Status: writing with actorsonstage.

Red on a Rose

Chapter One: Outsiders

Ayame frowned as the entire class grew into an uproar. She really couldn't make out what the source of it was, but all she new was that there was a new girl coming to their class. Ayame was new herself, but apparently she was old news already since her arrival a week ago. She sat there at the desk, reading a book translated into American as many of the rich girls whispered around her, their eyes were staring at the front of the class, where a Hispanic girl with long dark hair and eyes was standing next to their teacher. The new girl was wearing the girls' uniform, but she didn't carry herself with the rich graceful air as the other girls in this school do.

"She must have good grades or something." Whispered a girl to her right. Ayame just rolled her eyes. The only reason Ayame herself was in Ouran was because her mother was friends with some rich man who owns a lot of medical facilities and such. Despite her protests, Ayame had no choice but to attend this rich school, and she refused to where the girl's uniform.

After the new girl's introduction to the class, Ayame looked up in time to see her new class mate walk to the seat beside her and sit in. But Mimi, as she was called, quickly casted her gaze down in attempts to avoid drawing attention to herself. Feeling a bit sympathetic, Ayame leaned closer to her and tapped her shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about them, everyone's just a little terrified. That's all, but you look normal to me." She said, giving her a smile but Ayame's words obviously made Mimi even more embarrassed and confused.

'Maybe she doesn't understand Japanese,' She thought curiously, 'Better switch to my english then.'

"Do you speak English?" Ayame asked the girl.
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Because Ouran High School Host Club takes place in Japan, anything in italics will be characters speaking another langauge.