Goodnight, Beautiful.


Bristol should have seen it coming, seeing as to how Dan was a young, single male with no true obligations in life. The best meal he had promised her turned out to takeout from the local Chinese restaurant. Although it wasn’t exactly what she had imagined, she did give Dan credit for trying. Plus, the Mongolian Beef was as good as he said it would be.

With their dirty plates and chopsticks sitting on the coffee table, Dan reached into the brown bag and pulled out two fortune cookies. Bristol hoped they were sweet with good fortunes inside. Leaning back, Dan pulled Bristol’s legs in his lap. “On the count of three,” they unwrapped the cookie from its plastic and held it in their hands. Dan counted, “one, two, three.”

Cracking it open, Bristol held half of it in her hand while she stuffed the other half in her mouth. Smoothing out the small strip of paper, she read it aloud. “Sadness is just the absence of happiness.” Bristol looked up at Danny and frowned. “Well that’s not very uplifting!”

Dan shook his head and laughed at her. He loved reading the little sayings and often wondered if someone had actually gotten one that held some sort of meaning. Reading over his, he nearly left his heart stop and his stomach swelled with an unknown feeling. Maybe, he thought, it was him being too optimistic, but it was a fortune he planned on hanging on to.

“Here’s mine,” Dan cleared his throat. “Happiness is next to you.”

Feeling he was messing with her, Bristol climbed over and took the paper from his hands. While laughing and trying to defend himself, Dan handed it over. Bristol settled herself comfortably beside him and Dan wrapped a protective arm around her. He kissed the top of her head as she read aloud. Sure enough, he wasn’t bull shitting.

“Happiness it next to you.” She repeated.

“I’d say that’s a pretty damn good fortune.” Daniel grabbed Bristol’s hand within his own and began to play with her fingers. Lacing them in and out of his, enjoying the softness. “And, for once I got one that makes sense or, isn’t cheesy.”

Bristol sized her hand up against his. “How is it you got the best one, Mr. I wear number thirteen?”

Dan shrugged, kissed her forehead again. “Speaking of thirteen,” Moving Bristol off of him for a second, Daniel stood and glided across the front room and grabbed something off the kitchen table with appeared to have never been used. “I got something for you to wear during the game tomorrow.”

It was the first time Bristol would be enjoying the game from a sky box. Usually since she went alone or with a couple friends, she ended up sitting in the first level and down in front where all the action was. Now that she had agreed to watch the boys for Briere, she would have the luxury of sitting in a box.

Bristol sat up and tucked her legs underneath her as Daniel sat back down. He handed her the folded up orange sweater and kissed her shoulder. She opened it up and turned it around before setting it down on her lap. Dan rested his chin on her shoulder. “Do you like it?”

“Fuck yeah, I do.” Bristol ran her fingers along the stitching and traced Carcillo “No one has ever given me their jersey before. But then again, I’ve never dated a professional athlete.”

Dan cocked his head to the side. “Really? You and Kris never dated or anything?”

“We tried it out. It didn't work out. After two years of knowing each other we came to the conclusion that what we have now is way too good to ruin by dating or sleeping with each other again. Now, Claude on the other hand…”

He couldn’t help himself but stop Bristol as she spoke. “He’s not your type.”

“Oh, really? Young, attractive men who know how to stick handle aren’t my type?”

“He’s not very good at golf.” Dan had to think on his toes and he figured he came up with something good. But, the confused look on Bristol’s face explained she didn’t quite understand. He summed it up. “Let’s just say, I’m built for power, and he’s built for speed.”

Bristol rolled her eyes while folding the sweater back up and placing it on the table. Dan reached for the other half of his cookie and pointed at her with it. “And, he likes foreign films. Like, the ones with symbolism and they all speak in French.”

She settled back into his arms and leaned her head against his chest. “Did you date him? Was the break-up bad?”

“Oh, I see how it is. Not only are you cute but you’re also funny.”

“So let me get this straight,” Bristol rubbed her eyes, her contacts were beginning to bother her. “You’re saying I won’t like Claude because he likes foreign films and sucks at golf?”

“Yep. Bristol, you’re just like me. It’s almost scary. You’re a girl who enjoys comedy movies for the mindless entertainment and needs a man who…can really scratch your itch.”

The second the words left his mouth, Bristol could feel her insides begin to tingle and burn. He was right, she wanted, and needed, a man who was just as tough and as passionate as she was. “I think we made it into a bigger deal than it really is. The sex.” She licked her lips and sat up to look at him. “I can’t think straight when I obsess and lately, all I can think about is how much I want to be with you. I think about what it would be like, not just the moment, but once it’s over. I don’t want to think anymore. I’m sick of thinking.”

“Then stop.”

Daniel lowered his lips atop Bristol’s as he slowly eased her down to lie on the couch. He placed a hand on her side and she placed her hands on his back. Bristol could taste the desperation as their lips connected once more. Her insides filled with an unfamiliar heat, so intense it took her breath away. She had waited far too long to be touched by a man who seemingly wanted her.

She arched her back and tightened her grip on his tee-shirt as she felt his teeth scrap the skin of her neck, activating her already over-sensitive nerve endings. Bristol tried to use her shaking hands to undo the button of hi jeans, but Daniel grabbed her wrists.

“Slow down, baby.”

Bristol licked her red lips. A sight Daniel found to be extremely arousing. Leaning back, Daniel used his hands to play with the hem of her v-neck before easing it off her torso. It amazed Daniel how smooth her skin was. His fingertips just glided across the skin of her torso. All of it was his to explore; the curves of her body.

When she reached for him, Daniel helped her up. He tasted the skin of her shoulder as he reached around and found the clasp of her bra. Her heart was pounding, and so was his, but neither of them would dare show vulnerability.

Once the bra was loose, Dan slowly removed it from her body and tossed it over the back of the couch. He tipped her head to engulf her lips in a kiss. It was slow and deep, with tongues entwining while he slowly lowered her and looked deep within her blue eyes.

It was the first time Daniel Carcillo ever took his time with a girl.

As his fingers feathered over her breasts, Bristol quivered. A hot, hard need welled in his stomach. His mouth closed over her breast as pleasure ripped over her skin and she let his hand and mouth take over her body. Daniel took inch by inch of her skin, exposing her vulnerabilities, letting him know she was in fact only human.

As he slid her jeans down and off her legs, he kissed her belly, thighs. Daniel told himself to slow; he could feel his own need begin to reach it ultimate peak. He watched closely as pleasure turned her eyes the brightest shade of blue and he absorbed her moan their lips collided.

After their eyes met again, Dan slipped from his own clothes and finally into her. He held himself there, where they both trembled. Bristol allowed his name to pour from her mouth as they moved together at a powerful and steady pace.

Her heart pounded underneath his, this time as she was stuck beneath his muscular body and comfortable mattress. They had managed to some how make it into Daniel’s bedroom, even if the first round had made it almost impossible for Bristol to walk. She ran her fingers through his long, damp hair and tugged gently as she felt another wave of ecstasy crash over.

Daniel brushed his lips along her neck and he pulled out and collapsed next to her. His breathing was ragged and could say that in the eight years he’s been sexually active, Bristol Martin was officially the only girl who’d managed to give him the same amount of pleasure which he had given her.

Pushing a strand of hair off his sweaty forehead, Bristol laughed. “I guess this means we’ve lost the bet.”

“I suppose it does. But, if you ask me, it was well worth it.” Pulling her in for another kiss, Daniel left his lips to linger over hers. He whispered, “Goodnight, beautiful.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I love the feedback I'm getting on this story! Thank you, ladies!! It's nice to know I may not be the only one who has a soft spot for Daniel Carcillo.

The next few chapters are already done, so, if I get 10 comments, I'll post them even sooner than I've planned to. :)