Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Love You Too

I wake up still feeling stressed from the string of three doubles pulled in a row and sigh to myself. After throwing myself a mini pity party I roll over to see that it’s only two and sigh again hating how little sleep I’m getting lately. “This will be the end of me,” I say rubbing my face as I get up to look out my window to see what it’s like outside. Wow it’s gorgeous! I do believe I’ll go surfing. I quickly crack my back before turning back towards my dresser where I pull out my black, purple and bright blue plaid bikini and quickly throw it on along with a black pair of board shorts. I quickly throw my hair up into a messy bun and throw on my sunglasses before grabbing my board and leaving the house.

Once I get to the beach I smile and take in the fresh, lightly salt scented, air. I look around and notice a good amount of people on the beach today so I look around for a more deserted patch of water and after about fifteen minutes find one and smile to myself before wading out into the water and launching myself onto the board. After a large wave I sit on my board waiting for the next and sigh to myself as I reflect the past few weeks since I’ve moved back home. I am now dating one of my, damn near, lifelong friends. What happens if/when we break up? I’ll lose all the guys too because man code states you go with the guy friend not the girl friend. I’ll still get Megan obviously. I wonder if that would make Brian feel awkward when I come over?

“Hey loser what the hell are you doing?” someone yells snapping me back into the here and now.

I look around to see my brother smiling at me making me roll my eyes. “Love you too,” I say shaking my head at his antics and how similar we look today. We both have dark black hair, our mother’s nose and our father’s chin. I hate the fact that he got Daddy’s green/blue eyes.

“Hello, Earth to Chris. You finally lost your sanity or something?” Jeff asks waving a hand in front of my face.

“Bite me!” I snap back. “It’s been a rough few days and I just needed some time to unwind and think and you ruined that,” I nearly bark. “Sorry, not your fault my life sucks right now,” I sigh.

“So apparently I didn’t get the memo that sharks aren’t the only thing I should look out for,” my brother says as we both prepare to ride the next wave.

“What are you doing today?” I ask once we were both sitting on our boards after the wave.

“Nothing really, Rosey’s out of town; why?” Jeff says looking at me oddly.

“Want to have a twin bonding day?” I ask, for the moment thankful I got my mother’s brown eyes, as I do my best puppy dog eyes.

“What you go in mind?” Jeff asks lying down on his board.

“Chill and watch movies at my place? I don’t really feel like surfing anymore and if I get any tanner I’ll have to change the race on my license,” I say with a slight laugh looking down at my berry dark skin.

“You do look like you just got home from visiting Tia Marie,” my brother says taking in my complexion as I nod, “Sounds good to me.”

“Awesome. Meet you at my place?” I ask getting ready to paddle in.

“Yeah but first I’m going to run home really quick and take a shower,” Jeff says following my in to shore.

“See ya then,” I say smiling as I nearly sprint across the sand to my car due to the lava like heat radiation from it. When I get home I quickly hop in the shower and get all the ocean grim and sand off of me before slipping into white tank top that says Metal Mulisha along with a pair of denim shorts before throwing my hair into a clip and running downstairs to a knock at my door. “Holla,” I say slipping outside as I light up a cig.

“You know that shit will kill you one day,” Jeff says shaking his head.

“Meh, we all gotta go sometime,” I say shrugging, “So what you wanna do?”

“Order Chinese and watch the old Star Wars?” Jeff asks holding up his original theatrical release DVD set.

“God I love that I can be a total nerd with you,” I say smiling before hugging him after putting out my cig.

“We’re not nerds! Other people just can’t comprehend our level of coolness,” my brother says following me inside as I look up the nearest Chinese menu on my thunderbolt. “I’m down for some sautéed broccoli with garlic sauce from Lin’s House,” I say falling down on the couch.

“I love that place,” Jeff says before calling the number and placing our order.

“God this has been an awesome night,” I say laughing as Return of the Jedi’s credits begin to roll several hours later.

“Yeah it has sis but it’s twelve now and I have to be up at six so I’m going to head out,” Jeff says stretching.

“Fine be an old man,” I say giggling as I get up and walk him to the door.

“Old my ass I’m five minutes older than you. Love you, night,” he says grabbing me up in a near bone crushing hug.

“Love you too, night,” I say laughing once he had put me down and headed to his car. I watch him leave before closing and locking my door and make my way upstairs were I nearly pour myself into bed after changing, due to the wave of exhaustion that had just hit me, smiling at the good day I had.