In Another Dream

"Tell me, angel, am I dreaming?"

“Come here.”

The words are spoken in a whisper, and he smiles as the other man looks up at him, moving closer. Gentle, smooth lips are pressed to his, and his eyes droop closed as he returns the pressure. His hand lifts to cup the other man’s cheek, and he smiles as the skin beneath his palm prickles, his thumb brushing over it in reverence.

“You’re so beautiful.” His voice is a low murmur, and he smiles as the other man’s nose is brushed against his. Their lips meet again, and he feels the other man smile against his mouth. The warm body next to his presses closer, and his arm slides around the other man’s slim waist. “I swear to God, you’re like a dream.”

The other man hums in response, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, a small smile gracing his mouth. His fingers drift over the other man’s spine, causing him to shiver and press closer. Warm hands frame his face, and he smiles and lets his eyes close once more as he’s gifted with another, longer kiss. The plush mouth against his smiles, draws back, and then kisses him again, and Yuu wraps his other arm around the other man, pulling him on top of him.

“Tell me, angel, am I dreaming?”

The man on top of him chuckles softly, shaking his head. “No,” he whispers, lips pressing against Yuu’s for another short moment. “You’re very much awake.” He shifts, hips pressing against Yuu’s, legs bent as if he were kneeling and holding Yuu in place between them.

“I must be in heaven, then,” Yuu whispers, his touch drifting up the other man’s back. “I’ve died and found paradise at last.” Lips touch his again for the briefest of moments, and he smiles, melting slowly as the hands framing his face gently caress his skin. His fingers drift over the other man’s shoulder blades, and he reaches up to brush golden locks back, and he smiles. “Where’re your wings, Kouyou?”

“Shh,” Kouyou whispers, and he chuckles, forehead resting against Yuu’s. His eyes drift closed, and he smiles, humming softly as Yuu’s lips meet his. “It’s late, we should sleep.” He draws back, kissing the tip of Yuu’s nose, and he smiles. “You dark-haired devil, you’ve tired me out.” He chuckles softly, and brightness finds Yuu’s eyes as their gazes meet.

“If I sleep, angel, can I dream of you?”

Kouyou smiles, and he hums softly, kissing Yuu again. “Dream of anything you want.” He shifts again, lying on his side and letting Yuu pull him closer, and he smiles as his head rests on the dark-haired man’s chest. His eyes close, and he listens to Yuu’s heartbeat, fingers tracing meaningless symbols on Yuu’s skin. He feels fingers dancing over his hipbone, and he presses closer, turning his head to kiss Yuu’s chest.

He hears Yuu’s heartbeat pick up for a few short moments, and he smiles, relaxing into him once more. Yuu shifts, picking up the edge of the blanket and covering their bare forms with it, and Kouyou sighs softly as warmth spreads through him. His breathing slows, and he relaxes, and he falls asleep before he has a chance to hear Yuu whisper “sweet dreams.”

Yuu watches him for what seems like hours, observing the rise and fall of his breath, etching into memory the softness and warmness of his bare form. His fingers brush through Kouyou’s hair, and his fingers gently stroke Kouyou’s skin, and his fingers do their best to remember what the human-angel looks and feels like as he tries to stay awake.

“Sweet dreams,” he whispers again, and his lips press a soft kiss to the hair at the top of Kouyou’s head. And he smiles, holding the other man closer, shifting and eventually falling asleep. As he sleeps, he dreams of a soft body arching and shifting beneath his, and he dreams of a softly-smiling mouth kissing his, and he dreams of Kouyou and his eyes and the gentle, forgiving touch of his hands.

He dreams of holding Kouyou’s hand and walking with him and showing him the world that he came from, and he dreams of heaven, and he dreams of the hell that he knows would be all-too-real if the angel beside him were to ever leave his life.

He barely wakes as Kouyou shifts and presses a kiss to his lips, and he murmurs a “see you” as Kouyou’s soft smile kisses him again. And he turns onto his side when Kouyou is gone, arms wrapping around one of the pillows, his dreams returning him to more perfect worlds. He knows that the soft body of the human-angel has left his bed, and yet he sleeps as though the entire night before had been a dream.

Yuu doesn’t want to wake up.

Yet, his eyes eventually open, and he turns his face into the pillow, the light that has suddenly filled the room stinging his vision. He grunts half-heartedly, shifting and almost hoping that he’ll see Kouyou lying beside him when he turns his head and allows the light to greet him. He smiles when he sees a small square of paper on his nightstand, and he reaches for it, holding it up so that the words written upon it can be read.

His smile widens as he sees Kouyou’s name, and then he sees a short sentence written on the line above it.

Until we meet again, in another dream.