Status: Complete

Nick, are you okay?

Nick, are you okay?

He sat there in the middle of the park , his plaid shirt entirely drenched while he clutched tightly on the letter resting in his hand , there was a lightning in the sky that made him flinch reminding him that maybe it was time to go home …the letter quickly forgotten .

When he finally reached his house it was a surprise that he wasn’t even exhausted , normally he would have taken the car like every other day .With both hands on the wheel he wonders when was the last time he actually walked home? When was the last time he enjoyed being outside? Without pressures , he couldn’t even remember the last time the three of them walked together , holding hands or just go to the nearest park and have fun in the swings .

There was something so good about coming home and found that rich smell filling your nostrils…no , not just her sweet contagious perfume , that was a given . There was something even better that Nick loved about his wife …her cooking and the little rebel attached to her hips .

He entered the kitchen and smiled at the sight “Nick , what happen….?” she tried to ask but was shortly cut off by some soft lips , he wanted to make the kiss deeper but the little curly haired one whined slowly , Nick grabbed her and started tickle her . She looked from the corner of her eyes how her husband interacted with her baby girl , there was a warm feeling in her heart whenever those two where together…Hayden was like an extension of Nick , everybody would say “It’s a pity she didn’t get your eyes” but not for her , Hayden’s deep brown eyes were just like Nick , they were common yes , but they were full of love .

It was at those times when Nick was clingy at his child . She would just stared at them and wonder about some recent acts , she would instantly erased those thoughts from her mind , Nick was just being a concern father .

Later that night there were two bundles of Nick cuddling together , one was about 24 years old and the other was about to turn five .
“Hayden , would you please keep still?” asked Nick there was a slightly tone of annoyance in his voice but he tried to understand that his little girl never liked storms , it made her feel so insecure , that’s why now they were both wrapped up in a bright pink blanket . When Hayden finally make herself comfortable in Nick’s arms she looked at her father , Nick opened his mouth as he caressed the little girl’s cheeks , so soft and so pale , brown eyes and curly wild hair , she was definitely a Jonas . He smiled to himself at his creation , a pure soul , so innocent yet adventurous . “Daddy?” asked Hayden when the silence was too much . “If I’m ever gone…will you-will you remember me?” Nick said , his baby girl looked at him puzzled and cracked a smile “Of course , you’re my daddy…” she replied and hide her blushing face under Nick’s neck “Hayden look at me” he ordered and the little girl did that , she looked at Nick confused , that tone was different …she was used to her mother having that tone , surprisingly enough Nick was more like the permissive father , the one who let’s you have desert even if you were a bad girl and have a play date once in a while on school’s days .

“Please baby look at me” and she did , deep brown meeting deep brown as well “I want you to remember me , ok? , don’t ever let anyone tell you’re a mistake , don’t ever let anyone tell you that you didn’t make me happy” and as confusing as it sounds when you’re four years old Hayden just nodded and kiss her daddy’s cheeks , they embraced each other tightly and cried together .

When Nick goes to their room all he can see is her wife already in pajamas and reading a book , she puts it down as she watches her young husband leaning on the door frame “Hey sexy…” says Nick . Tonight he’s on a playful loving manner , the beautiful young girl giggles, every other night they will lock the door and jump into their arms but not tonight…tonight is different .

They kissed each other passionately while they get rid of their clothes slowly , Nick wants to remember every spot of her delicate lean body so dearly and that’s why he takes his time…he makes sure to make her feel comfortable and loved . As he bites her neck he thinks she smells so good that is not even possible . He wants the beautiful girl to remember him in this way…young , naïve and full of passion , a Nick that has never been afraid , not even when his parents disown him and society could have shunned him for getting a girl pregnant . All those rockstar dreams hanging in the closet .

And while Nick is kissing her shoulder , hips rocking together in the best of rhythms , and Nick climaxes he knows that this is not only love making is pure-head-over-heels-demonstration and this are the times where the young boy wonders if Hayden is proof enough of their love .

Nick looks at her sleeping form , he runs a hand over her naked back and place some kisses , the girl just stirs a little but doesn’t wake up…it’s useless to say “Oh god , I love you so much , so so much” he had made sure to say it every day of the last 4 years , there’s another sleeping form across the hallway that is proof of it .

And when she wakes up that morning she regrets not having said “Nick , are you okay?”…such a simple question .
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Hope you liked it!