Goodnight, Beautiful.


Tucking Cameron into bed, Bristol ran a hand through his damp hair while saying goodnight. He insisted on a kiss on his forehead and Bristol rolled her eyes before placing her lips on the spot which he pointed to. Flipping off the light, Bristol walked into the hall, closing the door behind her. With the two older boys in bed a well, Bristol headed downstairs to settle herself in front of the television.

The game had ended hours ago and she knew it wouldn’t be long until Danny and Claude got home. Shuffling into the kitchen for a glass of water, she couldn’t keep her eyes off the hot tub that sat on the patio, and a soak sounded good. Her fresh tattoo had kept her out of the bath tub for two weeks and now that it was up, she was ready to relax her muscles.

Unlocking the backdoor and stepping out into the early April air, Bristol tied her hair up in a messy bun after pulling the tubs cover back. She turned on the jets, raised the temperature and shed her clothing. Leaving on her white bra and panties, Bristol stepped into the bubbling water and sat down.

Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes for a second and opened them again to gaze up at the glittering stars. She had grown to appreciate them. In Chicago—and Philly—she didn’t see them…ever.

When she arrived home later, Bristol knew she’d find a not-so-happy Daniel. She had missed his last game of the regular season and he had been unfairly slapped with a 10-minute misconduct not even five minutes into the game.

Carson had a game of his own and with Sylvie out with friends, Bristol had no choice but to but to say yes when Danny called her up franticly asking. When the playoffs started in seven days, Bristol knew she’d have to make it up and attended every one.

Her eyes snapped open when she felt the presence of another being. In only his boxers, Danny slid into the water and sat opposite of Bristol. He looked tired, she concluded. Opening her mouth to say something, only one word came out. “Hey.”

“Hey,” he responded. “Didn’t think I’d find you out here.”

“I hope you don’t mind. The boys are asleep.” Bristol wiped her face with wet hands. She could feel her head begin to pound and her stomach tie in knots. The feeling came out of no where.

Danny shifted uncomfortably trying to relax without touching any part of Bristol’s body. It was a daunting task but he knew he could do it. He admired the way her flush face looked under the soft florescent outdoor lights. Although she was pale now, he knew it darken up in the summer months. Just imagining her with a sun-kissed glow almost gave him a hard on. That too was something Danny was trying desperately to avoid. “Do you have any plans for the week?”

Bristol nodded. “My brother is coming in from New York Wednesday. He’ll be here for a few days. What about you?”

The quick shift of Danny’s eyes off her made Bristol think he was debating with himself; to tell the truth, or not tell the truth.

“I have a date Thursday.” He took her brief silence as a good thing. Was Bristol jealous he was taking another woman out? But, when a real smile came about her face, his heart sank.

“That’s exciting news. Who are you taking out? Where are you going?”

Great, he thought, he was becoming on of her girlfriends. “This girl I met a few weeks ago. Her name is Gina. She’s a friend of Carter’s.”

“Oh, so, she’s a puck bunny?” Bristol bit her lower lip and instantly regretted her words. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.”

A small fire lit within Danny’s stomach as he narrowed his eyes at Bristol. So she does have a green monster inside.

“You’re right. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s slept with half the team.” Danny knew what he was about to say was out of character for him. “Actually, I remember she was hanging around Carcillo when we were on the road just—“

Bristol stopped Danny before he could get the last word out. She was angry and he didn’t have to guess by the way she stood up and quickly got out of the hot tub. The sudden burst of chilly air against her skin caused it to tighten up and form goose bumps. Bristol was shaking as she tried to dry herself off with Danny’s towel and slid back into her yoga pants and tee.

“I’m gonna head home. I’ll see you around?” Walking through the back door, Bristol left without giving Danny a chance to say goodbye. Her anxiety levels were rapidly rising and she just hoped there would be no panic attack. As she slid into the seat in her car, Bristol flipped her phone open and realized Daniel hadn’t responded to the message she had sent him. She was beginning to believe he wasn’t home and she hated to think about him being at a bar with Carter and Richards unsupervised.

Gripping her steering wheel as she drove back to Philly, Bristol caught a glimpse of her own eyes in the rear-view mirror. Her bright eyes were darkened with fear and glossy with tears. “Relax, Bristol.” She told herself. “Look at yourself; you’re turning in to a major pain-in-the-ass and paranoid girlfriend. He’s at home, unwinding from the game. Probably still pissed off about the penalties.”

Pulling up to the new house she and Dan now lived in together, Bristol killed the engine of her Jeep and ripped the keys from the ignition. The lights were off in the front widows, igniting more of her worries, and it amazed her she was able to even get the key in the lock.

“Hello?” She called out. Toeing off her shoes and dropping her bag carelessly on the carpeted floor of the font room. There was no response, even as she walked through the room and off into to the kitchen. No Daniel there either.

He had to be upstairs, Chief always greeted her at the door when Daniel wasn’t home or was lounging on the sofa. Bristol gripped the banister so hard her knuckles had begun to turn white.

Finally in the hall, it felt as if the weight of the word had been lifted on her shoulders. Peering into their bedroom, Bristol smiled and laughed as she watched Daniel roll around the floor with Chief. They were playing a game of keep-away which involved an old wash cloth. She was pleased to find him in a good mood. Maybe Daniel hadn’t taken the game as personal as she thought he would.

Laying herself down playfully on Daniel’s back, Bristol had no time to react before he flipped the two of them over. She groaned in pain as all his weight rested on her body. Daniel was still laughing and placed kisses all over her face. It had been a long time since Bristol had seen Danny so playful, so…in a good mood.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the game.” Bristol ran her fingers through his growing hair and she could see the very start of his playoff beard along his jaw.

Resting his head in the curve of her neck, Dan placed butterfly kisses on the sensitive skin. He could fell her begin to squirm beneath him. “Don’t be, it was only a regular-season game. Playoff season is upon us.”

Dan had warned Bristol of two things when they first moved in together. The first was that she would be seeing less of him within the next few months; games were more frequent and often times the coaching staff made them stay overnight at hotels on the eve of game nights. Even if they were at home; it kept the guys focused being away from their just as demanding home-lives.

And the second, Bristol tried her best not to even think about.

Wrapping his arms around Bristol’s neck, he pressed his lips to the exposed skin on her back. She sat comfortably on the floor in their walk-in closet arranging her shoes. It amazed Dan how many pairs of shoes one woman could have. “Promise me something, Bristol.”

“What’s that?” She was monotone. Her mind preoccupied with shoes.

“Don’t get too comfortable here. At least not until the start of next season.” Bristol turned her head and looked at Dan confused. She wondered what the hell he was talking about and he could see that. It was time to clarify. “My contract with the Flyers is up in July and with all the shit that’s been goin’ on, there’s a chance another team’ll pick me up…”

“Are you ready for the playoffs?” Bristol kneaded her fingers in the hem of Daniel’s shirt.

“I’m ready to kick some Saber ass.”

Brining his mouth down on hers, Daniel took charge as he hooked his fingers in the waistband of her yoga pants. He set off the charges beneath her skin as Dan slowly began removing them. Bristol ran her hands up his sides as she slid his The Who tee off his torso. Flinging it behind her head, her fingers gripped his shoulders while kicking off her pants the rest of the way.

Daniel wanted flesh, his teeth grazing the skin on her throat where the blood always pumped fresh and hot. Her muscles tensed under his touched, he loved the feeling of control he had over Bristol. After sliding her panties off, he realized he could have taken her hard and fast right then and there. She wanted him to, the dark, lustful look in her eyes said so.

“You’re killing me.” She managed to speak out.

Her perfect breasts were possessed by his hands and mouth while she dug her nails into his back. Her legs now opened wide for him, winding around him, her muscles tightening as at last he did what she ached for. He ached for.

Daniel drove her up once, while his rough, calloused, hokey-player’s hands roamed her body ruthlessly. Her skin was flush, eyes bright blue and her lips red and swollen. She was classic beauty. He wanted to see Bristol rise and shatter. Her nails dug deeper as she cried out. As she finally broke, he plunged into her.

Her cries were strangled sounds laced with pleasure. The pleasure blew through her again and again until there was nothing left. Daniel thrust deeply as Bristol’s hips rose to meet his. She could see his face, the long locks of dark hair and those big brown eyes focusing on hers.

Bristol lay there motionless underneath him as they both tried to even their breathing from the storm that had ripped them both to bits. She had always considered herself to be open and loving in the bedroom, but this had been something different. It wasn’t just fucking anymore—unless there was alcohol involved—and Bristol concluded that was the reason for Daniel’s mild shock and his smug look of satisfaction.
♠ ♠ ♠
Would anyone read an Arron Asham story if I wrote one?