Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

I so Need This

“Hello?” I ask, sighing, answering my phone seeing its Zacky. The past two months haven’t been the best for Zacky and me. He insists on continuing to tell me that he loves me which makes me very uncomfortable; I usually just end up smiling like a deranged clown. Due to this there has defiantly been some tension between us; however, I’m getting more comfortable with him saying it so the tension has slowly started to ease some.

“Hey babe; are you ready for this afternoon?” he asks sounding more excited about our vacation then I am.

“I think so,” I say going through my checklist of things in my head.

“Well, don’t you just sound super excited,” he says sounding agitated.

“I’m sorry; it’s been a rough few weeks,” I say mentally cussing at the amount of doubles I had to pull to get the week off so I could go to Miami with him.

“I know. The plane leaves at three so we should be there by one since security is such a bitch,” he says sounding less agitated.

“Sounds good to me love. What time is it now anyways?” I ask too lazy to turn around to see the clock on my living room wall.

“It’s eleven,” he answers back making me freak out.

“OK; well I’ll talk to you when you get here I need to get my shit straight,” I say hanging up before sprinting up my stairs making sure I have everything then getting dressed in a Ramones tank top and yoga pants before slipping on my Gir flip flops. I quickly throw my Steelers hoody in my carryon bag with a few of my favorite books (Picture of Dorian Gray and Fight Club) as I hear my door bell ring. “Shit!” I mumble as I grab my, ginormous, bag and head down stairs (nearly toppling over due to the weight). “Hey baby,” I say smiling as I open the door.

“Did you pack your entire room?” Zacky asks while laughing picking up my bag.

“Kind of,” I say shrugging as I turn around and quickly lock my door before climbing into Zacky’s car.

Eight hours later I finally step off our connecting flight into the Miami airport, “Now I remember why I hate flying.”

“That was horrible,” Zacky says grabbing my hand and leading me over to the baggage claim where we grab out bags, after waiting another thirty minutes, before heading outside where we grab a cab to our hotel.

“What floor are we on?” I ask as we board the elevator since I completely tuned out while Zacky was checking us in.

“The eighth,” he says pushing the button.

“Elevators blow,” I whine as we slowly lurch our way up to the eighth floor of the four seasons. When Zacky gets out I follow him to our room and my jaw drops when I see the view of the water from our room. “This is amazing,” I say dropping my bag as I stand in front of the large window.

“Yeah it is,” Zacky says standing behind me while wrapping his arms around me.

“I so need this,” I say giggling as I throw myself on the king sized bed.

“Do you want to go out and do anything tonight?” Zacky asks joining me on the bed.

“Not really; I’m so tired. I don’t even want to unpack my shit but I know I have to,” I whine looking at my large bag in the corner of the room.

“I’m sure it can wait till tomorrow,” Zacky says looking as tired as I am.

“No it can’t,” I whine before getting up, from the most comfy bed, before trudging over to the corner to drag my suitcase to the closet where I hang up my nicer clothes. “Screw it! That’s good enough for me. Hey, I’m going to hop in the shower really quick,” I say turning around to see Zacky nearly passed out on the bed.

“Would you like some company?” he asks sitting up, looking wide awake, so quickly he makes me giggle.

I bite my bottom lip and quickly go over it in my head before saying, “I guess a little company wouldn’t kill me.” I quickly smile before heading into the bathroom, to have Zacky quickly follow me, before hopping into the shower to take a nice, hot, relaxing shower. After we’re done in the shower I get out dry off before slipping into a purple shirt along with a pair of plaid shorts. “So sleepy,” I say yawning as I crawl into bed.

“Tomorrow our, almost, week of relaxation begins,” Zacky says as he climbs into bed.

“Sounds amazing,” I say as he puts his arm around me and pulls me closer making me smile as I feel the heat radiating from his body onto mine.

“Good night babe,” he says kissing me on the head.

“Night love,” I mumble before drifting off to a deep sleep.