Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Hell's Frozen Over

I slowly pull into the driveway of a small two story town house with the large U-Haul I was dumb enough to drive across country and rest my head against the steering wheel thanking god; just because I don’t go to mass anymore and don’t really believe in him doesn’t mean I can’t thank him right?

“Hey there,” someone says tapping my window scaring the shit out of me.

“Hi,” I say back with a forced smile as I roll down my window.

“And you swore you’d never come back; come on let’s get this shit over with,” my twin brother, Jeffery, says smiling.

“Well, Hell froze over and yes please! I’ve been stuck in this damn thing forever and I forgot that the heat here is equivalent to living in hell,” I say quickly tugging my tank top off leaving me in a bikini top.

“Just stop stripping so we can get this over with,” Jeff says rolling his eyes before we begin the grueling three hour process of unloading the truck.

“Jesus there is so much shit,” I whine looking at all of the boxes in my floor after my brother had left to go take the truck back. I decide to separate things into upstairs and downstairs then go from there. After another three hours my kitchen and living room had been set up enough to make me focus on the task of getting all the boxes upstairs, thankful that I didn’t have to lug the furniture up there by myself since Jeff had helped me with it. “Now I remember why I hate moving,” I grunt wiping a sheen of sweat off of my forehead remembering my place has central air as I walk over to the thermostat to adjust it my phone goes off playing Wayward Son by Kansas. “Yeah?” I ask slightly aggravated not looking at the caller ID.

“Way to not tell your best friend that you’re moving your ass back to Huntington,” I hear my friend Megan whine on the other line.

“I was going to call you tomorrow I swear. I’ve been unpacking all day so far and later on I have to go over to the parent’s house to get a proper welcome home,” I say smiling at the sound of her voice.

“You better be hanging out with me tomorrow woman,” she says laughing.

“Of course; I’ll call you when I get up. Now I really have to go but I do luvb you,” I say smacking the thermostat since I’ve turned it and nothing happened.

“OK, sounds good love. I luvb you too bye,” she says before hanging up.

“Piece of shit!” I scream before hitting the thermostat so hard it’s nearly knocked off of the wall and begin to hear the satisfying noise of the air kicking on. “Score,” I say smiling as I spend the next two hours unpacking my room and bathroom before taking a very long and very relaxing bath. Once out of the tub I pick up my phone and call my parent house.

“Hola,” I hear my mother’s smooth voice say.

“Hola Momma,” I say smiling.

“Christina! Are you done getting everything unpacked?” she asks the wide smile on her face evident in her voice.

“Yes ma’am; just got out of the tub so I’ll be over in about twenty if that’s OK,” I say smiling as check my face in the mirror.

“Of course; everyone else is over here and waiting for you to eat,” she says as I hear my brother grumble in the background.

“Eat? What time is it?” I ask realizing I have no clue.

“It’s seven dear,” she says as I imagine the look of surprise on her face.

“Shit! I’ll be there as soon as I can, bye,” I say hanging up the phone and yanking the towel off of my hair before quickly dragging a comb through it and putting it up with a clip before running to my room where I grab a pair of shorts with black lace boy shorts and matching bra then throw on a old Alice in Chains tank top and bolt out of the door and into my dark burgundy 67 Chevy Chevell and head to my parent’s house. “Sorry I’m so late; the day got away from me,” I say smiling still slightly out of breath as I walk into my parent’s house fifteen minutes later.

“No problem dear,” my daddy says scooping me up into his arms for a hug.

“I’ve missed you,” I say looking up into my father’s blue/green eyes smiling.

“I’ve missed you too little one,” he says smiling down at me.

“Come on its time to eat!” Abuela says smiling as she comes into the room.

“Abuela! I’ve missed this too much,” I say nearly attacking my grandmother.

“Ah, my little one; I’ve missed you too,” she says smiling as she hugs me back.

“It’s good to see the family back together,” my mother says coming out of the kitchen ushering us all into the dining room.

“Just like old times with the addition of one more,” I say smiling as I look at my sister in law.

“Does my heart good,” Abuela says smiling as we all bow our heads and she prays, the only thing I don’t want to get back is the Roman Catholic pressure back into my life but for this moment in time I would take that pressure head on.