Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Pleasantly Unexpected

I walk out to my car after work to see someone leaning against it making me freak out and dig my mace out of my purse to find out it’s Zacky upon closer examination. “Do you know how close you were to getting maced by being a fucking creeper?” I nearly scream.

“Sorry; I didn’t realize coming to see you after work was being a creeper,” he says laughing.

“It’s not funny! You nearly gave me a heart attack,” I whine holding my chest since my heart still feels like it’s in my throat.

“Well, I am sorry I nearly killed you since I kind of like you and all,” he says with a smirk.

“So why are you out here being a creeper?” I ask throwing my bag into my car as I play with my lighter.

“I was wondering if you wanted to hang out,” he says with an innocent grin.

“Yeah, yeah whatever; can we just head to my place? I really need a cig and we can’t smoke here,” I explain biting my bottom lip.

“Sounds good; I’ll see you there,” he says lightly kissing my head, making me smile, before heading to his car.

“Stupid boy,” I mumble with the smile still firmly in place before quickly getting into my car and speeding off the hospital grounds; lighting a cig as soon as I’ve pulled out. When I pull into my drive Zacky pulls right up behind me so we walk to the door together. “Make yourself at home; I need to shower really quickly,” I say unlocking the door.

“OK babe,” he says before sitting down on the couch.

I smile to myself as I repeat, “babe,” in my head as I head up the stairs and take a fast shower before changing into a pair of black sweatpants and a hoody. “What the hell are you watching?” I ask as I plop down on the couch beside Zacky squinting to see the dark screen.

“It’s the new Robin Hood,” he explains wrapping his arm around me.

“Can we watch this some other time when I can see it from the beginning?” I ask cuddling up next to him.

“Sure what do you want to watch or do,” he asks smiling down at me.

“I am so up for some old school Tekken,” I say with a slight smile looking up at him.

“You still have that?” he asks wide eyed.

“Of course; I mean I wasted how much of my childhood on this game?” I ask as I get up and plug in my original playstation. “By the way I totally get Nina.”

“That’s not fair you know all of her moves,” Zacky whines making me laugh.

“How about I get her and you get Paul Phoenix?” I ask laughing at his antics.

“But you’re so good with Nina,” he says looking at me funny when I hand him his controller.

“Yet Paul has so many moves that take away so much energy you’ll be fine,” I say as we begin the fight and I win the first two rounds.

“Best two out of three,” Zacky says quickly starting another fight making me laugh.

“Love just face it I will always kick your ass at this game,” I say laughing after beating him in the first two rounds again.

“I don’t want to play anymore,” he pouts throwing the controller down.

“You’re just mad you got beaten by a girl,” I say with a slight laugh. “Cig?” I ask getting up and stretching.

“Sounds good to me,” Zacky says following me outside.

“I still can’t believe after all these years I still kick your ass in that game,” I begin to gloat before Zacky’s lips contact mine making a bolt of electricity flow through me along with a slight shiver from the cold metal on either side of his lips. “Well, that was pleasantly unexpected,” I say smiling, once he pulled away, getting a cig out having problems lighting it.

“Need some help babe?” Zacky asks pulling his lighter out for me since mine isn’t helping due to the fact that it’s shaking all over the place.

“Thanks,” I say with a sheepish smile.

“So now what?” Zacky asks after a few minutes of silence and we’ve finished out cigs.

“I’m actually getting pretty tired,” I confess looking at my feet.

“Then I’ll let you go to bed. Oh by the way what are you doing on Friday?” Zacky asks as we walk back into the house.

“That’s my next day off why?” I ask leaning against the door.

“Everyone’s going to go see Insidious if you want to come,” he says with a slight smile.

“Sure, sounds good; even if I think that movie’s going to scare the piss out of me,” I say with a slight laugh.

“Awesome; I’ll see you then if not before,” Zacky says bending down to kiss me again before he leaves.

“Night,” I say smiling before biting my bottom lip as he turns to walk to his car. Once he drove away I lock the door and nearly skip up to my room before crashing for the night thinking it’s good to feel like this again.
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Chris's Outfit