Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Bat Shit Insane

I stare at my phone for a few minutes before sighing to myself and hitting the send button.


“Hey Daddy,” I say with a sheepish smile on my face.

“Hey sweetie; what time are you heading over tonight?” he asks as I hear my mother tell him to ask me in the background.

“Around five I think. I just wanted to call to make sure everyone is going to play nice tonight and you’re the one I’m worried about the most,” I say with a slight, nervous, laugh.

“I promise to be on my best behavior since this boy means enough to you for you to bring him home. Who is he anyways? You’ve never mentioned his name,” Daddy says puzzled.

“Well, you already know him,” I answer back as I start to go through my drawers to pick out what I’m wearing today.

“I do?” Daddy asks clearly confused.

“Yeah; you remember Zacky right?” I ask picking up a red tube top.

“Your friend from high school?” he asks with a slight laugh.

“Yeah, why are you laughing?” I ask as I pick up a pair of shorts.

“Just doesn’t seem like your type is all. Well, we’ll see you around five. I gotta go. Love you, bye,” he asks hanging up the phone making me look at mine in a confused manner.

“Weird,” I say rolling my eyes as I call Zacky. “Hey love,” I say smiling once I hear him answer.

“Hey, what time are we going to your parents for dinner?” he asks as I mull over my shoe choice for the day.

“I told them we’d be there around five. Since it takes like thirty minutes to get there I figured I could come get you once I’m ready if that’s OK,” I say picking out my favorite red flats.

“Sounds good,” he says with a nervous edge to his voice.

“OK well, I’ll head over in like twenty minutes see you then bye,” I say quickly hanging up as I slip on my clothes and put on my normal makeup before brushing my hair and heading out the door. When I get to Zacky’s he’s already outside smoking. “So are you ready for this?” I ask with a nervous laugh as I walk up to him lighting up my own cig.

“What are you so nervous about? I’m their baby’s new boyfriend,” he says smiling as I sit down beside him.

“Boyfriend… I like the ring of that,” I say smiling.

“Good,” he says smiling back before kissing me. “You still didn’t answer my question.”

“Because my family is bat shit insane; I love them but they are. I guess we should head that way now though,” I say looking at my car.

“Come on; it won’t be that bad and besides they seemed to like me back in the day,” Zacky says grabbing my hand before pulling me up and over to my car.

“Back in the day being the main part of that sentence; we weren’t dating then,” I explain as I crawl into my car and we make the thirty minute drive over to my parents. “They look normal from the outside,” I say with a forced laugh as I pull up to my parents two story home.

“It won’t be that bad I promise,” Zacky says getting out of the car.

“Please be right,” I whisper as I climb out, grabbing his hand, before making my way into the house. “We’re here,” I call out after quickly slipping my shoes off.

“In the living room,” I hear my dad call out before guiding Zacky in that direction.

“Daddy!” I nearly scream once I realize he’s cleaning his rifle in the living room.

“What? It needed to be cleaned. Nice to see you again,” Daddy says walking over to Zacky to shake his hand.

“Umm… you too sir,” Zacky says with a forced smile.

“You said you were going to be on your best behavior,” I quickly mumble in Spanish as I hug Daddy.

“What? I’m being nice,” Daddy says back in Spanish causing Zacky to look as us funny.

“Hello Chris; Gene what the hell are you doing?” Abuela asks, the last part in Spanish, as she comes into the room.

“Nothing Mother,” Daddy replies in Spanish as he quickly reassembles his gun and puts it away.

"Are you going to keep doing that?" Zacky whispers.

"What?" I whisper back confused.

"Keep talking in Spanish?" he asks looking confused as Abuela and Daddy continue their conversation in their native language.

"Sorry, well stop soon enough unless we don't want you to know what we're saying," I say with a slight smile at the look he gives me.

“This must be Zackary; I’ve hear so much about you,” Abuela says walking over to Zacky hugging him.

“Nice to meet you,” Zacky says still watching my father.

“Could this get any worse?” I mumble to myself as my mother walks into the room.

“Oh, it’s that Zacky,” she says after looking Zacky over.

“What does that mean?” I quickly ask wishing this night would end soon.

“Nothing; just didn’t think it would be him,” she says shrugging. “Well, dinner is ready,” she says leaving the room to be followed by my father and Abuela.

“Sorry,” I quickly whisper before leading Zacky to the dining room where dinner went on much as the introductions had. “Well, dinner was delicious Mom but we really have to go now; we have something else planned for the night,” I say smiling before stomping on Zacky’s foot when he begins to ask me what. “I love you all and I’ll see you soon,” I say going around the table hugging everyone goodbye. “Sorry about that,” I mumble as I nearly sprint to my car as Zacky trails behind me.

“So I defiantly don’t remember your family being like that,” Zacky says as we both light up and I head home.

“Told you they’re bat shit insane but no; nobody listens to me,” I say throwing my left hand up in the air.

“OK, OK I get it,” he says laughing at my antics.

“I would hope you get it after that display,” I say shuttering as I pull up to his place. “So now what?” I ask as I turn my car off.

“I should probably head home,” I say with a slight pout.

“You sure you can’t stay a little while?” he asks, almost pouting.

“I could but I shouldn’t. I have to work first shift tomorrow; but I promise once I get off I’m all yours if you want me,” I say smiling.

“I’m holding you up to that. Night babe,” he says kissing me before getting out of the car.

I sigh to myself as I watch him walk up to his door then make my way back to my house where I take a quick shower then crawl into bed after popping in P.S. I Love You. Once the movie was over and I had been through about half a box of tissues crying I roll over to see that’s it’s nine and decide I need to go to sleep so I turn off my lamp and let My Darkest Day lull me into sleep.
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Chris's Outfit

so I really appreciate the two new readers leaving a comment. If anyone other than them or Meagen reads this it would be fantastic if you left a comment. Thanks!