Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Did You Mean It?

“So what do you want to do our last full day here?” Zacky asks kissing my shoulder blade as I slowly come to life.

“First I want to wake up fully,” I say rolling over towards him to bury my face into his chest in an attempt to go back to sleep.

“Then what do you want to do?” he asks moving so I fall onto my stomach.

“Go to the beach?” I more ask than say as I get up and stretch.

“Sounds good; go get ready,” Zacky says before picking me up out of bed and placing me on the floor.

“Fine!” I whine as I, somewhat, stomp over to my bag where I pull out my favorite bikini along with a pair of board shorts before walking into the bathroom. I quickly wash my face and then brush my teeth before throwing my hair into a messy bun and changing before stepping out of the bathroom. “What?” I ask Zacky, since he’s staring at me, as I place a few towels and bottles of water into a beach bag.

“You’re going out in a pair of bottoms that puts a mouth on your crotch?” he asks staring at me oddly.

“So?” I ask as I quickly lather down in sunscreen.

“Nothing; come on,” he says taking my hand and leading me out the door so fast I barely have time to slip on my flip flops.

“You’re walking to fast,” I pout as I try to keep up with Zacky once we’ve made it to the sandy beach.

“Sorry,” he says with a slight smile before slipping his hand into mine and slowing down his pace so I can keep up with him.

“No problem,” I say giving him a peck on the cheek before laying my towel out once we find a decently secluded section of sand.

“You’re really going to lie out in the sun and not go in the water?” Zacky asks looking at me funny as I shuck my shorts and shoes off.

“For a little while,” I say as I get comfortable on my stomach before watching him walk over towards the water. “There’s nothing wrong with tanning,” I mumble to myself a few minutes later before rolling over onto my back and pulling out a book I bought the other day smiling to myself at the warmth of the sun on my face.

“Now you’re just reading?” Zacky asks as we walks back up to me later.

“Baby!” I screech as he’s dripping cold water all over me.

“What? You think that’s cold?” he asks with a laugh.

“I don’t think it’s cold; I know it is,” I say before placing my book down to wipe off my arms. The next thing I know I’m being lifted into the air making me bite down, rather hard, on my lip and quickly wrap my arms around Zacky’s neck. “Zacky, you know I don’t like it when people pick me up,” I say as I release my lip from the death grip of my teeth.

“I swear I’m not going to drop you; at least not yet,” Zacky says with a mischievous smile making me cringe. “Relax babe,” he says slightly rolling his eyes at my childish antics.

The next thing I know we’re now in waist deep, to Zacky’s measurement, water and he’s slowly starting to loosen his hold on me making me cling for dear life to him; before I can even process what’s coming out of my mouth I nearly scream, “I love you! Please don’t drop me.” The few seconds that it takes me to comprehend what I just said pass and my eyes widen and I look up at Zacky to see him looking down at me. “Hi,” I say awkwardly before climbing down from his loose reach so that I’m now in the water as well.

“Did you just say what I think you said?” he asks slightly glancing down at me.

“Yes,” I mumble moving a bit closer to him in hopes he’ll block the wind that is currently causing me to shiver.

“Did you mean it?” he asks making me look up at him.

I bite my lip and quickly advert my eyes before a million different thoughts run through my head, this whole process taking several minutes, before mumbling, “I…”

“You?” he asks a few seconds later once it was obvious I had no intention on continuing on my own.

I let about ten more thoughts run through my head before blushing and looking away as I answer,” I did.” The next thing I know Zacky’s hand is underneath my chin, gently, bringing me to face him before his lips crash onto mine making me smile.

“You just made my vacation babe,” Zacky says after pulling away.

“Awesome; I’m freezing,” I complain before snuggling up to him.

“It is getting kind of late; do you just want to go back to the hotel?” he asks lacing his hand with mine as we make our way back to the shore.

“Sounds good,” I say smiling before quickly kissing him as we make our way over to our things. I quickly shake the sand out of my towel before wrapping it around me. Once I was as covered as I was going to get I hand Zacky his towel then stuff the rest of our things into my bag before we head back to our room.

“Shower?” I ask Zacky with a quick grin before I wonder into the bathroom to be shortly joined by him. Once out of the shower I slip into a pair of pjs before climbing into bed.

“What are you doing?” Zacky asks with a slight laugh.

“Sun made me tired; sleepy time,” I say rolling over to feel the bed move underneath his weight as he crawls in beside me.

“A nap does sound amazing. I love you,” he says kissing my head as I snuggle up against him.

“Love you too,” I say with a smile on my face before nodding off to sleep.
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Day outfit