text.

mornin’ gorgeous’ it was from Sam. Yes, the Sam with the big mouth. I giggled when I read the text.

“Who’s that?” Noah asked.

“Oh, just Sam,” I said, too busy to look at Noah when I answered him. I was thinking of how to reply to Sam. ‘wassup sexy?’ was the best I could do.

“When did you get his number?” he asked nervously.

“Oh, well that day, you know, when all the Glee kids sat together at lunch, plus me.”

“Oh.” I looked at Noah this time, and when he responded to me, he seemed a little disappointed.


“Do you like Sam?” The tone in his voice dropped.

“Yeah, I like him,” I answered. He gave me that same disappointed look. I think he’s getting the wrong idea. “I don’t like him like that though. Not at all.” There was really no attraction to Sam. He was just an all around sweet guy.

“Okay.” Was he jealous? If that wasn’t jealousy, I don’t know what it was.

“Would it matter if I did?”

“Well, I don’t think he’s very good for you.”

“Then who is?”

“I don’t know.” Hmm, typical response. I was beginning to think that I may have been right about him liking me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I want some major comments guys!!! The number of subscribers has jumped since the last time I updated, so that means more people should be commenting!!! I wanna know what you guys think. Did you think I was going to make her like Sam? Tell me.