Brotherly Complex


Cissy woke to a set of teasing lips, she groaned softly in response as they ran along the nape of her neck in gentle brushes. Shifting in her sleep, she rolled onto her back, neck further exposed for his torment.
Cool breath blankets the right side of her face; he’s watching her from up close.

She stiffens; stony fingers softly stroke her curves, gently, they graze along her bare skin. She trembles underneath from their startling touch.
A sigh escapes from her parted lips, invitating him to kiss her.
Caught by surprise, she yielded into the soft strength of his skillful lips.
Cissy opens her eyes, no doubt expecting Mason, but instead, her eyes widen, falling upon him.

Frightened, she abruptly breaks away from his smoldering embrace and sputtered,
“D-Daemon I-I,” she cowers away from him. Was he still angry with her? A satisfied smirk slowly reaches the contours of his mouth, he chuckles at her discomfort.
Her throat suddenly gets dry and she licks her swollen lips before she speaks. “Where’s Mason?” Her voice is weak and cracked.

Daemon flicks his gaze to his watch for a fleeting moment before he leans forward, pulling out a pack of cigs from his back pocket. He lights one and takes a drag. His muscles in instant lose their tension, relaxing after another long exhale of smoke.
“He’s out,” he answers her finally with his back still turned to her.

Cissy lets out a shaky sigh, eyes broadening as his muscles flexed, this time leaning backwards until his head fell into her lap, his body stretching entirely across her bed.
She had sat at the farthest corner of the mastress. At the left side of her body; a small portion of her back leaned against the headboard. Legs had been out spread out in front her, calves folded in. Daemon relaxed into the wide curve her legs had made, on her thigh.

Her dark brown hair fell over her shoulders; bangs showered the right side of her face like curtains, still just enough to cover the budding bruise at her temple.
With nervous agitation she bit her lip, clutching onto to the bed sheets at her side.
Tensed, she calmed her nerves taking a silent breath. Her nose crinkled in slight annoyance as her lungs burned from the ashen smoke.

She felt the low rumble of Daemons chest rise and fall as he again laughed at her uneasiness. Her face flushed, she never felt completely contented whenever Daemon was around, even as child she stayed away from him.
Without Mason around to be break the ice or to play Switzerland, these two siblings were hushed to silence.

Daemon took one last drag, flicking of what was left of his cig into the small trash behind him. He sighed deeply turning his attention back to Cissy. Daemons demeanor may have been seen as cold and distant, but his eyes had held a different story. One of loneliness that one took time to notice up close.
Her mouth curved into a hesitant, but soft smile and tentatively with one hand she reached forward to brush fingers through his hair in a calming manor, just like ma did before she died.

For a short amount of time Daemon’s frowning lips lifted into a small parting smile. Eyes closed, he focused solely on the soothing motion of Cissy’s hand running through his hair.
Her other hand had setteled against his left cheek, cupping his face. Daemon leaned into her warming touch, moving his lips to kiss her palm before his own hand reached to grip the back of her neck.

He pulled her forward until their noses slighlty brushed. She froze, he hesitated. He waited a couple seconds or so, flicking his eyes to meet hers, as if asking question, to see if she’d resist again before his lips press firmly to hers. They parted in compliance as Daemon gently probed every crevasse of her mouth. A soft moan escapes, mingled in between their heavy breaths as Daemon continued to torture her mouth. His able lips sending swarms of heat to gust through her veins.

She gasps, uable to breathe.
With quick disposition, Daemon roughly pins Cissy down onto her back, settling in between her legs, he gives her one last taunting smile.