Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Who Needs to be Poised?

“Where the fuck is that shirt?” I mumble looking for my Doors shirt as I quickly glance at my clock to see I’m already five minutes late to go get Megan. “Fuck,” I sigh finding the shirt before throwing it on, along with a pair of shorts, before sprinting into my bathroom when my phone begins to ring. “I’m late I know,” I say after glancing at the caller ID to see its Megan.

“Yes you are; what the hell are you doing?’ she asks as I attempt to multitask and do my makeup.

“Throwing on some makeup as we speak. You know by now I would think you’d have gotten it that I’m damn near always late,” I say nearly stabbing myself in the eye with my mascara.

“For some reason I think I can still change you,” she says with a slight giggle.

“OK, well I’ll be there in like five minutes just have to grab some shit. Bye,” I say quickly hanging up the phone before grabbing my purse and slipping on my favorite pair of purple wedges since Zacky isn’t here and I don’t have to worry about being taller than him. I quickly check my makeup in the mirror beside the door before going out to my car and heading to Megan’s.

“About time you got here,” Megan says slipping into my car, confusing me. “What? Do I have something on my face?” she asks looking at herself in the side mirror as I continue to stare at her.

“You’re in my car because?” I ask still confused.

“I’m in your car because today, my dear CD, we’re going to go get some fro yo,” she says smiling.

“I love fro yo!” I nearly scream. “So are we going to the old frozen yogurt place or a new one?” I ask as I back out of her driveway.

“New one; the old one burned down ages ago,” she explains before giving me directions to the place.

“I’m digging the 50’s vibe,” I say as we walk into the store that has a checkered floor with booths that have small jukeboxes on them and an area to get your frozen yogurt towards the back of the store.

“Figured you would,” Megan says smiling as we make our way and head to the back.

“I do believe I’ve died and gone to heaven,” I say smiling looking at all the flavors to choose from. After a few minutes of debating I decide on strawberry and go through the toppings line and add: strawberries, kiwi, and blueberries before paying for my delicious treat. “Now what?” I ask as we exit the building and begin to walk down a strip of stores.

“Well, there are a metric shit ton of shopping places around here so I figured we could just have a super girly day since that boys won’t be home till nine. So basically what I’m saying is we’re going shopping,” Megan says with a small grin as we sit down on a bench to finish our delicious frozen treats.

“Sounds good to me,” I say smiling as I begin to shovel my fro yo into my mouth.

“Poised... you’re not,” Megan says laughing at me as I attempt to get some that had dripped onto my chin.

“That’s why you love me,” I say with a cheesy grin before throwing away my empty container.

“Sadly yes; anyways, we could start at our favorite spot,” Megan says with a smile.

“Yay books!” I scream before running around trying to find Barnes and Noble making Megan laugh at me.

“Jokes on you I found it!” I squeal instantly running into the fiction section to look at the Palahniuk book selection slightly frowning when they don’t have any copies of Fight Club or Rant since those are the two most abused ones I currently have at home. After throwing myself a small pity party I wonder over to the classics section and see that they finally have Dante’s Inferno in paperback so I quickly snatch that up along with several other new to paperback books before smiling in satisfaction and wondering off to find Megan. After a few minutes of wondering around I find her in the graphic novel section. “So I’m not allowed back over there,” I tell her laughing as I attempt to juggle the six books in my arms while picking up a DC comic.

“You and your classics,” she says with a slight laugh.

“At least I know what good literature is,” I say smiling before we go up to the register to pay for everything. Three hours and a lot of shopping later I find myself back at Megan’s driveway.

“So I hate to be a part pooper but I’m exhausted so instead of chilling I think I may just go home,” I say with a slight smile.

“You suck,” Megan says with a playful smile.

“I know but it’s only on the weekends,” I say smiling back as she gets her bags out of my car.

“I’ll see you soon right?” she asks hovering around my passenger door.

“Soon enough,” I say smiling trying to go through my work schedule in my head.

“You better be hanging out with me your next day off,” she says with a playful glare.

“Not tomorrow but next day off I swear,” I say with a nervous smile.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” she asks readjusting some of her bags.

“Taking Zacky to my Mom’s and Dad’s for dinner,” I say with a nervous laugh.

“Good luck with that,” she says laughing, “Bye.”

“See ya,” I say as I pull out of her driveway and make it back to my place where I put away what I bought today then chill on the couch for a few hours before going to bed since I didn’t get a lot of sleep the day before.
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Chris's outfit