Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Best Person Ever and Fancy Dinners

“So what are you doing today other than hanging out with the best person ever?” Megan asks handing me a cup of coffee as I walk into her kitchen.

“Apparently Zacky wants to go to some fancy restaurant tonight,” I say taking a quick gulp of coffee before biting my lip.

“And you’re nervous about this because?” Megan asks opening a can of Mt. Dew.

“Fancy places make me nervous,” I say shrugging. “I always feel out of place because I’m not the most poised or graceful thing out there.”

“You can say that again,” Megan says laughing.

“Bite me bitch,” I say with a slight laugh.

“Well, it’s the truth. When are you two going on your fancy date?” she asks with a smirk.

“He’s coming to get me at like seven I think,” I say racking my brain.

“You realize its 4:30 right?” Megan asks checking her phone.

“No! Fuck work; I gotta go. I’ll see you later,” I say before getting up and sprinting to my car before heading to my place.

When I get home I quickly run up to my room and take a shower. After my shower I quickly blow dry my hair and spiral curl it before clipping the front portions back. Next I do my make up with a natural smoky eye. Once my makeup is done I quickly throw on a pair of boy shorts then my strapless bra before rummaging through my closet. After a few minutes I decide on my deep red halter dress with an uneven hem at the bottom. After slipping on my dress I quickly throw on a necklace and bracelet before placing a pair of earrings under my plugs. I hear my phone ring and glace around for a few seconds before answering it, “Hello?”

“Hey baby; are you almost ready?” Zacky asks.

“Just gotta find shoes and a purse,” I say smiling before digging through my closet for a pair of heels that won’t make me taller than him.

“OK; well I’m heading your way in a few minutes. Love you bye,” he says before hanging up.

“Fuck,” I mumble before throwing around about thirty pairs of shoes before finding a pair of black leather heels with a bow on the toe that are only about an inch and a half, still making me slightly shorter than him, and slip them on. Next I hunt around for a few seconds before finding a black clutch and quickly throw in my ID and debit card along with my lip gloss and phone as the doorbell rings.

“You look amazing,” Zacky says as I open the door.

“So do you,” I say smiling as I take in his appearance. He’s wearing a black dress shirt with a purple tie and dark dress pants. “Oh quick question; can I bum cigs off of you tonight? Mine won’t fit in my clutch,” I explain showing him my near overfilled clutch.

“Yeah no problem babe,” he says grabbing my hand and pulling me in for a kiss.

I giggle to myself, lightly touching my lips, before grabbing my key and locking my door. “So why are we going to a fancy restaurant?” I ask as we walk to the car and he opens the door for me making me smile again.

“Because I want to take you out somewhere nice,” he says with a smile before closing my door.

“So where exactly are we going?” I ask quickly stealing a cig and lighting it up.

“It’s a surprise,” he says with a smirk, in fact that’s all he says until we pull up to a restaurant that I couldn’t possibly begin to pronounce.

“Wow,” I mumble as he opens my door and helps me out of the car. “I like this whole gentleman thing,” I say with a slight smile as we lace our fingers together and walk to the door hand in hand. We walk into the restaurant and Zacky tells the maître d' about our reservations before we’re lead to a table that has far too many breakable things placed around me for my liking.

“What’s wrong?” Zacky asks with a slight laugh once he sees my face.

“I’m like a bull in a china shop and there are so many breakable things around me,” I say nervously staring at the three plates and glasses crowded around my place setting making him laugh. “So why are we here again?” I ask about half way through my meal slightly tired of the small talk he’s forcing due to his nervousness.

“I told you already; I wanted to take you somewhere nice,” he says with a nervous smile.

“I have a feeling that’s not all,” I say narrowing my eyes towards him as we get our dessert which is a rich chocolate cheese cake with a thousand different sauces on top of it.

“So maybe there’s more but you have to wait till later,” he says with a smirk.

“You know that isn’t what I’m talking about,” I say as the waiter brings us the check and I get smacked on the hand as I try to look at it. “I just wanted to see how much I need to shell out when I go to pay for a date,” I whine with a slight pout.

“Because I would let you do that,” Zacky scoffs as he pays the bill.

“You’re mean,” I pout as I cross my arms across my chest.

“Yeah, yeah; want to go back to my place?” Zacky asks as we walk out of the fancy restaurant.

“Yeah; if I can stop by my place and grab some stuff for tomorrow,” I say biting my lip; slightly nervous about Zacky’s real motivation behind this fancy dinner.

“OK babe,” he says kissing me before opening my door.

“I think you should stay like this,” I say smiling as I slip into his car. When we get to my place I run upstairs and throw some random clothes into a bag for tomorrow and slip into a sports bra, random oversized shirt and a pair of gray shorts then head back out to Zacky’s car.

“Is that mine?” Zacky asks tugging on my shirt as I crawl back into his car.

“Possibly… actually probably since it’s a Misfits shirt,” I say with a slight giggle. “So what are we doing tonight?” I ask throwing myself down onto Zacky’s couch.

“I actually want to ask you something,” he says with a smile.

“If you pull a ring out I’m running for the hills… just saying,” I say dead serious.

“No, it’s not a ring; but that’s good to know,” Zacky says with a slight laugh. “I wanted to ask. Well, I was wondering,” he begins but trails off again.

“You were wondering?” I ask a few minutes later scooping up Ichabod.

“I was wondering if you’d want to move in with me,” he blurts out, making me jump slightly.

“I would love too; but,” I say petting Ichabod’s head.

“But what?” Zacky asks looking at me like I just ran over the little fluff ball in my lap.

“But I have to talk to my landlord and see if he can get someone to sublease my place babe; I am under a contract with him,” I explain making Zacky look much more comfortable.

“Of course!” he says with a huge smile on his face.

“You’re too cute,” I say with a slight giggle before leaning into to give him a kiss, smiling at the cold feeling on either side of my lip from his lip rings. “Wanna watch Clockwork Orange?” I ask looking at his movies.

“Sure,” Zacky says lightly kissing my head before getting up and putting the movie in.

“I’m exhausted; is it bed time?” I ask yawning when the credits begin to roll on the screen.

“Yeah; smoke first?” Zacky asks tossing me my pack.

“If we must,” I say, nearly dragging myself outside. As soon as I put my cig out I run upstairs and brush my teeth before diving under the covers; nearly passing out before Zacky crawls in beside me.
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Date outfit