Status: Complete

Kissing in the Rain, a Kyo Sohma oneshot

Kissing in the rain, a Kyo Sohma oneshot

Kyo Sohma oneshot

The sky was a dark gray and the clouds were pouring down rain. No thunder, no lightning. Just rain. I was sitting under a tree, staring blankly out into the wilderness. Whoever said that kissing in the rain wasn't romantic? I thought to myself. Kyo doesn't think so... But who cares what he thinks? It wasn't like I liked him or anything... That was, at least, what I told myself.

I blinked slowly as earlier's argument brought a small smile to my face.

“-is not romantic!” Kyo yelled at Tohru, who simply smiled. “Oh, but it is! I've always thought the whole idea to be romantic! It's Ryo's dream. Isn't it Ryo?” she asked, pulling me into the conversation. “Hnnn?” I asked, now totally confused because I had been in a conversation with Yuki about my zodiac. “Being kissed in the rain,” Tohru repeated patiently. “Oh... Uhm...” Was the only genius thing my mind could come up with. “Well?” Kyo asked impatiently. “Stupid cat. Let her think about it,” Yuki said calmly. “Damn rat!” “I suppose so,” I answered lowly. Truthfully I didn't want to be a part of this conversation. I was perfectly happy with keeping my opinion to myself.

“Is that a yes, or a no?” Tohru asked, cocking her head innocently. I stared at her. I swear that she wasn't the little saint everyone thought she was. Not at the moment at least. “I suppose,” I repeated. See, I was the tomboy. I didn't have girly opinions like being kissed in the rain. Or that's what people thought. But I had that small, almost non-existent side, too. Of course, revealing my opinion would change my status, which absolutely could not happen. I worked too hard for too long to build it. “Well I think that the whole concept is stupid!” Kyo yelled.

“No need to shout...” I muttered.

A twig snapped and my head jolted up. “Who's there?” I asked cautiously. Then I mentally smacked myself. People who said that in the movies always wound up raped and then killed or tortured and then killed. Niiiiice going. “Don't worry, it's just me,” I heard Kyo's voice say, just barely heard over the rain. “Kyo?” I squinted. “You shouldn't be out here!” “Yeah, yeah...” He muttered, emerging. He wobbled some and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, steadying him as he swayed.

He righted himself and I let go, closing my eyes and letting the rain soak me. I was going to miss this... The rain. No one knew about the confinement. Akito and I made a deal a few years ago; I had two years to make the Cat fall in love with me, and then shatter him, or I'd be put in a one-roomed building for the rest of my life. “There's something I want to try,” I heard him say lowly, bringing me back to Earth. “Hnn?” I asked, turning fully towards him.

He took a deep breath.

Then he wrapped his arms around me and brought me into a kiss. In the rain. It wasn't demanding, like I expected it to be. No, that would probably when he gets good at it. I mentally snickered but that was cut off when I small, barely-heard moan escaped my mouth. But he heard it. I know he did, and it was marked by feeling a smirk plaster itself across his face. He pulled away and I let out a shaky laugh.

“Nihaha... Whoever said that kissing in the rain wasn't romantic?”