Status: Completed:)

Destined to Explode


*Janelles POV*

It had been a few days since the whole issue with Dwight had occured, and us girls had gotinvited to go to the this big party that a lot of students where going to at the Beta House, sowe decided to go and have a little fun.

"Hey Nellz, did you ask Brad if the boys can come?" shouted from the dorm's bathroom.

Brad had been the one to invite the three of us, since we had been texting since the day I got here, once and a while. Considering that he is apart of the beta club, he could invite who ever he wanted to and didn't have to bother asking the rest of the members because people where coming from every part of the campus.

"Yeah!" I shouted back, quickly taking out my phone and texting Brad, asking if we could bring the guys, who were already on their way, with us.

I got a reply a few minutes later saying, "yeah sure:D"

The boys had great timing because they knocked on the door just as we were putting the finishing touches on our make up.

"Damnnnnnn ladies y'all look FINE!" Jack yelled, once he had seen us.

Zack walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek, before whispering in my ear, "You honestly do look beautiful tonight." I smiled and looked toward the floor.

"Thanks." I said.

After a few minutes of talking Jack yells, "alright guys. Enough of this no partying shit, were off of tour right now, and I wanna get shitfaced!"

We all laughed and walked out of the front door, and across campus to where the party was going on.

We walked into the living room of a huge house to smell booze and to see couples all over the place making out and dacing on top of eachother.

"Now this is my kinda party!" Jack yelled over the loud music.

Beta house...

Beta house...

Where had I heard about this place before? Someone is head of the Beta House, but I can't remember who it is. Hm. He must be here somewhere. Oh well, I'll worry about that later.

I could hear my name being called and turned to see a sweaty Brad heading toward us.

"Nellz! You came!"

I smiled and hugged him, "of course I did. I told you I would be here!"

He smiled, and looked up at Zack, "Hey man, I'm Brad." He shook his hand and looked kind of pissed that I had actually decided to bring Zack instead of leaving him at home.

You could see clearly that it was a very firm hand shake. Brad looked
[strike]civil[/strike], or should I say, he tried to act civil, towards Zack.

I introduced all of the guys to Brad, and quickly told them how he had helped me with my bags the first day that I had arrived.

"That's great. So, Nellz I think we should go get a drink." Zack said, pulling me towards the bottles of beer that were in the fridge. We both opened one and I chugged mine knowing that this was going to be a long night.

Jack and Deena had headed towards the dance floor after getting a beer, and Alex and Kelly had went to go outside and jump into the swimming pool, so in the kitchen it was only Zack and I, not including the couple in the corner practically dry humping on the counter, each other of course.

"Will you just calm down with the whole jealousy thing? I understand that you're my boyfriend but honestly, Brad wasn't doing anything, he is just a friend." I said to Zack, trying to be as sweet as possible.

His smile faded and he looked down at me, "I'm sorry I just really like you, and I don't wanna loose you." He held my hand that wasn't occupied with a beer bottle.

“Well doesn’t that wanna make me puke?” I hear a voice say, coming from the door of the kitchen that leads to the living room.

I knew the voice as soon as it began talking, so I continued to face Zack’s chest as I spoke.

“Is there anything I can do for you Mr. Stifler?”

I heard him laugh, “well honey there isy things that you can do to make me happy!”

Why was he being like this? Was it because of the fact that I brought Zack? After the whole thing which happened the other day, we hadn’t talked much at all. He had ignored both of my text messages that I had sent him, so I didn’t bother trying anymore.

I felt Zack stiffen beside me.

“Just chill.” I whispered, loud enough for Zack to hear, but quiet enough for Stifler to not hear.

I turned to face toward Stifler and placed Zack’s arms around my lower waist.

“Lets go dance.” I said simply, grabbing Zacks hand and pulling him past Stifler.

I pushed him in front of me and followed Zack out, but before I was able to walk past Dwight, he gently tugged on my arm.


“I was just kidding, I can’t control my self around you when you are with him. I hate how he looks at you, it looks like he is only using you for sex. Come on Nellz, think about it. He plays in a band for gods sake! Please don’t dance with him.” he said, practically begging.

“You don’t know him, you can’t say anything. Now can you please let go.” I said forcefully.
He let go with a sigh and walked towards the fridge to get another beer.

Zack and I walked towards the dancing students and made it smack dab in the middle. I turned around pushing my back against his chest. He wrapped one arm around my lower waist and placed his other hand on my hip. We began swaying to the rhythm, in sync.
After a few seconds Zack started kissing up and down my neck, and behind my ear, making my head rest against his shoulders, and my hands trail up to his hair. We were having fun just dancing, not being interrupted by anyone. The dance that we shared, got heated very quickly, and soon enough you could have said that we were basically having sex with our clothes on.

It must have been at least thirty minutes before Zack’s arms went missing and I heard a loud groan.

I turned around to find Dwight with hatred in his eyes, looking as if he had just punched someone. I turned to find Zack stumbling back a few steps, grabbing his jaw.

He just punched Zack!?

“Oh that’s it dude I am tired of you. I have wanted to hit you since the day that I met you, and you know what? This is my chance.”

Zack threw a punch and it connected with the side of Dwights face.

I looked around to see everyone circling around us, this is not going to end well.

I tried getting into the middle of them by yelling but it wasn’t working.

I felt arms being wrapped around my waist and pull me back a few steps from my original place, getting me out of the middle of the fight.

Zack and Stifler just kept hitting each other over and over I couldn't take it. I began crying and screaming to the both of them to stop and that Dwight was just drunk and didn’t know what he was doing, but none of it did any help, they just kept hitting each other over and over.

I saw Alex try and pull Zack back the best he could, while Brad pulled Stiflers shirt so they were far enough apart that they couldn’t hit each other anymore.

“Shhhhh.” I hear someone whisper into my ear trying to calm me down. Realizing it was
Jack who had been the one to put his arms around me. I turned around in his arms and cried into his chest. After I had stopped sobbing, I turned back around to see Stiflers eye beginning to swell and Zack’s nose bleeding.

“What the hell is wrong with you guys! Why do you have to do that! If either one of you felt anything for me than you would realize it would hurt me to fight one another! I hate you guys! I can’t believe you would do this! I care about you both, differently yes, but still I care about you two! And it hurts me when I see you guys do this!” I shouted, making everyone in the house be quiet and listen.

I walked out of the Beta House with tears running down my cheeks, hearing footsteps behind me.

“Is there a chance you guys can leave me alone?” I said.

“Not a chance honey.” Deena said.

“We’re here for you.” Kelly said.

The both grabbed one of my hands and continued with me walking towards our dorm.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay sooo what do you guys think!?! Lol. Thank you to everyone! I now have two stars:) Im excited, I have work hard on this so thank you guys sooo much!
I wanna know what you guys think sooo message me or comment!
Thanks to my two commenters! I love you guys!

These are the girls outfits: