Status: writing with actorsonstage.

Red on a Rose

Chapter Eight: For Creative Purposes

Mimi watched as Ayame kissed her step-brother in horror. She turned to face the laughing twins.

"You two are monsters!"She told them.

Ayame had pulled away, red in the face. Tamaki was shocked by this, his own step-sister. But they weren't blood so it wouldn't be that bad... He thought for a moment.

"Ayame-chan, what was the lovely kiss for?"He tried to woo her.

"Ayame, I have to ask you a question,"Mimi grabbed her by the hand amd pulled her out the doors. The twins followed, their laughs getting louder.

"What was it?"Ayame was breathless.

"Nothing...I just got you out. But Ayame-chan you didn't have to kiss him. I could've just gone with Haruhi to get the fabric."Mimi smiled symptheticly.

It was true. Mimi could've gone to just get the fabric and whatnot by herself. But she sensed that her new friend had a crush on her step-brother. Hmm, how interesting. She looked at Ayame with curious eyes, but those questions could wait until later.

"Come on Mimi-chan, let's go get the fabric."The twins said in unison.

Mimi was a bit scared to go with them, seeing as what they did to poor Ayame. She looked at them and back at the girl She didn't want to be rude and say no. So being her too nice self she nodded her head.
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Mkay, soory it took a while to get out haha