Chronicles of the Chosen IV

The Dark Knight

The unholy lands have begun to fulfil their name more than ever. Many people fought wars here, from the battles of those who would become the corrupted to the more recent battles that scarred the earth and put human technology back for decades to come. In this wasteland a dark knight, a hex blade, in black leather armour that is unsuitable for this climate; long blond hair under a wide brimmed hat to prevent his pale skin from burning. Looking. For a relic of his family’s past.

In a large crater there lies a pile of stones surrounded by the red of destruction, shining in its bizarre splendour. The dark figure of the hex-blade approaching it; reaching his hand out; and shouting in a deep and authorative voice:

“Sword of Claus, the legendry destroyer! I, his heir of the Unholyland. Request your service in defending and uniting these lands once again!”

Almost instantly the red energy of this monolith was absorbed by this lone warrior. After this the boulders tumbled and spread out showing a single pillar. This was different from the ones that supported the roofs of the many temples across all the lands. This had no decoration, no grooves, nothing.

Suddenly this structure began to split, spurting blood-red light. Becoming 4 quarters of what was once a pillar. With a sword, made of shining black metal that seemed almost liquid. A golden hilt, with a black jewel on the pommel, that seemed to have an orange spark within it. The lone hex-blade walked to it, seizing it, and that one orange spark burst into a roaring flame.

“I shared his name and his blood; I hope I have his courage.”

Claus, son of Melekai had become an avatar of the gods…
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