Status: writing with actorsonstage.

Red on a Rose

Chapter Six: Training Starts Now

"Um, Ayame-chan...Who's that?"Mimi asked, staring at the girl who just appeared out of nowhere.

"This is Rengei," Ayame muttered. "She's the club's manager."

The Rengei girl laughed loud, and rather high pitched at that. Mimi backed away a bit before hiding behind Ayame.

"So you're the new girl everyone's talking about?"Rengei asked. "It's nice to meet you! Hope to see you around more."She went back underground.

Mimi sighed and looked around at the rest of the club. It had appeared to her that the rest of the club wasn't quite fond of Rengei. Well maybe she was rather troublesome or...Oh who knows? Mimi came out from behind Ayame.

Usually Mimi wasn't shy, not at all. Being new changes you for a bit, eh?

"So Ayame-chan, what next?"

"Come on, let's go over here. I'll give you some tips on how to be a hostess to the boys of this school."

Ayame led the girl to an empty table. Girls started to come in-it was time for the club to begin. The girls requested a certain boy and they'd go sit with him. The boys would entertain them somehow.

"Looks confusing,"Mimi stated.

"You get used to it," Ayame smiled whole-heartily.

So Ayame taught Mimi the ways of a Host/Hostess. Being polite at all times, use your personality as a charmer, woo them over.Ayame narrowed my personality down to the sweet, smart girl-who can be sarcastic and kind of crazy. So I was the sickly sweet girl. How nice.

"So Ayame-chan, do I have to wear the same thing as you...Or?"

Ayame laughs. "No, you can design your own,"I smiles.

"No way!"
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