Starving For His Touch

When Frank Iero begins developing feelings for best friend Gerard Way he grows increasingly anxious and slips into denial.
A few months pass and frank begins to except the fate of his heart, but will Gerard? After deciding to fight for the love if his best friend, he faces a new realisation,
Gerard deserves no less then perfect.

Frank struggles along the road to perfection trying to be the best (thinnest) he possibly can be in order to be worthy of Gerard.
But will Gerard stand by Frank and help him out of the pit of darkness otherwise known as Anorexia or will he disregard the problem and lead a ‘normal’ life with Sasha, the women he pretends to love.

Will love conquer all or will Anorexia claim victory over Franks life?

[ok I don’t own my chemical romance and all the rest….]