Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Movies and Jumpiness

I wake up to my phone going off and groan before answering it, “Hello?”

“Assuming I woke you up,” Zacky says with a laugh.

“That would be correct sir. Why did you?” I ask rolling over so I’m on my side.

“We’re going to the movie in about two hours; want me to just come get you?” he asks.

“Yeah sure; I should be human by then,” I say with a slight laugh.

“OK babe; see you then,” he says laughing as well.

“Bye,” I say before hanging up and slowly getting out of bed to trudge downstairs; where I have a bowl of co-co puffs before working out. After my workout I run outside for a quick cig then back upstairs to take a shower. After I’m squeaky clean I get dressed in a pair of jeans and a Killers Never Die T-shirt before doing my makeup with a pallet of purples to make my brown eyes pop. Once I deem myself presentable Zacky texts to tell me he’s on his way so I throw the necessary things into my purse and slip on my red flats as I hear the doorbell ring.

“Coming,” I say nearly running into the door because I’ve gained so much momentum coming downstairs. “Hey,” I say with a slight laugh as I open the door, locking it behind me.

“Hey; you OK?” Zacky asks looking at me funny.

“Yeah; just almost ran into the door but it’s no biggie,” I say quickly giving him a peck on the lips laughing at the smile that forms on his face afterwards. “So are we meeting everyone else at the theatre?” I ask climbing into his car.

“Yep,” he says smiling before heading in that direction.

“So how did we get talked into going to see this particular movie?” I ask Megan once I spot her and Brian in line to buy tickets.

“These two,” she says pointing to Brian and Zacky who simply smile.

“You guys suck,” I whine as the group gets our tickets and snacks before settling into the movie theatre about half way back in the second section of rows as the movies begin. “So I officially hate all of you,” I say glaring at the boys as we walk out of the theatre.

“Why?” Matt asks laughing.

“Why? Why? Maybe it’s because that movie was horrifying!” I nearly scream as I attach myself to Zacky as we head out into the dark to walk to the car.

“Did it really freak you out that much?” Zacky asks me with a slight laugh after we had said goodbye to everyone and were heading to the car.

“Yes! I hate that kind of shit! Remember how terrified of The Ring I am?” I ask as we get to the car.

“Oh yeah; we should go back to my place and watch that,” he says with a smile.

“Now funny,” I pout.

“But seriously want to go back to my place?” he asks looking at me as we both light up.

“Can we watch a happy movie?” I ask with a nervous like giggle.

“Yes, we can watch a happy movie,” he says laughing putting his hand on my leg making me jump.

“Sorry, and sounds good,” I say putting my hand over his when we goes to remove it.

“Alright,” he says with a smile as he turns onto the road and we head back to his place. “So what does the terrified one want to watch?” he asks as we wonder into his living room.

“Lord of the Rings, please,” I say smiling like a little kid.

“Really?” Zacky asks looking at me funny.

“Yes, please?” I ask smiling.

“Isn’t it kind of late for that?” he asks me.

“I guess, but I want to watch it,” I say holding out the DVD.

“Fine,” he says putting the movie in then going to leave the room.

“Where are you going?” I ask in a slight panic.

“Kitchen; calm down it was just a movie babe,” he says laughing kissing my head before disappearing into the other room.

A few minutes later I hear a popping noise that scared the shit out of my making me scream and Zacky laugh as he walks into the room. “It’s popcorn calm down,” he says laughing before sitting down on the couch beside me.

“Leave me alone,” I whine cuddling up to him as the movie starts, protesting when he goes to get the popcorn. “So Twin Towers next?” I ask once the movie goes off.

“Seriously; you want to watch a three hour long movie now?” he asks looking at his watch.

“Yes, please,” I say batting my eyelashes.

“Fine,” he says putting the movie in.

Sometime later I wake up and stretch realizing the movie had ended and was now playing the main menu. “Zacky?” I say as I slightly shake him.

“Hum?” he asks sitting up making me laugh at how his hair looks on one side.

“The movie’s over babe,” I say yawning as I cuddle back into him; content to go back to sleep.

“I see that. Do you want to stay here tonight or do you want me to take you home?” he asks turning the TV off.

“Can I just stay here?” I ask trying to get him to be still so I can go back to sleep.

“Yeah; I’m going to go smoke really quick,” he says getting up making me sigh at my futile attempt to go back to sleep.

“I’ll come too,” I say grabbing my pack and following him outside. “Can I borrow clothes to sleep in?” I ask yawning as I light up.

“Sure babe,” Zacky says putting his arm around me once he realizes I’m slightly shivering from the cold.

“Thanks,” I say smiling.

“OK come on,” Zacky says grabbing my hand and leading me to his room once we had finished smoking.

I look around to see it’s mostly in black and green making me giggle to myself slightly. “Thanks,” I say smiling as he hands me a pair of shorts with a Misfits shirt. “Bathroom?” I ask looking around.

“Right there,” he says pointing to a door in the corner of the room.

“Mkay,” I say quickly kissing him before going into the bathroom and changing making me slightly laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Zacky asks as I walk back into the room before flopping on the bed.

“Considering the fact that you’re not much bigger than me and how baggy these are,” I say lifting the shirt up so he can see I rolled the shorts four times.

“Yeah, I’m pudgy I know,” he says rolling over.

“So? It’s cute,” I say smiling as I crawl into bed with him.

“Yeah OK; now it’s quiet time,” he says kissing my head as I snuggle up to him.

“Night,” I say laying my head on his chest.

“Night babe,” he says before I drift back off to sleep.
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Chris's Outfit