Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Girls Night

I nearly crawl to my car after pulling a 16 hour shift and look down at my phone to see Megan has called me a few times. “Jesus,” I mumble before calling her back.

“Hey! So I know you pulled a double today but the boys are gone for the night doing some gay band shit so I think we need to meet up and talk about what happened yesterday. You can come over here and I’ll give you clothes and then you can take a shower then we can talk then you can spend the night,” she says very quickly.

“OK sounds good to me but I’m not promising on how late I’ll be up. I feel like someone beat the hell out of me with a baseball bat,” I explain cracking my back.

“That sucks; but is understandable. So I’ll see you in a few?” she asks the smile on her face evident.

“Yep, bye,” I say smiling hanging up after she had answered me back. I sigh before turning my car on letting it come to life and turning onto the highway to make my way over to Megan’s. “We were just on the phone not fifteen minutes ago,” I whine as I continue to bang on her door once I get to her place.

“I’m coming; oh wow,” she says taking in my appearance once she answers the door.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah I look like shit I get it. Can I take that shower now?” I ask walking in dropping my purse before taking my shoes off.

“Yeah, just go hop in the guest bathroom and I’ll go get you some clothes,” she says scurrying away.

“Oh my god this feels fantastic,” I mumble as the hot water pours over me.

“Clothes are on the counter,” Megan calls out a few minutes later.

“Alright thanks,” I say standing under the faucet for about ten more minutes, when my body doesn’t feel like it’s screaming at me anymore. When I step out and dry off I notice she’s given me one of her shirts along with a pair of Brian’s shorts making me smile since her shorts would probably be too small for me. Once I get dressed I wonder out to the living room to see Megan sitting on the couch.

“So tell me everything; don’t leave anything out,” she says smiling as she sits up on her knees.

“Just take it from when we got off the phone?” I ask to have her nod in response. “OK; well first I flipped because life would be so much easier if you guys understood Spanish for when I was pissed off. Then he just looked at me like I was stupid until I explained why I was so upset; even though I’m not sure he really got it but whatever. Then he told me he’s liked me for a really long time and then I made breakfast,” I explain barely breathing.

“So are you OK with it or what?” Megan asks.

“I’m falling into the: or what category right now. I mean I’m happy he feels that way but you of all people know how shitty my relationships get after it’s said,” I say looking at her sadly.

“Maybe this one is different,” she says smiling. “Are you two doing OK since he said it?” she asks staring at me.

“It’s been a little awkward; I’m not gonna lie. I know Zacky knows why so I have a feeling until I let my guard down and just accept it all its going to go is cause problems,” I admit with a sigh.

“I’m sure things will get better,” Megan says patting my shoulder.

“Patting me like a dog is going to get me to understand that better?” I ask looking at her funny.

“Meh; can’t hurt,” she says with a shrug making us both laugh.

“True. So now that I’ve spilled my guts like a total sap what are we going to do?” I ask stretching out on the couch.

“We’re going to watch the sexiness that is called Johnny Depp,” Megan says smiling.

“Which one of his movies are we watching?” I ask laughing.

“Cry Baby,” she says holding up the DVD.

“Oh my god! I love that movie and I haven’t seen it in forever,” I say smiling like a four year old on Christmas morning.

“Good,” she says smiling before popping in the movie.

“OK so now that the sexiness on the TV is over and I now feel like death I want to crawl into a bed. So where am I sleeping?” I ask trying to get myself up off of the couch.

“The guest room down here is fine; that way you don’t have to try to make it up the stairs then fall and die and haunt me,” Megan says smiling.

“M’kay; night love,” I say as I begin to slowly move in that direction.

“Night,” she says nearly skipping up the stairs making me slightly glare at her.

“I want that energy,” I mumble as I reach the door and slither to the bed where I fall onto it and fall asleep on top of the covers.